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Ripe for Change  by Bodkin 77 Review(s)
The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/6/2005
I have really enjoyed this story, Bodkin. I think writing about Aman would be difficult. It's a place of healing, peace, and calm, but you've managed to give something that could be extremely boring, a wonderful sense of personality. I also like that Goerfér notes that it can get a little dull. Interesting to consider. Even the Elves need challenges and perhaps, this 'la-la land' is difficult at times even for them. I liked Celeborn seeing old friends from his youth and reacquainting himself with them. And I liked how you gave these wandering elves such distinct personalities.

Celebrian is still at home worrying about her parents. I get a kick out of that. Her parents are two of the most formidable elves to ever grace Arda and she's worried that they can't take care of themselves in the woods. Funny how the parent/child roles flip at times. But she loves them and is worried about her father adjusting to Aman. Gotta love her for that.

Now...Daeron wants me to ask: Celeborn was naked when he was lying by the pond, right? With the starlight on his cheeks? He was lying on his back, right? :>)

I'm very much looking forward to more of this story.

Karen...and Daeron

Author Reply: I'm glad you are enjoying it. Well - healing, peace and calm, yes - but inhabited by a group of people who produced Feanor. I don't think that it would be dull - but (hopefully) it would mostly be tolerant and accepting of differences. Elves would need something to do - and making jewels wouldn't be enough for many of them. I'm sure Celeborn arrived hoping to see rather more of the friends of his youth - but I can't imagine them hanging around in the civilised Noldor bits of Aman.

C and G are all that - but they're her parents, and parents are always a worry! Especially when they're light-headed with the pleasure of being together again. Celebrian is a star.

Daeron is a boy elf. He knows what boy elves look like when they're relaxing by the pool! Tell him to use his skills to make you a sketch.

Do you think Celeborn should swim more often?

I have started the next chapter. (And all the other next chapters. This makes a pleasant relief from worrying about boats.)

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2005

Oh I am so glad you update this story! Once again, there is no part that is not, for all review purposes, perfect. Writing, characterization, pacing - even the little aside to Elrond and Celebrian. Just mentioning the idea of Finrod coming into the story was reason that lovely scene besides the usual treats you tucked in.

Ah but, there was so many small things that tickled me in particular! To mention just a few... :)

Their repartee and affectionate interaction prior to meeting the wandering elves.

That phrase: "from repose to readiness with the wariness of a warrior" I love alliteration like that!

And Goerfer's name! So appropo - just as an elf's name should be, espeically in C's family. Gotta say, you were very kind to aviod the Ilkorin spelling used in his other cousin's name and saddling him with a silly name problem like his silver-haired cousin's. ...geez, that got rather twisty, didn't it...

The guys' conversation was as jokingly cordial as it should be between two old buddies. And yet, there is that line even Goerfer cannot cross. I wonder how long it would have taken the others to make a move if Goerfer had not been there.

I continue to appreciate how you describe the circumstances of being reborn, especially for wood-elves, as being very different for those who sailed in need of a place to heal.

Losgael and Galadriel's conversation about going home again and its slight reflection of Celeborn's earlier reminder to himself about going back to what has passed. But, that they can find a another home for themselves given time is really is a shared mission, I think.

Interesting that Losgael used the term Laquendi, that was the name the Noldor gave the Laegrim. But, she did live under Noldor lordship. Did she die before or after revelation of the Kinslaying and Thingol's edict? Her mention of Luthien did not make that very clear considering she might have heard that from someone else.

Celeborn's hackles raising over aspersions cast at his lady. Very gallant and amusing bit.

"pretending artlessness is a form of arrogance as great as any other" Ha! I wish he had said that to Hrassa.

"how much mystique they invested in the silver-haired scions of Elu's kin" ;D I have to like that line.

And so many others as well, but this is enough surely or I would be quoting the entire chapter and parsing it like a snip.

Great chapter. You are spoiling your readers rotten.

Author Reply: Thank you - I'm glad you liked it. I thought I recognised a bit of influence from someone there on the silver-haired scions of Elu's kin - I wonder who has been making me look at Celeborn that way!

I love writing C and G alone - I think it's the only time they could be really relaxed and silly and normal. So much of the time they are rulers and the holders of power and have to behave like that. I wouldn't be surprised if G loves being in the woods simply so that she can throw nuts at Celeborn and giggle.

I'm glad you like Goerfer's name. I try, but naming isn't easy. (It's also a stinky name to type.) They know each other well enough to be rude to each other - but Celeborn's had a lot of hassle over his Noldo wife and he's had to make some lines perfectly clear. Although he didn't actually hit his (distant) cousin. (I think anyone who sneered at Celeborn to Galadriel would need to watch for vengeance, too.)

Being re-embodied must be . . . odd. And nothing would make these elves go and seek court places in Tirion.

I do think that, however Galadriel hankered for home, she would have found that after three ages, the Blessed Realm wasn't home - and that Arda was, so that she probably yearns (now) for the places she lived across the sea. (Frequently emigrants find that they end up with something between two homes and none.) I think they will find a home in the end. . . . . Somewhere across the mountains, probably, in a vast and ancient forest.

Laiquendi - I could say she was being snarky and getting at Galadriel. But really, I'm just not up on all the differences. They call themselves Laegrim, right? OK. I'll remember that. I think (conveniently) that whenever they died, they probably know all sorts of the more dramatic bits of history from later centuries. After all, as Goerfer says, it can get a bit boring wandering incessantly - and they fill up the gaps with gossip.

I love it when lines are quoted - it makes me feel really good.

I'm glad you're enjoying it!

EllieReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2005
I enjoyed this very much! Love the shy elves and Celeborn slowly being accepted back into the fold and into the free wandering ways he left so long a go. Glad his buddy returned and rememebrs him. Can't wait to read more!

Author Reply: It must be very disconcerting to die in an Arda before the sun rose and be re-embodied into live in Aman. And I think the wandering elves would be very shy and keep to themselves - and it would take a long time to be accepted by them, probably.

Thank you for commenting - and more will come. There's a bit started off now, so I know how the next bit is going. (I just need time to write now!)

DotReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2005
A delicious and fascinating chapter. I was delighted to see an update for this one. And I'll write a decent review tomorrow when my brain is (hopefully) functioning slightly better :-)

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it - the first half wrote itself, but it was waiting for something more. (I really need more structure - I dive in and then realise I can't swim!)

Take chocolate and wine. Guaranteed brain repair.

BejaiReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2005
Oh, wonderful, Bodkin! Just yesterday I was hoping you would update this story, and here it is! You mind reader, you. Don't have time to leave a long review, but wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed it. Well, maybe I have time to make one or two comments ;)

- Celeborn. Walking around. Naked. *whew*

- Meeting the other elves, and getting a little into the complex backstory of C&G. I love hints of the Silm!

- Celebrian, still worried about them, and wanting to send Finrod after them. Ha!

Great chapter. Really made my day to find this here today.

Author Reply: Yep. Naked. And quite happy about it. He feels that if anyone has a problem with it - it's their problem. Or not.

I am beginning to feel a bit more knowledgeable about Background Stuff - and love throwing it in when I can - although I'm rather nervous about making mistakes (dealt with by keeping it vague!)

Ahh - typical daughter of ageing parents! They're a bit euphoric at the moment and she's not used to them being so light hearted. So something must be wrong. Finrod would be an interesting addition (but one I will avoid, I think). I don't have a feel for him yet.

It was fun to write. The first half had been done for ages, but something needed to happen - and I couldn't decide what until Goerfer announced his presence.

Thank you - I feel inspired to go and start chapter 3 now!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/5/2005
The look at these wandering, re-embodied elves was fascinating! I loved their oneness with the forest, and Galadriel is quite right. She and Celeborn could benefit from walking with them for a while. Still, I'm just bowled over by the lack of goal directed behavior. It's so different from the way we live!

Author Reply: I love the juxtaposition of wandering elves and goal-directed behaviour. I can just picture the disapproval among the strait-laced Noldor as they tut at the pointlessness of 'just because it's there - and what's over the next hill' behaviour. It will do C and G both good to get away from people who expect things of them - although I don't know how long that will last!

I was thinking today, as I drove, that they can only be totally relaxed and silly when they are alone - most people look at them with Expectations. And they are used to fulfilling them. I can't see these two lacking direction for long!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/6/2005
What a lovely, lyrical beginning, Bodkin! I look forward to seeing where you go with this...

- Barbara

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm not sure how long it will be - but felt that C and G needed a bit of time in the woods to - h'mm - rebuild their relationship. And for C to settle and find a purpose for himself in the Blessed Realm.

(And that, as I seem to like revisiting the time period, it would be better to put it in one story - I've already got about four single chapter reunion tales.)

DotReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/28/2005
Believe it or not, I’ve trying to get a review written for this chapter since you posted it. I’m disgracefully behind with reviewing at the moment. I’ve been apologising to everyone and I must apologise now to you too!

I love all your stories but my favourites are definitely your Galadriel/Celeborn ones. So I was thrilled to see this! The opening was so beautiful. You completely transported me away from a wet and windy night! I adore the way these two tease one another. I can just see Celeborn regretting ever saying anything while she recited the list of things to be done. And I think the line ‘Sewing enables me to look industrious while I scheme’ is one of the best in fanfiction!

It must be rather disappointing to learn that life is still full of mundane details even in this supposedly wondrous place. Even Galadriel, for all her desire to see her home again, must have been at a loss sometimes. Running away for a while is a wonderful idea! It’s clearly what Celeborn needs until he is sufficiently recovered to take on new projects. I love that she knows this and wants to give it to him. But there seems to be a suggestion too that she needs her husband to herself, away from anyone else.

I love the glimpse of their time in Doriath! There’s something oddly appealing about the idea of Galadriel and Luthien conspiring against Celeborn!!

I had to laugh at everyone’s reactions to the Lady of the Golden Wood trekking off into the forest to spend some time in the wild. Personally, I think she’ll be fine. She may have spent a long time floating around Lothlorien in white dresses but to be fair, she’s known a lot of hardship too and proved herself very capable. It would seem that elves aren’t any different, though, when it comes to adult children thinking their parents need to be looked after. Celebrían seems rather less than pleased with her parents’ plan. Of course, she’s seen how much her mother suffered while waiting for Celeborn to arrive so I guess I can’t blame her for feeling protective towards her.

The line “His patience had worn at her restlessness, his straightforwardness had confounded her guile, his obstinacy had taught her to bend – on occasion – and his enduring love had made it possible for her to bear burdens that could have broken her” brought tears to my eyes. That’s so beautiful. There’s something very humble about Galadriel in that moment and her love for him just shines through.

Celeborn does seem more alive out in the forest. Apart from being reunited with his wife and daughter, he can’t have found it easy being here. At least for now he can let the trees and the earth soothe and revive him in a way that nothing else could.

These two seem to understand each other as no-one else can and I love the comfortable conversation and light teasing in which they indulge, but I also really like the way you write their physical closeness. There’s something very tender about it. There was something quite poignant too in the way Celeborn suddenly realises his wife might know that feeling of being a stranger in a strange land more than he had thought.

Celeborn just needs to find his place in all this. It might take him some time, but at least he has plenty of that. I look forward to seeing what you do with him! The ending of this chapter was lovely too. As long as the owners of the "silvery voices" are far enough away from these two naked, content elves! You write description so easily and fluidly.

Anyway, sorry again this took me so long. I really did love it :-)

Author Reply: Sometimes it's really hard to find time to review - especially for a reviewer as comprehensive as you! I'm just pleased to hear from you at all!

They are my favourite pair - (and, actually, get more so as I write them) - and I love how they have grown to match each other over so many years.

And that's the trouble with paradise really - someone still has to do the laundry. And even elves aren't going to give up eating entirely. In some ways, I think Celeborn would almost find the existence of everyday responsibilities to be some kind of reassurance - the Blessed Realm is really not all that different from Arda. (But that doesn't necessarily mean he wants to get involved in them!) I wonder about Galadriel and her desire to see home again - and wonder if it would be like a long-term emigrant coming home from America or Australia to see the romanticised home of their youth - only to realise why it is they left in the first place.

They do need time - time to heal and recreate their union and just settle into a new world. I feel that she has been stuck marking time until Celeborn arrived - and that she has healing to do as well and that they can only do together.

(When I started doing this, I could never have dropped in references to Doriath and Esgalduin and Luthien and so on. I have picked up a LOT of background over the last year or so. It makes it all much more fun.)

Do kids ever think their parents can do things? And Galadriel has spent a lot of time perfecting her shiny white mystic image - I imagine it's a while since Celebrian has seen her covered in mud and she's probably never seen her fending for herself. I have no doubt that she can do it - and will - and that she will enjoy herself enormously.

They have both taken a lot of stick over a lot of years because of their love for each other - and I think they both know that what they have become is directly related to their relationship.

Celeborn was very worn when he arrived, but he needs space and natural forest to help him heal - and Galadriel will see he gets it. They will support each other - and eventually they might even agree to get their clothes back on!

Thank you for commenting.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/24/2005
I just love the way you portray Galadriel and Celeborn! The first story I ever read by you was the "Letters from Home" I think it's called...the one where Celeborn sends letters to Galadriel in the Undying Lands while he is still in Middle Earth. Now he has recovered enough to feel the need to find some purpose for his life...not an easy task, I would imagine. He may have been an elf lord of great power and position on M-E, but in Valinor, he's a newcomer, and a Sinda at that.

Galadriel and her sewing was perfect - look all innocent and industrious, while plotting and planning! LOL She is great!

Had to laugh at Celebrian's doubts about her naneth being able to "rough it" in the forest. I mean, Galadriel wasn't always the Lady of the Wood...she always struck me as strong and capable and very well able to take care of herself, no matter the conditions. But, that's a grown daughter for you (my own is kinda doing that to me right now :-) - it's a very interesting position to be in!)

As usual your descriptive talents turn me pea-green with envy...I won't list my favorite lines...I'd be rewriting the bulk of the chapter. Let's just say the woods were lovely, lovely, lovely....

However, my favorite part of all is the relationship between Celeborn and Galadriel. Honestly, those two...they have me fanning myself most of the time...and giggling at their banter with each other. Anyway, this is great...I was so glad to see that it would continue beyond one chapter. Your Paradise... vignettes are like appetizers...they leave me starving for more. Thanks for the feast, Bodkin!!!! :-)


Author Reply: Thank you! 'Letters from Home' was the first story I ever risked posting - together with the first 'Reflection' and 'And in the Morning'. (It was partly written in a hotel room in Sydney, when we went to my cousin's wedding. Random useless information.)

I'm really not at all sure that the Blessed Realm would be all that much of a paradise to the elves of Arda once they had overcome their exhaustion and healed. I think even Galadriel (or possibly, even, especially Galadriel) would have found herself at a loose end in someone else's land. She may have yearned for Aman, but she had been gone a long, long time. And Celeborn is not one to sit around doing nothing - and, despite being married to Galadriel, not one to sit around 'yes-man'ning the decisions of others. If ever anyone needed his own lands to guide, it is the Lord of Lothlorien.

Galadriel is brilliant at looking the lady - but underneath she has the soul of a pioneer. Whatever Celebrian might think, Galadriel will be fine under the most difficult of conditions! (Grown children all seem to think their parents need looking after - I don't expect elves are any different.)

And yes - there's a lot going on under the surface between C and G. Yet they are able to share it without scaring the horses and embarrassing the neighbours! Subtle, they are.

I hope I'm not piling in too much description - it can get tedious. But, at times, combinations of words just ask to be written. And who am I to refuse them!

Nice to hear from you. Best wishes.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/19/2005
Oh my goodness, Bodkin. This is just beautiful, gliding along like the song the elves were singing as the sun set. Your descriptions were rich and vibrant; your characters were just as full and alive.

The way you described Celeborn's weariness and tenuous steps toward blending into this strange place was such a wonderful understanding of what it must have been like to have to adjust to being a care-worn stranger in a strange land. Galadriel's willingness to give whatever was needed to see him hear the song of the native trees and find his place was so nicely done.

Of course, Celebrian wasn't quite as sold on this adventure as her parents were. I'm not sure what sort of danger lurks in Valinor other than those found in nature, but Celebrian didn't seem to think her parents were up to this. Her mother, especially, wasn't used to such hardships as not having scented baths and a kitchen crew. I think she underestimates her mother. Galadriel might have been The Lady of the Golden Wood, but she was not a wilting violet. She had many struggles in her time in ME, and I don't think there is much that she couldn't master.

I'm truly looking forward to seeing what happens on this trip into the wild. I hope the wildest thing that happens is between the two of them!

This is just wonderful!


Author Reply: Thank you.

Celeborn was reluctant to sail, I feel, not just because he didn't want to leave his homeland, but because he was worried about what he could possibly do in Valinor. I would imagine, actually, that Galadriel found it just as difficult to settle - it may have been where she was born and where her parents still lived, but going home to your parents after three ages of being your own boss can't be the easiest situation. I think she has long had in mind that it would be necessary to take her husband off to the forests for a long period of renewal.

No, Celebrian wasn't too keen on her parents becoming grown-up gappies, going off to find themselves in the forest! Of course, Galadriel had been in a bit of a state, because she didn't think Celeborn was going to sail, and Celeborn is only just recovering from the exhaustion of those last years in Arda - she's only wanting to look after them! (The moment, my mother says, when you no longer carry the shopping - your children pick it up and carry it for you.) Galadriel can, of course, cope perfectly well without the niceties of life. She's done it before - more than once - and can do it again. And, in fact, she will enjoy a challenge.

I think there's plenty happening between the two of them! Why do you think they were so relaxed?

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