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The Tenth Walker  by Lindelea 703 Review(s)
harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/6/2006
Yeah an update on our favourite four-legged LOTR friend! All I am sorry about is that it took a sick child and a sleepless night Lindelea. That is a very high price to pay for our enjoyment. Please consider all your reader friends nuzzling your sleeve too and saying 'We are here!'

Author Reply: goodness, never answered these reviews! Thanks for the good thoughts.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/5/2006
'Waste of a good apple,' Sam says, but I shake my head. It was my apple, after all, and I gladly donate it in service to the cause in which it was employed.

Here, here! I'm sure Bill would have liked to get a good kick in as well :) I love his parting gift ;)

Author Reply: Yikes, Pearl! SoA tells me I missed replying to this review! Oo, yes, a good kick, I'm sure, except that he knows his mother would be disappointed with him.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 5/5/2006
'It's almost as if he understands you, Mr. Frodo,' Sam says, wonder in his eyes.

But of course I do.

Oh, wonderful!! And I'm sure the tangle free mane and tail feel like a luxury :)

Author Reply: Oh, Pearl, how did I miss replying to this review?

I know when I get the tangles out of my mane each morning, it definitely feels like a luxury. Or when combing out the wee hobbits' curls, to finally get it all silky and smooth is quite an accomplishment. (They got their hair bobbed for the summer, last week, and I miss the combing (but they don't!) and braiding. Ah well, they got their hair bobbed for swim team *last* summer and it grew out fast enough for French braids by Christmas.


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/5/2006
I rub my nose against his sleeve. I’m here.


*hugs you and Bill and sick child*

Author Reply: Thanks!

Sick child is still sleeping, bless her heart. I don't think either of us slept more than a wink or two last night. Guess I ought to lie myself down while the lying's good...

Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/22/2006
Oh, wonderful! I love how they shower the poor Bill with tenderness in this chapger and how he acknowledges them all in a just as gentle manner. :D

Author Reply: Yup, use a firm but gentle hand with a pony and quite often it'll respond in kind. (Although some ponies of my acquaintance have been awfully cranky.)

Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/22/2006
Hahaha! Only a pony? Indeed. A very wise pony I should say, and observant too. I just love how you turn human aspects of life over in the pony's view - like his way of judging a book by the cover! *giggles*

Author Reply: Um, missed replying to this review. Sorry!

It is fun to think what a pony would make of common idiomatic language...

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/11/2006
Now, this one has me crying, Lindelea, with the thought of that keepsake protecting Bill's eyes. Yes, Primula wouldn't begrudge the pony.

Author Reply: I'm sure Primula would have been the first to surrender her handkerchief to a good cause. For some reason I don't see her as prim and proper, but more down-to-earth and practical.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/11/2006
“As if to guard a treasure” indeed! A lovely and poignant moment…I do so like it when you write about Frodo!

Author Reply: Well, you're in luck, I guess, because this is pretty much all about Frodo! (Not like the Fourth-age stuff where he's sailed to the West and only appears in dreams.)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/11/2006
That was very good of Frodo to sacrifice his filmy lace-edged reminder of his mother for Bill's benefit. But he is one to whom the wellbeing of the living matters.

I like Bill's preference for apples-and-mischief over swamp-smelling Pippin. (It just would be Pippin who stepped into water up to his neck.) And he is perfectly well aware of their meandering passage through the marshes, too.

The midges - ugh! - they sound utterly revolting. The poor hobbits must be so miserable! Aragorn might have natural midge repellent - since he is going through his unwashed stage.

I wonder if swampy Pippin is less attractive to the little creatures?

Author Reply: Frodo's very empathetic and practical, at least at this point in the journey, before the Ring has had much chance to overShadow his mind, poor fellow.

Y'know, I remember canoe-camping and yes, when you haven't washed in days (except for the occasional swim, but that without soap) the bugs really do tend to leave you alone. They seem to *adore* the smell of soap, though.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/11/2006
AAaaaawwww...*sigh* You are right. Frodo does shine. *sniff*

Author Reply: Ah, yes, that's the Frodo I remember and love from the book.

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