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A Spring of Joy  by daw the minstrel 37 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/28/2005
Not kill Sinnarn. Not kill Sinnarn. The poor elf hasn't had a fair amount of authorly attention - but he doesn't want to enter centre-stage by getting killed. Think of Emmelin. Think of Annael. Think of poor Alfirin and Ithilden and Thranduil. Not to mention Uncle Legolas. And Uncle Eilian will never stop feeling guilty for being in charge when his nephew was slain. Sinnarn's got to be safe - please! SAVE THAT ELF. And Tynd. Because it's not fair to put him into a red shirt. Eilian and Maltanaur have got to get them out of there.

And Loriel is recognising the tree-song, is she? A bright little spark. Once who is hopefully close enough to her naneth to be pulled from the fire before getting burnt. I think perhaps a ball and chain might be a useful addition to her family's child care kit. Hide and seek seems a bit of a dangerous game to play with someone as slippery as she is.

Everybody is tense. (Including me.) Poor Alfirin. Channelling her worries into concerns about blue thread. When someone is endangering her only son.

The Legolas party is having the least worrying time. Although the mentions of the recently-unfed Gollum are a little concerning - especially if he is now watching tender elfling wandering around unguarded. (Perhaps he's been finding fishes and eating them bones and all.)

I hope Emmelin's distress doesn't delay the Loriel rescue party. And that Eilian fights off Nazgulitis to get Sinnarn and Tynd out of there.

This whole story was being altogether too pleasant. Now I'm distressed. More soon, please.

Author Reply: Sinnarn is probably glad he hasn't had much of my attention. The Dwarf incident was not fun!

Loriel is fun to write. I love writing little kids. Well, you know what fun it is; you've done it too. I think of her a true little Wood-elf and Eilian's daughter to boot, so yes, she's a handful!

The encounters of the Legolas party with men have been fun to write, but in lots of ways, they're in the safest and thus least interesting part of the story. All three of them have to be around for Question of Duty, after all.

Frodo3791Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/27/2005
Here's the chapter I've been waiting for... I knew something really bad had to happen. Now, if I remember correctly, one of the nazgul takes up residence in Dul Guldur. The panic and fright felt by both Maltanuar and Eilian is probably due to that. I wonder if Eilian's bond with his daughter has kicked in though as well and made his situation in the South even harder to deal with right now... Obviously Emmelin's bond with Sinnarn is what caused her to scream and fall to the ground... but that doesn't mean Sinnarn is dead... right? Right!? That would be terribly sad, Daw, and I don't know if I can handle anymore more of you killing off characters. First it was Turgon, then it was Annael's father, followed by Tulinn... we don't need to add Sinnarn to the bunch!


Author Reply: About 60 years before the Ring War, two or three (depending on the part of Tolkien you read) Nazgul take up residence at Dol Guldur, while Sauron stays in Mordor. One of the Nazgul is Khamul, their second in command. And of course their main weapon is fear. They first appeared in the Second Age (I think) so Maltanaur would have met them before, but the other three are all too young to have done so.

Killing off characters is really painful. I have to keep reminding myself that they are all in Valinor.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/27/2005
Oh no! Something has happened Sinnarn! Please tell me that I am wrong! But then, I don't like the other scenario that comes to mind either - that of Loriel being harmed.

Argh! What an awful place to leave us, Daw!

What a chapter! My heart was in my mouth throughout and I found that I couldn't read the words fast enough, but then when I got to the end, I was ready to shake the computer for more words to appear.

You will not be so cruel as to kill off Sinnarn, right? Right?

I hope we get another update from you soon, very soon, before the nerves in my stomach overtake me completely!

Author Reply: One of my goals in this chapter was to cut back and forth between Thranduil's two grandchildren, putting them both in danger and seeing what would happen. It was kind of awful to write too. I have to tell you though that there was another section at the end when I first sent this to my beta, and she suggested I save it for the next chapter in order to increase the cliffhanging quality. :-)

jgalReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/27/2005
i am new to your fanfic and have spent the last two months reading through all your stories. I've got to say that you have a real talent for writing. your characters are well formed, your descriptions are vivid and your story lines are well thought out. Your stories kept me coming back for more and now i want more still. i wait most anxiously for your continuation of the dramas unfolding in "A Spring of Joy" Please do not leave me hanging for too long. Keep dreaming and keep writing!


Author Reply: Thank you, thank you!

I've written a ton of stuff. One site has a total word count and I noticed not long ago that my total is over one million words. No wonder I'm not getting much work done! But this has been fun. Until I stumbled on fanfiction, it never even occurred to me that I could write fiction. I thought of myself as not creative enough.

Thank you for taking the time to tell me you're reading and enjoying.

YanicReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/27/2005
If there is an award out there for the author that gives back the most to their readers you would definately be the winner. I can't beleive you've cranked out another chapter so quickly. And speaking of chapters, what a cliff-hanger!

I both love Loriel and am terrified by her actions. With young Legolas's adventures I was always rooting him on because I knew that he would be safe in the end (I mean he has to be, he's a member of the Fellowship, it's not like you can kill him off). But with Loriel I don't know what will happen and it's scary. I adore the little Flower Face and want her safe. I guess I feel a lot like the adults in her life feel about her.

By the way, I love the scene with Eilian and the wraiths. I don't know why but I feel that mentioning the cry of a hunting orc really enhanced the scary feeling. Makes the orcs seem like big evil predators. Which I guess they are, but until now, I've always seen them as too stupid and therefore more like scavengers.

Author Reply: It's summer! I have time to write. I love summer.

Loriel is very scary. She's a normal kid in a world that's turning dangerous, and she doesn't understand what's happening. She's also Eilian's daughter, and I think he must have been a handful too. It's a wonder he lived to grow up. If he didn't kill himself, Thranduil must have been tempted to do it on occasion.

I've never given much thought to how smart Orcs are, and I suppose I should have. It would make a difference to what they could do. In some ways, Orcs are a very convenient foe. Killing them feels different than killing a Man, so it's kind of desensitizing. Hm. Have to think about that.

IthildinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/27/2005
*GASP* Elbereth Gilthoniel… I’ve read the chapter three times now (couldn’t believe my eyes…) This is looking really, really bad. OK, I’m counting on Thranduil to rescue Loriel, but I’m petrified about Sinnarn and Tynd and very worried about Eilian and Maltanaur. Say it isn’t so, Daw – and that it won’t get worse – pleeease!

This is Tolkien's fault, not mine. He's the one who said that Gollum came out and started looking for the ring and crossed Mirkwood twice AND the Nazgul came to Dol Guldur. NOT MY FAULT!!!!
I’m definitely with Barbara here. These aren’t Tolkien’s characters and you, your minstrelness, are the one holding the smoking keyboard… ;) lol!

Great story, great tension, I don’t think I’ve ever been so jumpy while reading one of your chapters, even the fairly recent highly emotional ones. IIRC, except for those characters specifically mentioned in Question of Duty and Tolkien canon, nobody’s safe and not knowing what’s going to happen is REALLY GETTING TO ME! The scene cutting worked great. Excellent story and I’m really *gulp* enjoying it.

Don’t keep us hanging too long, :)
Ithildin *(

Author Reply: I guess I have to say that I'm glad that the chapter made you jumpy. Writing it made me jumpy too. I think I'm learning some things about raising tension. I'm particularly pleased that people are reacting this way to my OCs. I've found Legolas harder to deal with in this story because he and Annael and Beliond do indeed have to survive. They're all in Question of Duty, and besides I'd never kill a canon character.

I'll be traveling in the next week but I should still have time to write and have internet access. And I don't like having this hanging over me, so it should be along. :-)

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/27/2005
Will you be upset if I tell you that I laughed when I got this and pointed all the capital letters out to my husband? If so, then it never happened.

*the loud sniffles behind the hankie start sounding suspiciously like snickers...*

Author Reply: :-)

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/27/2005
This is Tolkien's fault, not mine. He's the one who said that Gollum came out and started looking for the ring and crossed Mirkwood twice AND the Nazgul came to Dol Guldur. NOT MY FAULT!!!!

Of course it's your fault! It's always your fault! I've read all the same canon you have, and just thought "Gee, that's kind of awful, isn't it?" and went my merry way...

The real problem is, that you take Tolkien's words -- that are very epic and historic and detached in tone -- and turn them into REALISTIC STORIES ABOUT REALLY AWFUL THINGS HAPPENING TO REALLY WONDERFUL PEOPLE THAT WE REALLY CARE A LOT ABOUT! And you make us look at the events REALLY UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL!

I may be able forgive you sometime, but I'm too emotionally traumatized to do so right at this moment... *sniffling into her hankie*

- Barbara, who hopes you will write a fluffy elfling story next... for your sanity's sake as well as mine...

Author Reply: Will you be upset if I tell you that I laughed when I got this and pointed all the capital letters out to my husband? If so, then it never happened.

I know. I'm kind of traumatized myself at the moment.

ElemmíreReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/27/2005

You are cruel, sometimes.


Author Reply: Believe me, this hurts me worse than it hurts you!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/27/2005
Ack! You can't do this to us! You can't possibly let all hell break loose on all fronts at once! *whines*

- Barbara

P.S. I think you mean Eilian was "nocking" an arrow...

Author Reply: I think you mean Eilian was "nocking" an arrow...

By golly, I think you're right! Thank you, Barbara. I went and fixed it.

This is Tolkien's fault, not mine. He's the one who said that Gollum came out and started looking for the ring and crossed Mirkwood twice AND the Nazgul came to Dol Guldur. NOT MY FAULT!!!!

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