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Number Three, Bagshot Row  by GamgeeFest 197 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/7/2005
If only all adventuring was as pleasant.

Author Reply: Or as easy! Camping out in one's yard is a lot easier than packing up a car and driving 100 miles to the mountains. *sigh* If only everything in life were as simple as it is in the Shire.

Thanks for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/7/2005
How on earth did I manage to miss the notice for this?

I love it! Sam is just so very *Sam* in this, even at this young age--earnest and filled with his admiration for Bilbo and Bilbo's stories. I adore the way he leads the other two into doing as he says. It's quite easy to imagine that this is a Sam who could hold his own in the Wide World one day, or that he would be capable of becoming Mayor and leading the Shire.

And I love the story of the young Cottons eavesdropping and learning "language", LOL! That was hilarious, and only too believable.

And I like that the Gaffer never straps his children. I always feel that corporal punishment would be relatively rare in the Shire--not unheard of, but that it would not be used frequently. Mainly, I suppose, because of the peaceable nature of hobbits, and also because JRRT said they indulged their children.

Really a sweet story!

Author Reply: Thank you! Sam is well on his way to being the hobbit we meet during the Quest. He can lead by suggestion and so he mistakingly believes that he isn't leading at all!

LOL, who *hasn't* eavesdropped and learned all sorts of things they shouldn't! Tom and Jolly would have gotten away with it, if Jolly'd had enough sense to keep his own mouth shut. At least he will from here on out. :)

The Gaffer's only raised his belt once to Sam (much later after this story) and it was for something that Sam didn't even do (the fire that Merry started during the Harvest Moon Dance). I can well imagine how horrified Hamfast must have been to discover his mistake. But you're right, it's hard to imagine the hobbits using corporal punishment except in the most extreme cases. The Gaffer might be gruff and have an edge to his words, but I can't see him as one to regularly hit his children, as other authors have suggested.

I'm glad you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading!

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/6/2005
What a delightful, enchanting story, love the ghosts and Sam is just.......ummmmm *hugs him* Delicious!

Author Reply: The ghosts of the Shire have that same unique blend of mischeif and innocence as the hobbits that live there. And Sam is just too precious for words at any age. I'm glad you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/5/2005
I love Sam's imagination, and his urgent need for a "real" adventure! And this just cracks me up:

"Mr. Bilbo says so.” There. They can’t possibly go arguing ‘gainst Mr. Bilbo.

Author Reply: Sam is a most unusual hobbit, but his friends put up with him because they love him. :) I can imagine that Sam would crave to have a "real" adventure after listening to endless hours of Bilbo's stories. LOL, Sam puts a lot of stock into what Mr. Bilbo says, but Robin found a way to argue with it anyway. Glad you liked this. Thanks for reading!

Nina the powerwriterReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/30/2005
Awww...Hamfast having to take care of all those children alone is sad, but he seems to know what he's doing. Lovely story!

Author Reply: Sorry for taking so long to respond to this!

Hamfast has a lot on his hands at the moment, and if he doesn't know what he's doing just yet, he'll figure it out before too long. Thanks for reading!

Isilhen DaegolReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/29/2005
Oh, that game sounds fun. It's somewhat like "you can have a door but not a window." I have no idea if that game actually has a name, but that's how it always starts out. It's rather funny to see people try to guess what you can or can't have. And Halfast would've put me to shame in the round robin. I am not good at improvising songs. These little slices of everyday hobbit life is what you write best, I think. I always love to read them, even though the reviews may be a bit delayed in coming...

Author Reply: The game is actually based on a game my friends and I used to play on the way to and from band competitions. It would start with someone saying "I'm going camping and I'm taking..." I just changed camping to the Free Fair, and changed the rule from first letter of your name to the beginning sound of your name, as not all hobbits can read. The Round Robin song was just a blast to write and wasn't too hard for me. Whenever I failed to make a rhyme or keep the cadance even, I just blamed it on the character, lol! ;)

I do enjoy these "slice of life" stories. They're a great way of getting into the characters' head and life without having the agenda of a plot to move the story along. Thanks for reading. I know how busy you are. :)

RenaissanceGrrlReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/27/2005
Took me a day or two, but I got to it. Hmm. I liked it, but it's been topped by some of your other work. I'm not saying it's bad--it was good overall and hilarious in spots, but it's not my favorite. I LOVED the Round Robin! It would've taken me, like, six months just to write the song, lol, so I am again in awe of your mighty skills. ^_^ BTW, how many chapters are you doing (if YOU even know), are they going to continue in chronological order, and how much time do you plan to cover? (Of course all of that is subjet to change, what with Squiggy...)

Author Reply: These are similar to the Of M&P fics: no particular order, just little "slices of life" as I happen to think of them, and they tend to be fluff.

That song came quite easily to me, which surprised me. Poor Gaffer though! His kids give him no rest. He took it all in good humor, being the good father that he is.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/26/2005
How fun, to have everyone all cooking and gaming and singing together. It sounds like a very jolly time.

Author Reply: It certainly kept them all entertained while they worked. They would have found many such ways to make sure tasks go by faster, and gaming and singing would be the more popular ones. :)

Thanks for reading!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/26/2005
Lovely, lovely birthday.

Author Reply: Aren't birthdays the funnest? No wonder hobbits were so fond of them. ^_^

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/26/2005
Excellent depiction of a morning after losing Bell. Love the family feeling.

Author Reply: I've known many a morning like that growing up. We've all had those hectic mornings, and the larger the family, the more hectic they tend to be. Fortunately for the Gamgees, this isn't a "typical" morning.

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