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Birthday Surprises  by Baggins Babe 113 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/12/2005
What a wonderful chapter! Saradoc and Paladin's speeches were just wonderful, and oh! The return of the dreaded tea towel! Love it. And I *really* love these...

"Fo's fwiend? Then my fwiend too," she declared, increasing her grip.

"This means a lot to you, doesn't it, sire?"

Aragorn swallowed. "Yes, it does. Both Frodo and Sam went through things no-one should ever have to bear, and it warms my heart to see them both given the credit they deserve, particularly in their own land."

*raises my glass in a toast*

Author Reply: *raises teacup in reply* (Well, it is 6.30am here!)

Delighted that you enjoyed the speeches. I imagine hobbits go in for fun at gatherings of this sort but I'm sure both hobbits wished to express their gratitude and admiration.

Little Persimmon just appeared in Buckland Celebration and is a self-willed and determined Took lass. She going to be a real character I think.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/10/2005
Anatomically impossible, you say? You have me roaring!

Author Reply: I really am pleased that I've made you laugh. I think we can all imagine the sort of lyrics to that song! :-))

middlepigletReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/10/2005
A wonderful story, thank you. Can't wait for the next update.
I love your happy stories and have read most of them more than once.

Author Reply: Delighted to know you are enjoying my happy stories. I like to think of our favourite characters enjoying themselves. Will be updating again very soon.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/9/2005
'Nineteen Nights in Nobottle'!" Aragorn explained. - Oh, I've been waiting for that one ;-)
But what on earth happens in verse seventy one?
"You'll have to wait till we're really drunk." - Well, I think that could be arranged! And I can assure you, I am of age, even if I were a hobbit!

I really like the idea of Beregond and Bergil visiting the Shire. After all they have done, especially for Pippin, they deserve it.

Author Reply: There is a hint about verse seventy-one, with Frodo's comment about vegetables!
We shall see, but if the censored version was obscene I think you can imagine how bad the full version is! No doubt they will all be very drunk at some point suring the visit though. :-))

Yes, nice to think of Beregond and Bergil having some fun and a trip to the Shire to meet Pip's family.

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/8/2005
Aragorn looked round with great satisfaction at the laughing friends. "You see?" he said to his cousins, who were finding much amusement in the exchanges. "Happy hobbits - where would we be without them?"

I hope we never have to find out. What a lovely surprise to find an update to this story in my Inbox tonight. Been wondering when you'd update it. I can so easily imagine Butterbar's face when he recieved the Royal Warrent. Also the faces of Aragorn's cousins when faced w/the choice of a Ranger Breakfast or a Hobbit Breakfast. What a hard, hard choice for them to make... ;o)

Looking forward to seeing Aragorn, Faramir and the rest of the travellers from Gondor and Arnor experience a Shire Birthday. :o)

Author Reply: Oh yes, they are going to have so much fun in the Shire. I can hardly wait to write about it! :-))

Yes, you can just see Barliman's expression as he unwrapped the package, can't you?

As for breakfast......... who wouldn't want to breakfast like a hobbit? Nothing like happy hobbits. No wonder Aragorn thought it worth travelling all that way.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/8/2005
Yippee!!! Another bit of "Reunion-verse"! This was wonderful! I love the way they are so familiar at the Pony, and Aragorn going "undercover" to be Strider once more--and Thorongil when he gets to the Shire. What a great way to avoid all the pomp and circumstance of a Royal Visit!

I got a real chuckle out of Pippin, his appetite not one whit blunted since he was a tweenager!

Hope you update soon! This universe just makes me go around with the goofiest grin on my face!

Author Reply: I imagine there must be times when Aragorn would love to be Strider again, unseen and able to do as he pleases. There must be times when all that protocol and royalty drives him mad. I also think he would enjoy a little fun at Barliman's expense.

I can't see Pippin ever being bored about food. He definitely has a hollow leg.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/8/2005
First of all, the thought of Frodo shrieking with joy just makes my heart sing! And as usual, your details are astonishing...

The innkeeper removed the oiled wrappings and thick cloth which protected the contents. Inside was a crest of painted and silver- gilded wood - the White Tree and Seven Stars topped with the crown. It bore the legend 'By Appointment to His Majesty King Elessar Telcontar and the Royal House of Gondor and Arnor, Suppliers of Fine Ales.'

Wonderful! And I love these so much...

"Will you have a Ranger breakfast or a hobbit one?"

"What happens in Verse Seventy One?" asked Faramir, nearly exploding with curiosity.

"We couldn't possibly tell you while we're sober.


Author Reply: I thought a joyful Frodo would please you. :-))

No choice really, when offered a Ranger breakfast or a hobbit one. And we may yet learn a little more of the naughty verses for 'Nineteen Nights in Nobottle'!!

Samwisegirl12Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/21/2005
Hoorah, another Baggins Babe story! :)
This is so sweet, I love all the cute little details you always add in. Pippin and Merry up to their mischief again? You'd think they'd learn by now! ;)
Hmm ... a big hand, huh? Definately a ranger - yay!
Waiting excitedly for the next chapter!

~ swg ~

Author Reply: Merry and Pippin will never change - they know each other too well.I can picture them still squabbling amiably when they're old and grey. :-))

Now why would you think the large hand belongs to a Ranger? I'm tickled that no-one has even wondered if they are about to be menaced by one of the many dodgy characters who were lurking in the Pony! :-)) We shall see who the hand belongs to in the next chapter - hope you can bear the wait.

Thank you for your kind words - glad you enjoy the BB universe!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/20/2005
Have been waiting for Strider and Faramir to show up. About time.

Author Reply: Who wouldn't want our favourite Rangers at Sam's birthday? I know the unused epilogue says something about Aragorn visiting and seeing Elanor although she did not remember, so I cheated a bit.

Anyway, who needs an excuse to write Strider and Faramir? :-))

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/20/2005
"And the 'sightseeing in Rivendell, damaged hornets' nest, angry snake, Ranger and future King in river' incident?"

Poor Aragorn...They do seem to drag him into trouble don't they? ROTFLOL!!! And little Merry lad's appearance...*snicker* Then Frodo telling about Merry's dash through the Aunts tea party...Oh my!! :oD My youngest nephew went through that phase too. They eventually do grow up and wear clothes. LOL!!

Hmmm...Who could these Men be? I can think of who two of them might be and possibly one of the others. I w/out a doubt have a good idea whose hand is about to clasp Sam's shoulder.

Can't wait to find out if I'm right. :oD Sigh...I love this universe. It's so lovely to see what could have been if Frodo had been able to be healed in Middle Earth.

Now, please hurry up and update!!! :oD

Author Reply: I could see little Merry-lad so clearly, standing in the doorway looking pleased with himself. :-)) I'm sure Merry was a little rascal when he was a faunt, so there should be plenty of tales to tell.

Merry and Pip CAN do serious, but when they're with Frodo they just revert to daft tweens acting silly. I love these two.

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