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The Trouble with Love  by GamgeeFest 49 Review(s)
AndreaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2005
“To the loveliest shrew I ever knew,” the card reads. LOL! Ev and Per are the perfect match, that's for sure!
And I think, that's also true for Merry and Estella. But we have to wait till after the quest. I'm curious to know, how you will solve this problem.
I have something in my mind, but like Dreamflower I just love to be surprised :)

Thank you, GamgeeFest!

Author Reply: Ev and Per are a match made in heaven. Their temperaments are just right for each other, both of them being coniving and devious. They'll be a formidable team.

Merry and Estella have quite a few obstacles standing in their way, Gordi being only one of them. I'm getting the pieces together and hope to start writing a follow up within the next month or so. How soon I'll get it posted is another matter.

Thank *you* for reading!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2005
Well - at least the end of scheming on the Merry/Estella front has enable Pervinca to notice Everard's attentions. Does he realise just how dangerous that could be? Although it will probably keep her mind off Pippin and Merry long enough for them to head off on the quest - by which time she will be kicking herself for not checking up on the information they have let slip.

Gordi's future doesn't look too promising, though - unless you are intending to Implement Change. I hope he is very happy at the moment, as his satisfaction is likely to be short-lived. Like, possibly, him.

I love the Pervinca-centric tale. More Pervinca! Please.

Author Reply: Ev considers himself quite prepared to handle whatever Pervinca may throw at him, but she'll still be able to surprise him. Pervinca will either become distracted from Merry and Pippin, or try to talk Ev into spying with her. Ev is quite a bit curious himself, being a Took and all, so anything at this point is possible.

Same goes for Gordi. I haven't quite decided on his fate as of yet, but as we know Estella does end up with Merry, we know that his happiness with Estella will not last long.

LOL, Pervinca did turn out to be quite a character. I always knew she was devious, but she even surprised me here with some of the things she said and did. It was fun getting to know her better and we just might see more of her in the future.

Thanks for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2005
A brilliant ending to the story! Of course you left strings hanging, how could you not? But we already know a good deal of it, thanks to JRRT! I really look forward to seeing how you resolve the knot you have made. Actually, last night I woke up, and a solution was in my head as to what you could do, but I'm definitely not putting it in my review. I'm not sure I want to know if I've guessed right, and I think I'd rather continue to be surprised.

I do have to say I want to see more of Ev and Vinca--that lad has nerves of steel and a mind quite the match of Vinca's!

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm glad you approve of the lack of ending, as the case may be, lol. There really simply was no way of wrapping anything up here without this turning into a completely different (and much longer) story.

I would be interested to hear your idea, if I weren't afraid it might influence what I have in mind. Maybe afterward, if you still remember what it is, lol. I'm still putting all the pieces together for the post-Quest fic, and as is often the case, I probably won't have it completely figured out until *after* I write it. ;)

Vinca and Ev are the perfect match. I see much arguing and making up in their future, lol. But Ev is prepared for that. As he said, the best part is the arguing. He might not be prepared for the making-up part though. *snickers evilly*

PlatyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2005
Awwwwwwwwwwwww!! This was so adorable!

I think a sequel detailing how Merry and Estella end up together is in order. *firm nod* I'll even buy you a plot bunny if it will help! *holds up a wee black bunny enticingly* Come onnnnn, you know you want it! ;)

Anyway, this was very well written. You've got these hobbits DOWN, man... it's like reading what Tolkein would have written if he was a girl and prone to writing romances where the lovebirds in question actually, you know, interact. ;)

FFN is missing out, and it serves them right for being so anal retentive.

Now to catch up on Return of the Dude... maybe if I wind up watching the desk tomorrow... *shifty eyes*


Author Reply: A post-Quest fic is in the very early stages of work. As soon as I get a couple of other stories finished and done, I'll put my full attention to that, as it's promising to be even more involved and complicated than "A Tale...".

I think the lasses do get more than a bit short-changed in Tolkien's world, so it's fun to go in and try to figure out how certain things might have happened.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2005
We know things turned around for Estella while Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin were gone, but it's nice to see what happened with Pervinca.

Lovely story and well told. Thanks!

Author Reply: LOL, Pervinca will have much to keep her distracted and preoccupied over the next several months. Now she'll understand what Estella was going through, though she will get things resolved much more quickly. It won't take her long to figure out how to tell Ev of her feelings.

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

Rabid PenflingerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2005
I adore your works dear! You truly have talent, and have a strong way of working a plot and a good balance between dialogue and description. I also enjoy your characterization and the ways the characters interact and have evolving friendships with each other in your ficts.

But this ending has interested me greatly! Now I wonder how Estella and Merry end up together in the end, or if they even do! Are you keeping them apart in your work of fanfiction? Or not? You've got my interest, that's for certain! But remember now: Curiosity killed/incapacitated the Took, as they always say. I'm sad to say that as my forbearers were Mennonite, and that after painstaking research I've discovered that Menno Simons was actually a hobbit descendant of the Thrain Peregrin I insist I've got some Took in me. Please don't condemn me to a horrible fate of not knowing! Excuse me as I roll on the floor making inarticulate sounds and blubber.

All hail thee, Gamgeefest. May you computer never suffer memory loss or software error!

Author Reply: Hello Rabid Penflinger! Good to meet you. :) Thank you for your kind words. It's such an honor to know that others enjoy what my work.

This is, in fact, canon, I just have something different in mind for Estella and Merry. That will, however, have to wait for my post-Quest fic, whenever I have time to actually sit down and work on it. I'm also still figuring out a few of the details.

Thanks for reading!

RenaissanceGrrlReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/8/2005
"I have our shawls tucked up beneath the door so no light will spill out into the hall."

I've done that! ^_^

Did the post messengers live in the houses? *hadn't ever thought of how the letters got about the Shire*

*sniggle* Pervinca isn't quite so smart as she thinks she is, is she? I knew what Everard was doing from the moment he wheedled the red and white roses thing out of her, and it seems she's still in the dark. Lol...

Author Reply: The Great Smials is quite large and houses at least 200 hobbits, if not more. Plus, the Thain does all his business from there, so I figured it would only make sense if a certain number of post messengers lived on the premises. Most hobbits though would have to go to their town centers to the post master's office to send their mail.

Pervinca was a bit distracted, you have to give her that. She was in a "all boys are evil" mode, and so only saw Ev's teasing as, well, teasing. Plus, this is her kid brother's good friend, who she has known most of her life as a "pest and a pain". Even if she did figure out he was talking about her, she would have made the natural assumption that he was only teasing her further. And Ev did mean it as teasing - mostly. ~_^ She won't be in the dark for too long.

RenaissanceGrrlReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/8/2005
"Yes, they were growing fungus because you watered them too much after they died." XD

Yay! Merry loves her! Should be simple. SHOULD. I would be disappointed in you if it WAS that simple.

*has suddenly figured out the timeline* OOH! *keeps mouth shut to wait and see if she's right*

"Oh, Vinca, did you hear? Merry’s in love with me!"
"Imagine that?" I say, trying not to sound sour and hurt for being ignored every single time I had told her the same thing.

Hehehe, I can so relate, being the resident "good listener" among my friends...

Oh, and I forgot to mention, but the thing in the first chapter with Pippin and the word count on the essay rather cracked me up. ^_-

Author Reply: I wanted to keep this simple, but love can be tricky that way. Of course, the timeline doesn't help either. Merry and Pippin may not know about It yet, but they do know that something serious is about to happen, even if it is only that Frodo will be leaving soon. Merry had long ago decided to keep an eye on Frodo for just such a moment, knowing that he would go with him when the time came.

LOL, I figured modern-day school kids couldn't be the first ones to try to "write large and cover the page" in order to get a paper written. Paladin is wise to his son's ways. :)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/8/2005
"To be concluded..." Does that mean, there's only one chapter to follow?
Oh my, there are still so many problems to be solved!
I must admit, I really like Gordi. He's a fine hobbit lad. He has fallen in love with Estella and I can understand, that he only wants to marry her, if (or when) she feels the same for him.

So I think, there is still time for Merry to react.
Or, to say it in the words of Pervinca:

“Never give up, no matter how fruitless the pursuit may seem.”

Author Reply: The epilogue will be posted shortly, and I'm afraid it doesn't solve any problems, lol. That will have to wait for my post-Quest fic, whenever I have time to get around to working on that.

Gordi's a good guy, who would never want to force himself upon the girl he loves, or anyone else for that matter. Vinca hasn't been very generous to him up to this point, knowing that Estella would have rather been with Merry. But now that Merry does seem to be out of the picture for once and for all, she'll give Gordi a fairer chance.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/8/2005
Okay, I've been dense, thinking this was post-quest, but it's PRE-quest. No wonder poor Merry is saying no for now! Poor, poor lad, finally getting what he wants when he can't accept it, for not knowing what's coming! Poor, responsible Merry!

And Pervinca is still being totally dense as to her own situation and Ev's feelings toward her.

Author Reply: Yep, pre-Quest. A very bad time for all this to come to the fore. Merry is doing the responsible thing, as far as he can see, and it is quite trying on the poor lad.

Pervinca is stuck in the mind frame of seeing Ev only as a "childhood rival" but she'll soon find out what he's up to. At least she's now *thinking* about him when he's not around. ~_^

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