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Stone of Erebor  by Primsong 95 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/17/2005
Out of the frying pan into the fire. Poor Bilbo!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/15/2005
Oh you've no idea how eagerly I've been awaiting a new chapter of this! I just love it.

Poor Bilbo, up to his old "burglar-y" tricks, LOL! and still very good at them, too, for ninety-nine years old! I just love the way you have captured every nuance of Bilbo's desperate thoughts--this really could have come straight out of The Hobbit, truly, you have the tone and voice down so well!

I like his wishing for the Ring. As far as he's concerned, it's still nothing more than a very useful trinket.

And the mystery deepens: who was the mysterious Dwarf, and was it in fact a lass?

And--oh dear me! A cliff-hanger! Poor Bilbo--as he is probably thinking at the moment "confusticate and bebother these Dwarves!"

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/2/2005
Bilbo was very clever there - he nearly convinced Urd. But getting lost in the tunnels doesn't seem too great an idea, although it's probably better than being caught in the treasury by Dain.

Interesting stuff. I look forward to finding out more.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/2/2005
Oh dear! Poor Bilbo! Although I'm sure this will work out better than he knows, thanks to the (in)famous Baggins luck, LOL!

I *loved*--no, not strong enough--I *adored* his cryptic boasts to Urd. So very clever and so very much in line with exactly the kind of thing he had said to Smaug. Absolutely perfec, each little boast a gem in itself!

How lovely! Thanks so much for this!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/21/2005
I love the images of the forge - all those kind of red, glowing, sparking pictures - together with shadows and heat. And the contrast with Bilbo's memory of a dwarven forge that was cold and silent. Perhaps the dwarves should bear in mind that Bilbo is a large part of the reason they have their mountain back.

The idea of keeping a handy store of food so the apprentices don't waste away - very sensible. Bilbo and the spicy sausage made me grin. Didn't stop him eating though. Or insisting on finishing his lunch before the investigation could continue. Get the priorities straight, chaps!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/19/2005
When I saw this update this morning, I was so excited! I had errands to run, and thought I'd print it out to read at lunchtime. Imagine my dismay when the printer ran out of ink halfway through!

There is so much to love about this. I adore Bilbo's polite lying, and the way he secretly thinks about the Shire. And I loved this exchange with Gimli:

"Yours also," responded Bilbo with a small bow. "Though I highly doubt any of my family shall ever be underfoot for you, I appreciate the thought."

If Bilbo only knew!

And I had to sputter when I saw this:

"A good point. And I'm sure we will find something for you, if only among Bombur's leftovers." They exited the hall, Glóin waving at a couple dwarves as they went.

"He has leftovers?" said Bilbo.

"Another good point," agreed Glóin.

Too funny!

I hope to see another update soon!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/5/2005
Well, well, well, we have the chief suspects listed now, don't we? I liked the shrewd way the Dwarves dealt with the idea of Dain himself being the theif--not that he *wouldn't* do such a thing, but that he wasn't to be considered--unless--no other options were left. Just the kind of thinking I would expect from Dwarves!

So Gimli is Bilbo's roommate? Are they actually going to meet or keep on just missing each other? I cannot recall from the Rivendell chapters of FotR whether there are any indications that Gimli met Bilbo prior to that or not.

I've really been looking forward to this update! I am very much enjoying this story!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/24/2005
Do we get to meet young Gimli?

I'm not sure that hiding what has happened is going to turn out to be a good idea. But then, it's probably the best idea going at the time!

I like the way Bilbo is determined to restore the Arkenstone to Thorin. (Even if it is combined with a practical desire to avoid blame for something that is not his fault.

Good tale!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/22/2005
Bless drowsing Hobbits and absent Dwarves. Gimli's room is being used by Bilbo? Very appropriate.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/22/2005
You really do have Bilbo, and Bilbo's voice down beautifully! I just *love* the following little bit of dialogue!

Bilbo unsuccessfully tried to stifle a yawn. "Not your fault, you've all been most courteous. Most unexpected. Thorin, I mean, not your being courteous."

I have a feeling Dain already knows the Arkenstone is gone...

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