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The Ties of Family  by Larner 275 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/20/2005
Goodness, the details of this story just leave me staggered! What an amazing look at Hobbiton and its inhabitants. It's nice to read about a shrewd Bilbo who keeps an eye on his family whether they know it (or want it) or not.

“Lovely! I approve! If you must be eccentric, then at least do it in a responsible manner--and it appears you have done so.”


Author Reply: Well, in my version of the Shire, Bilbo is family head and has the responsibility to care for any Bagginses in want; so he would find ways to do so in spite of others.

And I'm glad you enjoy Dudo's response to Bilbo's announcement. I think it would be right in keeping with Baggins feelings.

Thanks for the feedback.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/19/2005
Larner, this story is wonderful!
Referring to the last two chapters, I like the lighthearted way you describe the life of Frodo in Hobbiton and his delight in dancing and I love it to see Narcissa as his little shadow. When will he notice, I wonder?

The description of the Rangers and Strider in particular as protector and gifted storyteller was fascinating. And Fortumbald - it is good and right to realize that there always have been adventurers among the hobbits, but not all of them are remembered in stories.

Thank you!

Author Reply: Well, as we don't know for certain what happened to Isengrim and his brother, I thought I'd show us perhaps one other who was less than timid in looking at the outside world. And that there were some among the Hobbits of the Shire who had a better idea of the nature of the Rangers than the folks of Bree just felt properly ironic.

Glad Frodo had a good time of growing up with Bilbo, myself--the one time when he was truly happy most of the time, I suspect.

NiennaTruReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/19/2005
I like the fact that you take characters we know so little of, and make them come alive. I very much enjoyed hearing Fortumbald's story, and found his interactions with the Rangers to be very engaging. I'm especially intrigued by your closing sentence, and am eager to see where you will be taking that.

Author Reply: It is referenced far down the line, that last sentence. Those stories helped a Hobbit lady gather the courage to go to Minas Anor for the unveiling of a particular monument, after all.

Glad you enjoy this, and hope the story continues to please.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/19/2005
Wonderful story, Larner! It was nice to have a closer look of how the rangers guarded the Shire and its inhabitants over the years! Surely Narcissa remembered these stories from her father years later when she travelled to Gondor and meet Strider!

Author Reply: She certainly had remembered them when she spoke with Frodo in the Green Dragon. Glad you are enjoying it.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/19/2005
How fascinating to see the mysterious Rangers through the eyes of the hobbits, who scarcely understand who they are... or why they're there. Such detail! A marvelous tale.

Author Reply: I'm very glad you enjoy it, Shirebound, and hope you continue to do so. I love looking at the details of life in the Shire.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/18/2005
I love picturing Frodo as a joyful dancer. And as a fantastic story teller, whose listeners have been trained to expect only one story a day.

Narcissa certainly seems enchanted by him.

Author Reply: Blame the movie for the dancing. The sheer happiness in Frodo's face as he cuts a caper for the admiring lasses watching him did it for me. As a youngster, to know such pleasure as dancing and dancing well....

And, yes, Narcissa is enchanted by him, and will find herself blessed by him in some ways she never expected before the tale is done.

Breon BriarwoodReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/18/2005
Oh gosh, he's done it again! That little thief has stolen my heart...

I saw you had posted another story and got a HUGE grin on my face that won't go away. I know it won't be all sweetness and light, but I can't wait to read the rest of the tale!

Author Reply: Yes, he does manage that--stealing our hearts. And we love him for it.

Thanks for the compliments.

NiennaTruReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/18/2005
Another lovely chapter! I, too enjoyed the paragraph describing Frodo's genealogy and the traits he'd inherited from various relations. It was quite detailed and very interesting. And again, I am so happy to find that Narcissa is being fleshed out and given attention as the bits of her I met in The King's Commission was very intriguing and heartbreaking. Thanks so much for another wonderfully written story, and I anticipate I'll be enjoying reading it as each chapter is posted.

Author Reply: I've spent a lot of the time writing this one with the genealogies open in front of me, so it only made sense to write them in in one form or another.

Hope it continues to please as it continues.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/18/2005
How lovely that Frodo is such a happy, self assured tween! And I was fascinated by your genealogy... and how he's such a mixture of all of his ancestors.

Author Reply: We're all affected by our inheritance from our ancestors, and I thought this should be brought out. And, once Frodo was with Bilbo I'm certain he did blossom pretty quickly.

Thanks for the review.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/18/2005
Oh it is so nice to see a confident and happy Frodo. And what a picture he made telling Bilbo's story. Of course, it brings to mind the scene in the movie, with Bilbo. I just loved the faces of those children. I can't imagine that he was unaware of Narcissa 'shadowing' him...?...

Author Reply: Well, he is a tween, after all, and probably only just beginning to become aware of the lasses. And certainly the image of Bilbo played by Ian Holm inspired much of the image of the story here. I suspect both Bilbo and Frodo were exceedingly happy telling stories, reading stories, and otherwise sharing them with others.

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