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A Creature of Fire  by daw the minstrel 39 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/10/2005
This is just heart-rending.

I hope Eilian comes rushing to the emotional rescue. And that Legolas is able to go home to an understandng Adar.

(Unlike poor Galelas. Who will find that a) Tinar would have jumped out from the falling building and not been injured because his reflexes are so good, or b) Tinar has been so much more severely injured (by having his nose put out of joint), and he didn't make so much fuss. Going home here is not the best thing for Galelas and it will probably undo all the progress he and Legolas have made.)

I must go now and read about that other poor little boy who lost his naneth.

Author Reply: Fortunately for Legolas, Eilian is in the eastern part of the forest. And to tell the truth, that's one reason he's here. I need him close enough to serve a plot point here.

Ack. Poor Galelas. I hope Namo is being kind to him.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/10/2005
I was thinking about this chapter last night as I went to sleep (how sad is that??) I know Legolas will be surrounded by love, care and support from his family when he returns home. But if poor Galelas had suffered the same sort of loss, he'd be told to pull himself together, and be thankful it wasn't Tinár!


Author Reply: I find it flattering that you thought about this chapter at all after you finished reading it! (And how sad is that?!) Poor Galelas indeed. When he goes home, he actually leaves the support and respect of his fellow warriors to go to a less supportive one. His family is the pits.

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/9/2005
I felt so bad for Legolas during this whole chapter. How incredibly sad. I had the feeling, considering the way things were going between Legolas and Tuillinn that she was doomed. You didn't write about them together in your two stories taking place after this one, and I didn't think they would just end up parting ways. Poor baby. He is in for some real heartache ahead.

Author Reply: Legolas seems single to me at the time of the Quest. At least, he feels free to roam around with Gimli after it's over rather than hurry home to the missus. So this story is supposed to be my explanation for why that's so. And yeah, it's going to take him a while to recover from this.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/9/2005
Poor Legolas, poor Galelas and poor Tuilinn. Tuilinn served the purpose well, though, and definitely gives Legolas something to look forward to in Aman.

I am looking forward to Legolas returning home, though... I think he and his adar will have an even better understanding of each other now.

Author Reply: The homecoming may take a while! I have a thing or two on my outline here. And as you know, I have to go give a talk this week, so I won't be writing much. But yes, Adar will be there, knowing exactly how it feels to lose a bonded mate.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/9/2005
Daw, I'm nearly speechless. This was such a beautifully done chapter. The whole quality of it was just as Legolas said--like being in a bad dream you cannot wake from. He was so stunned that even his grief seemed to well up from places unknown to him. And he behaved like a person in such shock that he was simply functioning...slow and disoriented, like he was wading through a space so viscous that placing one thought or one emotion together coherently was not possible. He cried but wasn't really aware of it. He was in pain from his wounds but didn't really notice. I've seen people like this and you did an excellent job of capturing the disconnect that people suffer when delivered a terrible blow.

The only thing that kept him grounded at that moment was Galelas's needs. Some of what he did was automatic and some of it from somewhere in his heart. I imagine he'll remember little of the conversation he had with Galelas. Hopefully, Galelas will remember enough of what happened to see that Legolas is not the appropriate target for his discontent. He was not in very good shape either.

Beliond was frantic, but tender when he realized that Tuilinn was dead. He will truly go into caregiver mode now. And Legolas will need him until he's returned to his family. I don't know about Legolas, but I sure do need Thranduil right now. There are no stronger or more secure arms that Adar's right now. I'm sure it will take Thranduil a bit to understand the depth of Legolas's loss--after all, he knows nothing about this maiden--but he will certainly be able to relate to it. I'm sure Beliond will report to the king that this new found love was the most serious his youngest son had experienced and how devastating Tuilinn's loss is for Leglas. And Sinnarn came through as a serious warrior doing his job admirably.

I think the depth of Legolas's despair and shock was evident in the last scene when he watched Fyndil remove her body and as tears rolled down his cheeks, his thoughts were focused on a little boy separated from his family. I sure Legolas could relate to that at that moment too.

I'm so depressed now that Daeron might have to take some time to mourn before he can get back on his feet. This chapter was moving and written like a poem of profound sorrow.

Oh my...I have to go get another Kleenex.

And we all need to get back to the forest soon. Don't leave us hanging for long.


Author Reply: You're very reassuring about Legolas's reaction. I knew I couldn't write extravagantly open grief, and I thought he might still be half denying this to himself and maybe more than half intending to follow her. But he'd realize he couldn't do that. He had duty and compassion for Galelas and Beliond nagging at him! Anyway, numb seemed the way to go.

Legolas's family is also going to be shocked when Beliond delivers him (assuming he manages to make Legolas go home). They had no idea there was any romance in the works and Legolas is supposed to be taking it easy after a bad time in the south has already made him vulnerable. I think the death of the young warrior there and Tuilinn's and Lorellin's are somehow all rolled together for Legolas now into one sense of loss and possibly failure to protect. Not much logical in that but what can you do.

I was depressed last night too. And this week I have to go to Virginia on business, so I probably won't get the next chapter done for a while.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/9/2005
That was heartbreaking, but I am not surprised at Tuilinn's demise. Somehow I just knew that you did not intend for her and Legolas to continue whatever that they had. Poor Legolas! To have his first love taken away like that. That was superbly done by the way. I felt as though I was in a fog with Legolas throughout that chapter. Everything was at a distance, including the emotions.

What Galelas said about his family not caring was pretty wrenching too. I am glad that Legolas said what he did to Galelas. It did nothing to lessen his own pain of losing Tuilinn, but at least Galelas has a better idea now of his own worth to those who really count. Says alot about Legolas' character too. Thranduil has raised one fine son.

I just love Beliond - forever the sturdy rock in Legolas' life.

Author Reply: Yeah, letting Tuilinn live seemed uncanonical to me. I think Legolas was single at the time of the Quest or he wouldn't have run all over ME with Gimli afterwards. So this story is my explanation of why that's the case.

Thranduil has indeed raised a fine son. He responded well to Galelas's need. Both he and Galelas were pretty worn down here and were ready to be truthful for a change.

Thank goodness for Beliond!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/9/2005
Well, so much for Tuilinn. I am glad that you showed some mercy on her, though --an instantaneous death from being crunched rather than catching fire, which would be long and painful not only for her, but for Legolas and probably all the viewers at home as well. So long, Tuilinn. You will be missed.

You did a nice job of portraying the shock and disorientation of the building collapse. Beliond, of course, is hysterical with worry, and he's probably hurt as well. Legolas gets that one-two physical and emotional punch and just falls back on his training as the only thing that keeps him on his feet and moving forward in space and time, struggling to accept reality.

And Galelas! Here he is, in a uniquely vulnerable position, and suddenly Legolas, whom he doesn't like, is saying nice things to him and taking care of him. It occurs to me that Galelas is probably supremely unused to being taken care of. He's a competent warrior, so I bet he doesn't get hurt all that often. And when he does get hurt, he gets packed off to his parents, who may or may not notice his presence. But here he is with the King's son fussing over him and telling him what a good warrior he is, and that his hero Eilian prefers him to Tinár, and then Vanduil carries him out of the rubble as gently as he can -- this whole being-taken-care-of thing is probably really new to Galelas. And it's probably even more disorienting than his injuries.

I think he was jealous of Legolas when Tuilinn came along, and now he'll be spared the horrible crushing grief that will lay Legolas out flat for a few days. This whole adventure will probably give him cause to step back and take a look at himself and his situation. It may even turn him into the sort of person who might take a metaphorical bullet for Legolas come the Battle of Five Armies. Galelas is turning into a very interesting person in this story. For me, he's far more interesting than Tuilinn -- she was doomed from the get-go, but there's plenty of time to spend hanging out with Galelas and watch his character develop.

It seems that it's not a good idea to be a loved woman in Legolas's life. So far, there are four. Nana got eaten by Orcs. Miriwen got seduced by Eilian. Synia got dumped. And Tuilinn got squished. Three out of four is not good odds here. I'll settle for just being friends. Far as I know, Alfirin, Celuwen and Annael's wife and mother are just fine.

Elorfin is just going to have kittens over this. And so will Thranduil and Ithilden. They posted Legolas there to help him recover his sanity check, didn't they? Kid brings his own bad luck with him, it seems. He'll need the proverbial vacation to recover from his vacation.

Author Reply: Yes! That's right. Legolas reacted out of training, and Beliond's nagging, and a deeply ingrained sense of duty. Without those, he might just have let go.

Jasta Elf was the one who suggested I write something in which Legolas and Galelas are alone and have to depend on one another. I supposed Legolas doesn't exactly depend on Galelas here, but they're both stripped of pretense here and they see one another a little differently, I think. I thought this was a good opportunity for them to inch a little closer to understanding one another, given what eventually happens at the 5 Armies. Galelas has grown more interesting for me too. He's gotten complicated as I worked with him.

Miriwen got seduced by Eilian. In her dreams! I take your point though. He's not very lucky in love.

All those in charge in the Greenwood are going to be upset about a bunch of stuff, including the fact that a honking big dragon just moved into the neighborhood.

LOTR loverReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/9/2005
Remember in my last review I said "You know I'm waiting with bated breath for the next chapter, don't you?" Well, all my expectations were met, and more. Poor Legolas and poor Tuilinn. Poor Galelas. And thank the Valar for Beliond, who probably needs leave now almost as much as Legolas does!

Legolas's actions and feelings are spot on here, daw. Writing this whole chapter from his POV was a brilliant move on your part, because showing his actions and emotions dulled as they were was a thousand times better than saying "he felt this or that." And when he kept trying to reach her but couldn't and then drifted off into imagining what their life might have been together--well, it's a good thing he had the responsibility of helping Galelas and of reassuring Beliond that he was still alive, or the patrol would have carried two bodies back to Mirkwood.

At least he can look forward to seeing her again in Aman.


Author Reply: I'm glad this met your expectations. It was hard to write actually. Deep emotions are very difficult to do, I find. So it seemed better to me to treat Legolas as just stunned and maybe sending his fea out after hers. Beliond did well to keep shouting to him and ordering him to answer. And then duty kicked in when he saw Galelas.

Yeah, he can see her again. Along with his mother and Turgon too. And Annael's father.

Brenda G.Reviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/9/2005
Well, add my tears to the rest that have reviewed so far. I knew Tuilinn was curtains, but I just didn't know how you would handle her exit. I'm glad her face was peaceful and serene, not crushed along with the back of her head, when Legolas found her. At least Legolas' last look at her would not be any more nightmarish than it already was. Since He and Tuilinn were "bonded" in spirit, I thought it was strange that Legolas didn't notice at once that his link to her had been broken. Maybe his own body was reeling from shock and injury and the confusion that must invariably follow being victim to a cave-in. It was very sad to me that once he did discover her body, that he could no longer "feel" her. You handled his reaction very realistically, I thought. The dazed numbness and lack of outpouring of wild grief is a common occurrence for the bereaved, especially when the death of someone they love is so sudden and unexpected. Maybe Legolas will see Tuilinn again in Valinor some day. Isn't there a chance she will be reincarnated and sent back to Arda in a similar or different form? Maybe they could meet again, but the romance perhaps not quite play out as it would have this time had Tuilinn lived. I don't think I dreamed up the reincarnated thing, or did I? Isn't that what happened to Glorfindel?

The part where Legolas projects to the future about the life he and Tuilinn might have shared together - she finally in his bed and holding their child in her arms. That's what finally got the waterworks going for me. It's those "might have beens" that can really get you where you live (and die) at times. Legolas will always mourn Tuilinn. His first real love, lost love, and now his forever love. It is indeed time to go home to the Forest for healing. I'm wondering already how Thranduil will react. Having lost his own love himself, he alone out of the royal family will be able to relate. Poor Legolas. :(

Beliond was the tether to keep Legolas from drifting away. He was in so many ways, the anchor for all of us in this chapter. Thank the Valar for him! I'm glad that Sinnarn and the others escaped unharmed, and like Legolas, how sad for the small boy without a mother! He and Legolas have shared experiences, don't they? The exchange between Legolas and Galeas was very good. My heart went out to both of them, and I just hope that Galeas remembers at least the important parts of their conversation.

This was well done. This entire story has been very well done. I meant to review last chapter, but I think I was in as much shock as citizens of the Dale - too dazed by all the horror to even react, but I must say, I could taste the ash, feel the heat, hear the screams as I read that chapter. Gave me a good case of the willies!

First rate writing, Daw. Looking forward (as always) to the next chapter.

Author Reply: I thought that Legolas's bond with Tuilinn was real but shallow. They had only begun to form it, which I took to mean that this love was real but new. But he could feel its absence, even through his disorientation and pain. And yeah, you remember the reincarnation thing right. Tolkien changed his mind about how it happened (were you reborn as a baby or what?), but the last thing he wrote on it said that people got reincarnated in Valinor. That's what happened to Glorfindel.

You're so right about Thranduil! In the early chapters of this story, it seems to Legolas that everyone is happily paired but him. He failed to notice the one person who has lost the one he loved. I think this will give them a deeper understanding of one another.

And thank goodness for Beliond! He's seen it all before and his priorities are clear. Now he has to tend to his distraught charge and get the wounded and dead out of there.

Frodo3791Reviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/9/2005
I don't know if that was a shorter chapter or if I just read really quickly, but it ended way too fast for me. I knew Tuilinn was going to meet her end, but that's an incredibly sad way to have it done... poor Legolas having to find her body and all and be the one to announce that she is dead. I'm confused about Legolas' grief, though, and I'm sure you probably meant it to be so. I'm guessing the next chapter will explain it, so I hope to see the next chapter soon... not that you don't update quickly anyway, but I'd love to read more ASAP. Your stories are always a pleasure to read, and I am really enjoying this all Legolas point of view story.


Author Reply: The chapter was about 3/4 as long as the ones I've been writing, so it was a little short. Frankly, I couldn't take any more! Writing it depressed the wits out of me.

I hope Legolas's grief wasn't too confusing. He's dazed and confused and scarcely able to take everything in. He's been hurt physically and her death is really wrenching. I think he'd go after her if he could, but Beliond's nagging and Galelas's need keep him there.

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