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Many Paths to Tread  by Citrine 45 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 6/20/2005
Sadness of this sort affects not just Elrond, I see. Have seen so many ideas of what Legolas's family was like and why there was no mention of his mother. This, of course, is at least, a familiar reason.

Author Reply: And as can be seen here, Thranduil, being a quite a different sort of Elf than Elrond, isn't quite as forgiving and accepting of her choice-this is practically a divorce, he feels bitter and abandoned, and he just demanded-and got-child custody. Whew. Thanks for plowing through the angst again:o)

BrazgirlReviewed Chapter: 11 on 6/20/2005
Very good!

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/20/2005
"He was very, very old for his kind, and tired, and his beard lay on his breast like a blanket of snow. ...He has left me, but I cannot begrudge him his rest."

I think this is a beautifully written portrayal of grief tempered by compassion. One can imagine Legolas tending to Gimli through his decline with patience and love.

"Tomorrow the sun will rise, I will walk on the white sand as I shall for countless ages to come, and the cold sea will foam over my feet. How shall I feel it for the greater, colder pain under my heart? Tomorrow Elbereth's countless stars will shine bright above me. How shall I see them for the tears in my eyes?"

Again, beautiful words expressing strong emotion, and they flow so gently. Just lovely. ~TF

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/16/2005
Ah, yes, I can SO see this happening. Someday has at last come for these two.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/16/2005
Ah, lovely, and especially comforting after posting "Heart Calls to Heart"...

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/14/2005
Ah, very much Eowyn and Merry as I have imagined them, too.

Read these backwards, and enjoyed every one of them. Thank you for a wonderful early afternoon.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/14/2005
A worthy gap-filler for the horrors of Moria. Well done, and I see why Lindelea cheered this one on.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/14/2005
Whether AU or just anticipation by one or both of our boys, this is all too likely a scene. Thank you.

Author Reply: No, thank *you*! I'm stunned that you slogged through all these ficlets, and in so short a period of time, too!
In my first draft Merry's dream was an actual visitation from Pippin's spirit, since I had the idea that while he was dreaming, Pippin had already had his encounter with the troll at the Black Gate. That would've been nicely angsty, but then I realized my story took place too early in the timeline for that-Pippin's company would've been somewhere around Osgiliath, if I got it right. (My middle-name is 'Slavishly Devoted to Canon';o)So it's more likely just Merry's worry expressing itself...and boy howdy, listen to me ramble.
But still, I appreciate your reviews, and thank you so much!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/14/2005
Excellent gap-filler, and superbly written. Love it!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/14/2005
And so Merry hints he has heard Aragorn's news, and Pippin realizes that they might just go here and now. Very sweet, and a sweet ending for our two fellows.

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