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The Road to Edoras  by Dreamflower 529 Review(s)
Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 53 on 7/7/2009
It's about time Beri and Viola make it "official." Also, I'm interested to see how Eomer wins Lothiriel's heart.

I kind of feel bad for the prisoner hobbits, but I think Cado, at least, will not have such an awful life.

I was glad to see this was updated at last!

Author Reply: Yes, it's been "unofficial" until now. But Beri's declared his intentions in a thoroughly Brandybuck fashion!

You have not heard the last of Cado. I have sequels. *grin* But they are not ready yet for posting.

I was glad to *get* it updated. This story is the most difficult one I've written-- it has been very stubborn, but I have finally wrestled it into submission!

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 53 on 7/7/2009
Oh, hooray, they're officially courting!

This was a wonderful chapter, I enjoyed it!

Author Reply: Yes, it's official now! *grin*

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 53 on 7/6/2009
*sigh* Wow. I really loved that last scene with Viola and Beri -- well done. :-)

Everything has come together so brilliantly! I'll be waiting for more, sad as it will seem with the story coming to an end. *sniff, sniff* I've really enjoyed it all.

Author Reply: *grin* I'm so glad. I worried that after all the build-up, people would be disappointed.

Yes, this story is nearly at an end, but the sequels are in the works, though it will be quite some time before they are ready for posting!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 53 on 7/6/2009
Ah--what a wonderful promise tradition! Oh, I like! And so glad this at last is being finished! Am ALMOST done with the next chapter of Last Star, but that's as may be, of course.

Now, the final chapters of this one approach!

Author Reply: Yes, I had decided quite some time ago that a lad offering a lass yellow ribbons was a courtship tradition that had once been widespread among hobbits, but now lived on only in Buckland.

(I do hope to see more soon of Lynesse's story!)

KittyReviewed Chapter: 53 on 7/6/2009
YAY! You finally updated! *happy dance*

Éomer is making progress with Lothíriel, I see :)

*LOL* That was the perfect explanation for the rather silly Elven songs in the Hobbit that are so absolutely different from Tolkien's other work! Of course they had to be embarassed by that sort of song later when they learned Bilbo had written it down in his book and retold it so often! Now I'm wondering which explanation you might find for the serving animals - they were even less believable ;)

Good to see that the Hobbits all get to talk to the big folk. And of course, Mosco's little explanation how he's related to the Travellers left me giggling. Love that! And sneaky Meneldor, too. What a way to repay Amrothos for his well-meant and well-justified warning!

*grin* That public gathering is certainly the last place where Bergil should tell his father just how he was made a honorary cousin. But Beregond drew the right conclusions anyway. Maybe he will get the details out of his son later, who knows? And it is good to know he appreciates it that this visit to the Shire gave Bergil something of his childhood back.

And Beri and Viola are now officially courting, yay! About time, I'd say - it was too obvious that they were in love.

Author Reply: Yes!! FINALLLY! I am so excited to be finally finishing this. I have never had such a recalcitrant story before!

He certainly is, thanks to Merry's excellent advice. *grin*

I'm sure they found it very embarassing to realize that their little joke song was immortalized by a hobbit!

I really wanted all of the hobbits to get a chance at conversation at this last feast; and Amrothos is going to be rather surprised when he finds himself cornered by Mosco!

I'm not sure if Bergil will tell even his father-- I'm sure that he enjoys his little secret, just between him, Sir Pippin, Sir Merry and Legolas!

Yes, the courtship is official! Not that any in the group doubted it, but now Beri's intentions are quite clear!

ViresseReviewed Chapter: 52 on 5/27/2009
Just, no update yet.

Author Reply: No, not yet! I was quite taken by surprise when my story "Trotter" won the finish-a-thon vote instead of "Road to Edoras"!! But it's definitely got my writing going, so I will soon get back to it.

R2E has been the most stubborn story I have ever written!

Author Reply: If you are still wondering-- I just sent the last three chapters of this story to my beta tonight. I hope to get them posted very soon! *grin*

AeärwenReviewed Chapter: 52 on 4/26/2009
Of all the hobbit stories at this site, this one and the ones that came before it are my favorites. I sincerely hope that you will continue this tale of hobbits coming to Minas Tirith. Your cast of characters is delightful, and it is good to see them move forward into the Fourth Age.

Thank you for writing hobbit stories that have substance to them.

Author Reply: Well, thank you very much! I only have a couple of chapters left on this-- I hope to soon get it finished, if my hobbits will just stay where I put them and stop haring off into the sequel! But right now I have some challenge stories to finish first.

I thank you for reading, and for letting me know how much you enjoy the story!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 52 on 2/24/2009
Hi Dreamflower,
I've just finished re-reading this on my reader and enjoyed every second of it again! But I am panting for more! Any idea when the Muse is going to prod you to update?

Author Reply: I have much of the rest *almost* finished--it just needs some transitional material and quite a bit of polishing. I'm not happy with how short some of the sections are. There are really only two more chapters left.

But the problem is, my cast is not cooperating. They keep trying to skip ahead to the sequels, or to other stories! If only I could keep my muse away from other bunnies for a while!!

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 52 on 11/18/2008
LOL! Berilac and Viola must be causing no end of amusement for the other hobbits with their flirting. Is Beri really going to pop the Question though? Poor Cado, avoiding his cousins, who he will soon enough never see again. And he likely won't be seeing much of his brother either. I hope he doesn't get too homesick. And I got a laugh out of the Rohirrim's version of Frodo's destruction of Mordor! LOL! I hope Frodo never hears that one, if he hasn't already. He'd hear no end of it. ;D

Author Reply: Do you know I only just now found this review! I'm sorry!

Yes, poor Cado. But at least he won't be too lonesome, with the family he has joined.

Of course, events would tend to get skewed, unless someone (like Eowyn) was watching out to make sure they didn't.

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 51 on 11/18/2008
Glad that Gloin and Gimli were able to patch things up and that Gloin now has a chance to really get to know Legolas and let old fueds lie. Glad also that Bergil gets to stay with his father for the time being.

Author Reply: Yes, I wanted to let that happen. I can imagine, that as stubborn as Dwarves are, it would be really hard to let bygones be bygones. But he does know it's the right thing to do!

And Bergil's been away from his father for almost a year. They need to be together again for a while!

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