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A Matter of Honor  by meckinock 31 Review(s)
ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/21/2005
WOW! I just finished reading both your stories, and they are *so* incredible! Beautiful writing, excellent characterization, fascinating plotlines... You are just such an incredible writer! I'm afraid you must have a subtle cruel streak as well, though... Now I'm spoiled, don't know of any stories *nearly* as well written that I haven't already re-read half a dozen times, and I'm getting bored. PLEASE update soon!


Author Reply: Me? Cruel? I try not to be. But you are definitely an incredible reviewer. It's great to open up that screen and see "Wow!" pop up.

viggomaniac Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/13/2005
Sorry about the extreme lateness of this review. I was away and then came back to a hard drive that is on its last legs, so am now using a borrowed computer! Well, enough of that. Stupendous chapter again. I really must compliment you on the sheer excellence of your writing. It seems to me that you're among a select group of authors who can bring all the elements of a story together -- plot, characterizations, a finely honed sense of which is the best word to use in a particular segment, etc. -- all the things that make for a truly unforgettable story. Fortunately, unlike me, you don't ramble when you write. It's all very exciting and interesting, but you don't ramble. But fortunately, you are the writer of this terrific story, not me. Anyway, on to the actual review. Loved Dudo's reaction to the wonders of Rivendell, elf maidens included! Elrohir's explanation as to who Estel was was quite touching. I think the elves must really feel a sense of poignancy when they think of their longevity as compared to Aragorn's. I just find that whole element in Tolkien's work fascinating.

Aragorn's dream and his gradual reawakening was very well written and I also like the way you delve into the difficult relationship between him and Elrond. I appreciate so much all the stories Tolkien left unwritten. The story possibilities are almost endless. It's probably because I am such a total Aragorn fangirl that I find the Elrond/Aragorn relationship the most fascinating. On a side note, there is a hilarious parody called "Estel's Happy Childhood" regarding Aragorn's childhood in Rivendell. You *could* say it's written in recognition of *cough* some of us who have an endless thirst for Aragorn angst. You would probably really appreciate it. If you want the link, let me know in an e-mail. I don't know if I'm supposed to post them here.

A beardless Halbarad, you say? Well, that won't last long. But it is a funny thought. And as always, 'your' Gandalf is a treasure. Hm. Well, it is quite late (12:11 a.m.) so I should really be intelligent and go to sleep, but I just *had* to send you a review. And regarding 'spreading the word' about the best Aragorn stories, I love doing that. You understand how it is when you find something you really love. You just want to share it with other people you know would be interested. As always, I eagerly look forward to your next chapter. You write Aragorn so very well!

Author Reply: I keep saying - no such thing as a late review. I'm just as grateful to receive a review a year after I post as a day after! And I especially appreciate you giving up sleep time to do it. Thanks for all your kind words. Unfortunately I think it's less a "finely honed sense" of which is the best word to use than a whole lot of trial and error! It must have wearied the Elves to be the only immortal beings in a mortal world. I think it would invite a certain detachment after a while, which is probably why I, too, find Elrond's close relationship with Aragorn intriguing. Halbarad's gonna have some pretty good stubble by the time he wakes up. Along with a bad attitude.

keelaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/9/2005
I'm afraid I can't articulate how much I loved this story as some of the other reviewers have, so let me just say I agree with them whole-heartedly! I don't know how you do it... everything is perfect, and then some.

So I'll just leave you with the obligatory "when is the next chapter coming out? Soon, I hope!!"

Thanks for a great piece of work.

Author Reply: Hi, Keela,

everything is perfect, and then some.

Wow. That's as wonderful (and articulate) a sentiment as I could hope to hear! Thanks for letting me know you're enjoying the story. RL threw me a curveball last week and I've been temporarily uprooted; but I'm still hoping to get Chapter 5 out by this weekend. Thanks for some needed encouragement!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/6/2005
Ooooh - one of the very first things I read on my own homecoming and I didn't say how much I had enjoyed it. I did! I promise. What did I like best, now.

Dudo's reaction to Imladris - it's a place you know is exquisite, but seeing the awe it inspires in a boy from the backside of Bree - each detail piles on the preceding one to make you feel like Buck Rogers arriving in the 25th Century. Love him admiring the swamped-nightshirt look in the mirror. And his pride in waking to find his weapons to hand.

And then there's Elrohir - conveniently identifiable and just so darn gorgeous.

As for the fate of Halbarad's face. . . well, I don't know how he's going to react to the clean shaven, rested look. He won't know himself.

Love the kitchen - Dudo's home from home - but the cook seems to be something of a shock to him. Suppose she would be really, in comparison to the doyennes of the Pony's kitchen. (I imagine the more decorate members of staff are likely to be placed front of house.)

Aragorn's dream - such despair. The weight of the world truly is on his shoulders, and I'm only astonished that he copes with is as well as he does. I hope he realises that Elrond's determination to call him back - and the vision he offers - is about as solid a declaration of love and trust as the poor half-elf can offer. Estel needs his adar just as much as he needs Arwen - he hasn't got much to hang onto. A broken sword, a ring and a few prophecies don't make for a life of easygoing contentment. I hope between them Glorfindel and Mithrandir manage to bully the pair of them past their stiff-upper-lippedness and into a bit of sharing.

And Gandalf - you've let Saruman sucker you. Read my lips: he is a baddie. Listen to Elrond.

Great story. And Karen's review adds a certain je ne sais quoi. Again.

Author Reply:
Hey, Bodkin! Sorry for the late reply - my internet access is a bit spotty at the moment. Poor Dudo; not only has he been dropped into Wonderland, but he can't decide what he wants to be when he grows up. And scruffy Rangers and tall, gorgeous Elves are not very realistic role models for him, probably. Especially not once Halbarad's beard grows back.

I can just see Glorfindel with the ear of a Ranger Chieftain in one hand and that of a lordly Peredhel in the other, twisting that stiff-upper-lippedness right out them. But I don't think that will be required -Elrond is a little stubborn but he can take a hint firmly planted in his backside.

As for Gandalf...well, what can you say? Everyone has a blind spot and his is the size of Montana.

unowhoReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/31/2005
I like it, I like it. Best chapter so far I thought the karenator rewote the chapter. All I can remember is furniture and blankets//////

Author Reply: Hey, Uno,
Karenator did rewrite the chapter. Where else can you get a two-for-one deal like this? Thanks for the review. Glad you enjoyed the chapter. Too much furniture and blankets? Am I hearing a request to go back to the mud and rocks? Dudo votes no.

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/31/2005
Well, here is another wonderful chapter. I'm glad to see Aragorn is now conscious enough to fend for himself

I was sure you would be able to give us in a few, keen and sure words all the complicated feelings that Aragorn and Elrond must have had for one another. And who else better than Gandalf to bring them up to the surface, and make Elrond face them.

"Estel has yet to accept that all things cannot be saved."

"Maybe that is his gift."

That is so true of Aragorn, at least as I always felt him to be.

Now, I'm just dying to see what Halbarad will do when finds himself clean shaven!!!!!!!

Author Reply: Hehe. Well, Halbarad might not be exactly clean-shaven by the time he wakes up. Also, he might be distracted by more pressing matters...

I think that Aragorn is not the only one who has trouble accepting that all things cannot be saved. He and Elrond are more alike than they admit.

I was sure you would be able to give us in a few, keen and sure words all the complicated feelings that Aragorn and Elrond must have had for one another

I'm not sure if I managed to do all this, but it was fun trying. Thanks!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/30/2005
The peewee pie pincher woke up so fast he thought he had been dropped from the south end of a sputtering cargo plane. His face was mashed neatly into a blood-red velvet puff that made him think he'd passed out in a raspberry-filled Krispy Kreme. To his misfortune, his stomach rumbled the rumba, but unless he wanted to have feathers sticking out of his teeth, this flagrant finery was not snackable.

Lucky for him, when he looked around for the welcome fruit basket, he saw that someone had left his piece all wrapped up like an episode of CSI on a table nearby. The kid wasn't dumb, despite the cherub face and the Shirley Temple 'do curling around his ears; he knew this was a sign that he was running with the big boys now. He was as tough a warrior as Conan. If he kept his nose to this trail, he'd be running for Governor of the Shire within five years.

Glancing around his quarters, he realized that he could see himself from angles that would make a hooker blush. "Whoo!" he gasped like a fish getting snared on a broken Barbie leg. So this was the House of the Last Homely Dad. Without a doubt, Rivendell must be the Best Little Cat House in all of Arda. Puffing his chest out and grinning like a guy who never missed a sale, he hung out over the balcony railings to see where the action was.

Two strong hands grabbed him around the waist like vice grips from Sears and pulled him off his hunt. When the tiny trouser tyke craned his neck upward to see who had stopped his eyeballing of the grounds, he found one of the Bookend Brothers looking down on him like the Statue of Liberty sighting a cockroach on her toe.

"Where's the gumshoe?" the punk pie patter asked.

"He's laid out finer than a corpse in Six Feet Under," the one-half of the Brothers Beautiful told him.

When the microscopic mint maker saw the PI, he let out a yelp louder than Rin-Tin-Tin scenting a perp. "What happened to his face?" he asked, his eyes bulging like Dolly Parton's buttons.

"Dusty Dad got a new Shick for Dusty Dad's Day and tried it out," the Bookend Brother smiled with a glee that hadn't been seen since 'Dynasty' went off the air. "We don't get to use those much around here, ya know."

Beautiful Brother poked the compact cookhouse cowboy between the shoulders like a crow from the 'Birds' pecking at Janet Leigh's false eyelashes and motioned him to follow. "Come on, let's go find some chow. Your innards are making more noise than Howdy Doody's joints."

Meanwhile, back in the recovery room, the PI's pal--a guy known by more names than Prince--was just coming up for air from his coma. One of the shrimpy soap sudser's unknown kin was keeping his eye out on the Lone Ranger. But the sitter was no more help than the Ruby Red Slippers turned out to be. All alone, the ranger found himself floating around in more murky layers than the last season of 'Lost' and finally found that if he didn't wake up, he was going to find himself in a paternity suit that would make 'Days of Our Lives' look like 'Captain Kangaroo'. Just his luck, Dusty Dad was waiting on the other end of a nightmare that made 'Dallas' look like good script writing. Turns out, Dusty Dad was the father of the dream-time-luscious lass showing off the results of a night hotter than the burning of Atlanta. Dreams were just not what they used to be.

After Dusty Dad had readjusted the ranger's attitude tighter than Aunt Bea's purse, he slipped his festering foster son a mickey just seconds before Olorin Gandalf materialized at the door like money in a politician's bank account.

Over a glass of Dusty Dad's finest stash, the wizard laid out the heart of the father/son squabble as flat as Roseanne singing the Star Spangled Banner. Dusty Dad had been sure that he had been the victim of a plot more heinous than 'King Arthur', but once the wizard had put the smackdown on him, he decided that it had been no worse than 'Batman Returns' and shifted the blame to the puppet master of the kid who had sung in the 'Oliver' production that had nearly cost the mangy ranger a leg to stand on.

To Dusty Dad's relief, Buffy, the balrog slayer, slid in the door like a greased pig with a bit part in 'Dukes of Hazzard'. The big, buff blond smiled like a Pepsodent commercial and pointed like a yellow lab sighting down on his prey. "Say goodnight, Gracie."

Dusty Dad shot a smug mug at the wizard and smiled. "Goodnight, Gracie."

Ray's Dog

Italics are in tribute to Raymond Chandler. It was lifted, if not verbatim, then in spirit from Raymond Chandler's novel, The Long Good-bye.

The Lone Ranger idea is lifted from a post by elasg.

Now a word from the measly typist: This was one of the best chapters yet. I loved the part with Dudo and his reaction to the finery of Rivendell. He was such a hoot with his sword and oversized shirt. But my favorite part was the discussion between Elrond and Gandalf. You did a great job of exploring how difficult it must have been for Elrond to lose not only Aragorn--which he knew would happen--but to also lose Arwen forever as well. Elrond loved them both. He must have had torn feelings. Gandalf was great. You can't slip much by a wizard! What a wonderful chapter!


Author Reply: Hey, RD,

I have to dog-sit for a Gracie tomorrow. No kidding. Wanna come over? She's cute. And blonde.

I counted five new descriptions of Dudo - and one of them in a scene he wasn't even in - whooee! My favorite was Shrimpy Soap Sudser.

I still crack up every time I read Buffy the Balrog Slayer. But this is where I fell off the chair:

the wizard laid out the heart of the father/son squabble as flat as Roseanne singing the Star Spangled Banner.

Take a bow, Ray's Dog. And send our regards to your master.

If you're Ray's Dog, then I'm Pavlov's dog - I can hardly wait to get each chapter out so I can get my next Johnnie Halbarad PI fix. Thanks for keeping them coming. This will be re-posted in the usual spot.

DotReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/30/2005
I’m so sorry I’m late with this :-( But it was another great chapter.

I do like Dudo. I love how fast he moves between pride, curiosity, embarrassment, joy… His reaction to his surroundings is very touching. Not only do we get a sense of what Rivendell is like, but it gives such better understanding of how Bree is and the life that he had there. Although, I suppose no matter what you were used to, the splendour of Rivendell must be breathtaking.

I’m in love with your elves. I really am. Your description of Elrohir, “He was unarmed now, dressed in a simple blue tunic and leggings, but even unadorned with any insignia of rank or authority, there was nobility in the set of his shoulders, authority in the casual strength of the hand resting on Dudo’s shoulder, and wisdom beyond reckoning in his grey eyes,” made me melt. Sorry, I didn’t realise I had such a fangirl lurking in me… Actually, I think it’s the fact that it’s exactly how I always pictured Elladan and Elrohir, as beautiful and valiant and chivalrous and wise… and you capture that perfectly.

“What happened to his beard?” Eek! Oh, he’s not going to be pleased about that! It might cheer Aragorn up enormously, though. I hope they haven’t gone and dressed him in some elfy outfit as well. Actually, I do. I really do.

I had forgotten about Bilbo! At least that meant there were clothes there for Dudo. I bet he looked fabulous. The green will match his eyes anyway ;-)

I loved the scene in the kitchen. Crikey, you’d really want to love cooking to do it for… well, forever I suppose. It must be so strange to see this beautiful elf doing such mundane things as cooking. Or killing a chicken. I don’t think we need to see that. I enjoyed the playfulness between her and Elrohir. Elrohir’s little explanation of who Estel is was very moving too.

Aragorn’s dream was quite frightening. It was so vivid. It gives a lot of insight too into the weight of duty that he carries. The way I’m reading it (feel free to correct me!) is that Elrond then shows him the future with Arwen. How hard that must have been for Elrond! And yet it’s the only thing that would bring Aragorn back. Oh, I have to say too how much I adore the idea of him awakening to the familiar smells and using that to identify where he is. Just lovely.

You made me smile with the scene between Aragorn and Bilbo. You write Bilbo marvellously!

And Elrond! His sheer exhaustion comes across so well. All I wanted to do was bundle him up in a blanket and make him go to sleep. I think as well as being frightened by how close he came to losing Aragorn, Elrond must be feeling quite hurt too that Aragorn didn’t turn to him when he was so obviously in need. I get the impression that if he wasn’t so deeply affected, Elrond would likely have at least waited until Aragorn was a bit better before questioning him like that and allowing himself to get angry.

Very interesting discussion between Gandalf and Elrond. Personally, I don’t think Saruman is really a good guy ;-) Gandalf must be difficult enough to have a sensible conversation with at times but trying when at the point of exhaustion and feeling vulnerable is possibly not the best idea Elrond ever had. Still, I suppose it was a good opportunity for Gandalf to give Elrond a few things to think about… You do a truly fantastic job in presenting every side of the story, allowing us to see just what each of them are feeling and helping us understand each viewpoint. So much so that I’m left wondering which of them to feel most for (including Gandalf for having to sacrifice his beloved Shire), or whether to just hope that they all get on with things. O.k., not so much that last part. You do have my heart broken for Elrond, though. I do think he’s hurting Aragorn and that needs to be resolved, but at the same time I can’t blame him at all for feeling such pain at what is being asked of him. I’m looking forward so much to seeing what happens between these two!

Well, yay for Glorfindel! “Say goodnight to Mithrandir.” LOL! Only he could treat the Lord of Rivendell like a small child and get away with it.

The ending was lovely. More please! Oh, and is Halbarad going to wake up??! *wanders off in search of a poking device. Or maybe some cold water…*

Author Reply: Oh, Dot, a review, like a wizard, is never late! Your reviews are so detailed and thoughtful I don't know how you manage to do so many - it would take me sixty re-readings and a month of Sundays to compose just one like this. And truthfully, I was so beat this week that it's a treat to be able to read this one on a well-rested Saturday morning with a nice cup of tea. This way I can take my time and bore you by droning on about every point you made!

The idea of Rivendell fascinates me. Here Middle Earth is in a dark age, and still there's this untouched Shangri-la sitting up in the valley. I'm really having fun exploring the disparate ways Dudo, Halbarad, and Aragorn relate to it, and why.

Also Karen and I have beaten the issue of the Elvish servant class to death, but I can't stop chewing on it. It's not like the Elves have a downtrodden, Dickensian working class from which to draw their household staff. So what would persuade a person to spend a couple thousand years rolling out of bed at 5AM to light the fires? A good pension plan, free dental, and every other Saturday off? Anyway, I couldn't resist making the cook a drop-dead gorgeous female that Elorhir likes to flirt with. But don't worry - no chickens will be harmed.

I couldn't resist making Elrohir drop-dead gorgeous, either. He can pull me off the windowsill anytime.

I hope they haven’t gone and dressed him in some elfy outfit as well. Actually, I do. I really do.

LOL. They wouldn't dare. Would they?

The mirror was something I enjoyed becuase everyone in Rivendell takes them absolutely for granted, but to Dudo it's a complete novelty. It's a good thing Elrohir came and got him, or he probably could have amused himself in that little sitting room for hours. Or fallen out the window.

The trouble with Halbarad's beard is that by time he wakes up, he'll already have a two-day growth. Kind of spoils the fun. Can I borrow that poking device?
I'll wake up Halbarad and you can put Elrond to bed :-)

Elrond must be feeling quite hurt too that Aragorn didn’t turn to him when he was so obviously in need. I get the impression that if he wasn’t so deeply affected, Elrond would likely have at least waited until Aragorn was a bit better before questioning him like that and allowing himself to get angry.

I intentionally stacked the deck against Elrond to set up that ambush by Gandalf. Like Nilmandra says, it takes a lot to unbalance an Elf-lord, but that's what I thought it would take. Elrond and Aragorn are both mature enough to realize there is no perfect solution to their dilemma, and they have no desire to hurt each other. But their composure had to crack for them to move beyond the brittle truce.

Glorfindel should hope that he is able to get away with treating the Lord of Rivendell like a small child! He can certainly hope that Elrond was too exhausted to notice.

Saruman might not be a good guy? Hmmm, you might have something there. Tell Gandalf! I felt like I needed to at least pay lip service to the loose ends from In the Hands of the Enemy. It's interesting that everyone had this Bad Feeling about Saruman all those years but never got to Bad Person. I think it's common for people to have blind spots where close acquaintances are concerned. From what I've read, some of the hardest cases to for cops to crack are the ones where a fellow cop is implicated. Even when the evidence starts to point to him, they can't get past the idea that one of their own is a bad guy.

Thanks, Dot; it's a delight for me to see all the little details you picked out that I enjoyed writing.

Author Reply: The way I’m reading it (feel free to correct me!) is that Elrond then shows him the future with Arwen. How hard that must have been for Elrond!

Yup. And yup.

lindahoylandReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/29/2005
I love the way you contrast Rivendell and Bree as they must seem like different worlds !
You capture Aragorn and Elrond's uneasy relationship very well.I am so glad Aragorn is improving.
I would love to know the answer to the question Gandalf asked about why Arwen was never mentioned.
Another gripping chapter.
Thank you so much for your kind reviews of my story,I'm so pleased you like it.A year on, I am still busy devising torments for poor Aragorn !

Author Reply: I think Dudo must feel like a kid from a trailer park who just won a free weekend at a five-star Hawaiian resort. He could spend all day just trying on the monogrammed bathrobes and playing with the gold-plated fixtures. And Elrond has decided wine, exhaustion, and Gandalf are a bad mix. He won't be including any of them in his talk with Aragorn. Thanks for your support, Linda.

ElwenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/29/2005
I think this last chapter is my favourite yet. The friendly interraction between Elrond and Gandalf was perfectly done.

Author Reply: Thank you very much!

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