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Moments in Time  by Larner 1162 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 100 on 1/21/2010
Ignore my last comment about needing to post the whole song - reading this backwards and didn't know you had already posted the masterpiece! I love the most the repeating of the first stanza at the end and the determination that he shall sing. Love it and bless dear Sam for it! *hugs him*

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: And don't forget to thank Pippin for his services as editor and first performer! Heh!

Am glad you found it here. And a joyful day to you!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 1/19/2010
Here's to another 100! *raises glass*

Author Reply: Thank you so, Dreamflower. And I may just reach that many again!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 100 on 1/19/2010
I had every intention of reviewing this right after I read it-- but had to tear myself away to cook supper, and then after supper, my newly upgraded Norton decided to take over my computer for an automatic back-up (thus rendering it so sluggish as to be useless).

Then when I read the first offering of your new anthology, I suddenly realized I'd never got back to this!

This is filled with Sam's powerful emotions of frustration and longing-- I could easily see him pouring his heart out all night long, trying to say what should be said!

What a fitting close to this anthology! I hope you soon fill up your second one!

Author Reply: Oh, I know how it is when computers decide to take on tasks on their own and refuse to answer direct orders! Am glad you got back to this one.

That now and then the pain should return as bad as when Frodo left them only seems normal, as I've certainly found that happens in my life. And that Sam should find himself trying to write out the pain in such a manner also seems likely.

Am so glad you feel this is a good place to stop my first collection; and I found I had to use the backstory for the first of the second one. I'm just glad that so many have enjoyed what I've written.

Thank you so much!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 99 on 1/18/2010
Oh, this was lovely!

(And somehow it reminds me of my own characters' "None of your nonsense, now, Pip" when Pippin is waxing whimsical... What fun! This bright, inquisitive young Pip of yours could easily grow into a fine problem solver, with a little tempering.)

Author Reply: Oh, it is an honor to think you see our characterizations so closely in tune, Lindelea! And joy to you ever!

And DO check the new story group that is opening. You will see why....

Ainu-YavannaReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 1/18/2010
Thank you very much indeed for “Moments in Time”. I am glad to learn that “complete” does not mean you stop. I always look forward to a new story about Frodo and I admire your awesome imagination. Congratulation for 100 chapters!

Author Reply: Thank you so very much, Ainu-Yavanna! I am honored you wish to see the stories continue!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 1/18/2010
One hundred Moments in Time, congratulations!

Author Reply: Yes, a whole hundred of them. Thanks, Shirebound!

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 1/18/2010
Though I've followed the development of your theories through your fiction, I really do appreciate that you've laid it out "factually" (as it were) here, and I imagine it'll be helpful to link these A/N's to new readers. It really is a fascinating take on just a few lines.

Congratulations on getting such a huge opus of short fiction! I remember the first time you posted one of these things, with the disclaimer "something I don't do very often," so I find it highly amusing that you've finally "maxed out" this particular collection. You deserve a hearty pat on the back, if not some praising with great praise!

Author Reply: I wrote what I did mostly for new readers, and particularly one on FF.n who apparently isn't a member and thus I have no other means of answering her questions. I know I'm not the first to break off at some point to start new collections of short fictions--Dreamflower has done so, too. But I felt that at a hundred chapters this was getting unwieldy, so it was time to start over. And my first story will be in honor of the one whose own writing got mine started! And it's an honor to honor her, you see!

Thanks so very much, Celeritas.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 99 on 1/17/2010
I'm glad Pippin was able to realise his potential with help from Frodo

Author Reply: Indeed, Linda! Oh, yes--he profited well enough by the time Frodo spent with him!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 100 on 1/17/2010
Very well done, Larner!

The Gondorian minstrels would be proud of you (and Sam).
And they would be jealous, because this song gives much inside information they would have loved to know.

P.S.: Happy anniversary! For this is #100 in "Moments in Time".

Author Reply: Yes, this shall become Old 100 now! And indeed there is inside information here.

This ends this collection, and in its way shall start the next. And may these not be forgotten while folk turn onto the new stories!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 100 on 1/17/2010
This is so well done Larner. Is it really six weeks between Rivendell and Moria? How clever of the Prof, and you.

Author Reply: I may have taken liberties with the timeline somewhat--I counted on Sam and Pippin remembering Gandalf saying they must hold to the southern path for forty days before they'd come to where they'd turn, and that this number would be used by Sam in his poem--makes a nice, round number, doesn't it? And reminiscent of other forty days spent in the wilderness....

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