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If I had a Hammer  by Grey Wonderer 246 Review(s)
PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/8/2005
Ah! My sweet Merry is finally waking up! Pippin an inventor?? This is an excellent turn of events. For as much as I imagine Pippin a very clever lad, until now, I never thought of him as an inventor. I do love your Sam! He talks to young, inexperienced Pippin without putting on airs. A most excellent tale! Waiting for more...or shall I head on over to LJ and get No. 5?? ;-) Hey, gotta have something to read at lunch tomorrow... Thanks for a great chapter!


Author Reply: Hey, thank you for reading! They say that necessity is the mother of invention and I believe that after finding some loads a bit too heavy to manage, Pippin simply came up with a plan. Merry is having a change of heart. As to your lunch reading, I am putting part 5 over here in a minute or two. If you print, I'd suggest doing it from here because the font on LJ went totally screwy on me for part 5 and it refused to behave. Thanks for the review and I am so glad that you like Sam.

MaidenofValinorReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/8/2005
heh. I like Gaffer. that apple cobbler sounds so gooddddd. I shouldn't read when I'm hungry....

Author Reply: I think I must have been hungry when I wrote that part. LOL Glad you like the Gaffer. He is becoming one of my favorites to write lately.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/8/2005
“Just between you and me, Master Pippin,” Sam said in a low tone. “Them what does the teachin’ don’t always have all the answers.”

Sam's comments are really great - and wise. That statement is so true!

Well, it seems Merry needed old Gaffer Gamgee to see clear. Now he will come to Pippin's aid, I'm sure. He can never be angry with his adored little cousin for long, as is also true for Frodo :)

Thank you, G. W. !

Author Reply: Thank you for reading and taking the time to review. I am glad that you are enjoying this one. I do think that Merry is starting to come around now.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/8/2005
This is probably just what Merry needs to bring him onside! If he can be fighting for Pippin against the world, he can forget the disappointment of being discarded in favour of Sam as carpentry trainer.

And Sam is, truly, the best candidate for helping Pippin learn. He can listen - and give credit where it is due - and let Pippin try things. And, if he can learn to wield a sword effectively for Boromir, I'm sure he's capable of learning to hammer a nail and use tools properly.

This is a fun ride.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/7/2005
Not realizing they have a far better teacher who is both braver and better able to manage Pippin in that barn with him at the moment.

Pippin talking, hammer in hand, is quite the image to have in mind. Sam has his work more than cut out for him, doesn't he?

Author Reply: Ah yes, but Sam is fearless isn't he? Well, let's hope he is anyway. Pip and that hammer are a receipe for danger.

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/7/2005
What a sweet story. You've done such a good job with the psychology of it all, Pippin feeling young and insecure about the fact that everyone else is out of school, as it were, while he's still going through all the awkwardness of adolescence, and Merry being of no help because he's still young enough to feel left out and resentful. Thank goodness for the steadying presence of Sam. I can't wait to see how this all works out. :)

Author Reply: Thank you. Glad you like it. I was nervous about Sam as I don't write him often. More over the weekend.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/6/2005
Bless Sam, rock of support that he always is. Pippin needs support, and Sam is letting him lean on that foundation. Lovely!

Author Reply: Sam is actually doing a great job of keeping things under control while attempting to teach Pippin something along the way. He is a very brave gardener to take this one on. But everyone knows that Sam is special.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/6/2005
The terrors of the small Took with the hammer in his hand! I'm not giggling now--I'm outright guffawing! Sam is already earning the title of Samwise the Brave--or is it Samwise the Foolhardy?

Tobias and the Gaffer are earning the right to drink their breakfast, you know!

Author Reply: You know this may have been Sam's training for the quest. After this, Mordor might not have seemed all that dangerous.

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/6/2005
I am loving this story, even if I do want to shake Merry! Frodo must have a lot of patience not to kick the irritating tween.

Oh Sam! He is so adorable and so patient with poor, ham-fisted Pip. Loved the foot-guards and the fact that he is now looking for a helmet. I've been giggling so much at this that people are starting to think I'm madder than Denethor!

Great story - looking forward to the next chapter. Sam may well need a suit of armour by then!

Author Reply: You don't have a Palantir about do you? Happy to hear that you are getting some laughs out of this one. Just don't set anything on fire and you should be ok. LOL

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/6/2005
Frodo is very strong-willed - not to have thumped Merry yet. It all goes to show that Pippin might be a sensitive, easily-hurt teen, but Merry is still at the huffy tween stage. I don't know how Frodo and Sam cope!

Sam is a star. If anyone can get Pippin through this, it'll be him. And, hopefully, boost his confidence along the way. I think Frodo might find it a bit more tricky to bring Merry to an understanding of his own weaknesses though.

Looking forward to the next part!

Author Reply: Thank you for reading and I am glad that you are enjoying this one. I think everyone may just learn a thing or two before this is over, even Meriadoc. LOL

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