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When Winter Fell  by Lindelea 158 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/27/2005
Ah, Fortinbras, you haven't got a clue, and if the oldsters did tell you, you probably would not believe them. After all, you are a tween and know *everything*.

Author Reply: Not quite a tween, but he is a precocious teen, and thus knows *everything*.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/27/2005
Endless menus show a lack of imagination? Perhaps - but not a lack of appetite.

Driving the lily-handed gentle-Tooks to slave in the fields all morning? With a grim expression on his face? Uncle Isembold clearly knows something that his nephew doesn't. But he is sharp enough to realise that Not All Is Well.

I'm so pleased you're back to writing this one.

Author Reply: I want to know how the hobbits would know or at least fear a hard winter is coming. Is it a fact that a hot summer is followed by a harsh winter? Or is that superstition?

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/26/2005
A man, is it? Interesting that a man would know what Isengar went through on the Sea. Interesting, interesting....

Author Reply: And not just any man, but a Man in Grey.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/26/2005
Sorry to read about the migraines, *hands over virtual cooling cloths for head and shouts for the finest healer in ME* (But then he has a hanging to attend and the other healer is known to had out strange potions!) So how have you managed to keep both stories going? This one is coming along very nicely. More please but most of all feel better soon.

Author Reply: Ah those lovely cooling cloths.

I do believe the King is about to arrive at any chapter, now. Perhaps he can spare a moment for the beleaguered author.

To answer your question: When a story gets too angsty, or I hit a virtual brick wall in my imagination, I switch between stories to find relief.

Before I discovered the technique of writing on two or more stories at a time, I'd go for long stretches without writing at all because of the dreaded Writers Block. That doesn't happen so often now; if I get stuck I just write on something else.

Thanks for the good wishes. Today looks better.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/26/2005
Oh, I think I like Fortimbras.

Author Reply: I think he'll make a good Thain, somehow. Is he Ferumbras' father? I don't have my genealogy in front of me at the moment. Too bad, if he is, about his choice of wife. *shakes head* A pretty face does not a happy marriage make. (Not always, anyhow)

Author Reply: Oops, I thought you were commenting on a "Bilbo" chapter and not on his great-grandfather! There I go with names again, though in this case it's understandable, considering he has a cousin by the same name as his forebearer.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/26/2005
Hobbit lad entries are so predictable! Tea menues!

Author Reply: Rather like Wookies, always thinking with their stomachs.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/26/2005
It sounds much like my idea of what Frodo's first journal entries for Master Tumnus were like! Ah, great minds think alike.

Author Reply: O goodness, if I read them I don't remember! What story is that to be found in?

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 10/26/2005
Aha! So, Isengar (whom you mistakenly called Isumbras in the last paragraph or so--I'm NOT the only one who does this, I see!) was brought home by Gandalf, and one wonders what his story was! And young Bilbo is not only being readied for his own future as scholar and copyist, but beginning to realize that nature stays much the same....

Wonderful beginning.

Author Reply: O thanks for the catch! Yes, you're not the only one. I do it all the time. I have had fits with Thain Peregrin - Thain Paladin, Ferdinand - Ferdibrand, and now Isen - Isum!

Author Reply: And let us not forget Beregond - Beregorn. And he's my favourite character from the ranks of Men! Aargh.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/26/2005
Oh, hurrah—this is back! I’d was wondering if we’d ever see it again but didn’t like to, y’know, nag…

So funny to see Bilbo mortified by his uncle, little imagining his own future role as “Mad Baggins”!

I’m with Gandalf—my heart goes out to poor Isengar, though I still suspect he’s saner than everyone gives him credit for.

Soooo…how’s that Tenth Walker doing? (NOT nagging, just asking about his health! *grin*)

Author Reply: Yes, it's back, and it's okay to nudge on a story (nagging, now, that's another story--I have a contrary streak as wide as my back, sad to say). Tenth Walker had slipped my mind, and I hadn't looked at my list of unfinished stories in awhile to see what needed work. Working with a beta on "Healer's Tale" sort of put that one at the top of the priority list.

I wrote this chapter of "Winter" mainly to cool down from the angst in "Just Desserts"; I needed something a little lighter to avoid hitting a brick wall and leaving that awful cliffhanger... hanging, for want of a better word. (Hopefully it'll be resolved in a new chapter planned to be posted tonight. Oh, but we're not talking about *that* story! I forgot for a minute which reviews I was answering!)

I sort of got hijacked by a certain healer and the pressing demands of life and had to let this one simmer for a little while, to let the flavours blend. And it's easier to write about shivery weather when the weather is truly shivery! (I wrote the hothothot weather when it was... you guessed it... hot.)


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/26/2005
Courtesy of the Concise Oxford Dictionary:-

· v.
1 address a prayer to God or another deity.
2 wish or hope earnestly for a particular outcome.
· adv. formal or archaic used in polite requests or questions: pray continue.
– ORIGIN ME: from OFr. preier, from late L. precare, alt. of L. precari ‘entreat’.

Author Reply: Aha. That is what I thought.

I had someone earnestly tell me that the original phrase was "prey tell" and it had something to do with hunting in Medieval times. But I haven't been able to find any info to back that up.


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