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A Shire Sketchbook  by Baggins Babe 375 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 37 on 10/4/2009
What a warm and lovely story for a chilly afternoon! I really enjoyed watching Frodo taking care of himself quite competently in the Gamgee's absence. They may enjoy spoiling him and taking care of him-- but it in no way means he is not perfectly capable of taking care of himself as well, whatever some may think, LOL!

And the meal sounds yummy, especially the desserts!

Author Reply: I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I get really annoyed when Frodo is portrayed as a totally helpless bookworm (pre-Quest) or a feeble and helpless invalid. I'm sure he was perfectly capable of looking after himself without falling ill, forgetting to eat (he is a hobbit!) or burning the smial down! :-) I like to have a little peek into Bag End to see how he's doing.

Ah yes, blackberry and apple pudding with cream........ *sigh* I must put a hobbit recipe story together some time - trouble is I never measure ingredients, I just go by look and feel.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 37 on 10/4/2009
Ah, a sweet day and a sweet reunion.

Author Reply: I think Frodo would have enjoyed some time on his own but he was obviously delighted wo welcome them back.
I see Frodo as a very competent individual and he was a hobbit so he was bound to be able to cook.

Thanks for the review, Larner.

MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 36 on 9/2/2009
Lol!!!! That pippin's a scamp! Granted "the Shane Warne" of the Shire deserved it. I loved all the wicket discussion it made me wistful. Saradoc declaring at 126...he must have known that Frodo was on a hot streak!! 26 all out. Hot d@mn! I would loved to have been @ that match. Now that you mention it Cricket is a sport that should have been invented by Hobbits. In fact I think you're onto to something!!!! LOL!!!

Author Reply: How wonderful to hear from you, my dear MM!

Bwahahaha! Berni as the 'Shane Warne of the Shire' - I love it! *snert*

Yes, sometimes in one-day cricket you have to declare on that sort of total - and I didn't want to give the Brandybucks an impossible lead. I'd have loved to have seen this match - I once saw Derek Underwood achieve this feat in a Test Match after it rained at lunchtime. Cannot remember if it was Australia or the West Indies but it was fabulous to watch.

I'm sure cricket was invented by hobbits - all those meal breaks and silly fielding positions! :-)

Thanks, MM. Great to hear from you.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 36 on 8/20/2009
and all the Shirefolk were agreed that the Tooks were the most inventive players

Yes, indeed ;-)

Well, Pippin was not exactly a player but his inventiveness taught Bernigard a well-deserved lesson!

I also liked it that the Bagginses perfected the art of playing "wickets", and I especially enjoyed Thain Ferumbras' comments!

Author Reply: I think the Tooks would have been very inventive, and great fun. I think cricket is a very hobbity game and I like to think the Bagginses would have made a huge contribution.

Thain Ferumbras just popped in and demanded to be included! :-)

KittyReviewed Chapter: 36 on 8/19/2009
Loved that! The idea of all these folks playing cricket, even the Elves in the West, is just too good! And matches between Greenwood and Erebor lasting five days – now *that* I can imagine! :D

The Loathsomes? *lol* Ah yes, Lavinia seems to fit in with Lalia and Lobelia very well! And her Berni isn't exactly likeable, either.

Ha, from the moment Pippin got the first ant bite I had a suspicion, and I was right! :D Though I have absolutely no knowledge of cricket, I had a lot of fun with this story. Really enjoyed it that it was Frodo who saved the game, and how things turned out for Berni! That whole story was just hilarious! Thank you!

Author Reply: I had such a vivid picture of Gandalf and the Elves in the Blessed West, playing cricket, and I had to include it. I'm glad someone else can see it too.

What a trio - Lalia, Lobelia and Lavinia! Good for Esme. And Berni is a mummy's boy so he wouldn't be very nice.

Pippin is a naughty young hobbit but I think his sense of sportsmanship was offended and he decided to teach Berni a lesson.

Glad you enjoyed it!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 36 on 8/18/2009
ROTFL!!!!!!!! Oh my word! This is just hilarious! I don't know much about cricket except what I've seen in British TV shows, or read in old British mystery novels, but your picture of the event was so clear I could just imagine it! Ants in his pants, indeed!

Oh BB, you really outdid yourself with this one! This was just hilarious! *grin*goes back to read again*

Author Reply: Thanks for the kind words - glad you enjoyed it. i've watched a lot of cricket and read a lot of P.G. Wodehouse, which probably influenced this story!
Couldn't wait to give Berni his come-uppance.

eilujReviewed Chapter: 36 on 8/18/2009
You're absolutely right: it *must* have been hobbits who invented cricket.

Author Reply: Yes, it does seem to be a 'hobbity game' doesn't it? Not to mention all those meal breaks. :-)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 36 on 8/18/2009
That was such fun! I love Frodo's skill, and the respect and affection (almost) everyone holds for him. And "Sit down, Lavinia! You're blocking the view"!! *giggles*

Author Reply: I once saw an England bowler take all ten wickets in a match in the 1970s under similar conditions (not the ants, but the rain). It was very exciting.

I suspect Lavinia was on the way to becoming another Lalia - something to make Ferumbras shudder!

Glad I made you giggle!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 36 on 8/18/2009
Now, I don't pretend to understand the playing of Cricket, but this was very entertaining, to say the least! Heh! Wonderful!

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed it, Larner. Cricket is quite a complicated game I admit, but it can be entertaining.

ErulisseReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/6/2009
Delightful. Every elf could benefit from finding his/her inner hobbit. And the vision of Haldir helping Rosie in the kitchen - well, just too droll for words. Glorfindel is, of course, one of my absolute favorite adjunct characters and I'm sure that a balrog slayer could do justice to the growls of a dragon. All in all, a very fun and full few minutes of my life was spent in the Shire and I only wish it was a longer time. Valar valuvar. - Erulisse

Author Reply: How lovely - another review! Thank you for your kind comments and I'm glad you liked the idea of Haldir in a kitchen. My Rose is always recruiting Elves to help around the house.

I like glorfindel very much - he's one of my favourites I have to say. Such a fascinating character. He has no problem finding his inner hobbit, I'm sure.

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