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Just Desserts  by Lindelea 203 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/1/2005
Oh, joy. I'm so pleased that the hobbits intend their proclamations to be more than token. Gwill/Jack badly needs to spend time in the Shire. And Seledrith seems to be looking on the prospect with amazement and delight. It will do the Shirefolk good to see certain selected men - and women and babies - now that the bad days are getting to be no more than a bad memory.

Ferdi's not so sure about the Gondor trip - but he is getting accustomed to the idea. And he does need this. Probably more than Farry. His experience has made him strong, but not open to new things - and, if he is to become the hobbit he can be, he needs to get over this parochial blinkered-ness.

Lovely penultimate chapter of a very stressful, yet delightful story. And Jack gets to go back to the Shire. Yeah! Go him.

Lovely, lovely, lovely. So enjoyable. And the tailor has become a Counsellor. And Denny is the daddy of a darling daughter. (Love the reverse cooing about the hugeness of the baby! And Pippin's satisfaction with the food as opposed to the nouvelle cuisine of Minas Tirith.)

Author Reply: Jack and the Shire just seem to go so well together, like butter on bread.

Although there's not a chapter in this story about it, somehow I think that the family living in Bag End are in for a treat, a real Prancing Pony breakfast surprise.

So glad you enjoy your prize. (How awful, if you didn't!)

The tailor becoming a Counsellor was from a review--yours? I need to look back through the feedback to make sure, and then will put a note in the "Notes" to that effect.


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/1/2005
I would have loved to have been at this party. I loved the contrast between the food there and palace feasts in Minas Tirith!!! And I am glad to see that Gandalf's old room is going to get some new visitors.

Author Reply: Sounds like my kind of party. Good food in plenty, music that makes you want to dance, a mix of adults and children eating and talking and dancing--hmmm. Sound a lot like the free concerts held at a local farm in the summertime.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 35 on 12/1/2005

What a lovely party! How wonderful to hear the arrangements for Gwill to come to the Shire in the summertime! And I have to confess to sqee-ing out loud when you mentioned Gandalf's old guest room! (I suppose that's where Legolas stays on his occasional Shire visits as well.)

This was just beautiful. I adored Pippin's description of the cuisine of Minas Tirith, LOL!

Well, I'd say a good deal more, but I'm off to run an errand! I really look forward to reading about Ferdi and Farry visiting the South,though!

Author Reply: I sort of wondered what happened to Gandalf's old room, and then it occurred to me that it might be kept "as is" as a sort of memorial, just in case a visiting wizard should pop in. So far as I know, Radagast is still in Middle-earth, after all...


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 34 on 11/26/2005
Might Haleth join the trip to Gondor? That would be rather fun!

Author Reply: Hmmm. Interesting notion. Hadn't thought about that.

Author Reply: Update: Yes. Definitely. Wouldn't be the same without him.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 34 on 11/26/2005
I wasn't fooled for a moment, I knew all was being fixed up for the family to return to :) Such a wonderful chapter! Do you have horses? Not many people would know about dressing the horses hooves, it was a wonderful fine point that added to the description of the grandure of the occasion.

"Elessar nodded with a smile. Who was he to gainsay Master, Mayor, and Thain?"

Indeed, he knows better ;)


Author Reply: Pretty hard to fool you!

I used to have a horse, though sadly I've given up riding. I ruined my knees, running, and cannot ride without so much pain that it spoils the pleasure. But I still have fond memories of that marvellous feeling of having contact with the horse's mouth, such that I could feel the working of its tongue and it could feel the merest twitch of my fingers... the feeling of being so in tune that a shift of my weight in the saddle brought a response... ah, but those were the days.


FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 34 on 11/26/2005
Elessar nodded with a smile. Who was he to gainsay Master, Mayor, and Thain?

Has he ever tried? Trying to say no to just Pippin would be difficult enough, but all three of them? Perhaps the only one who could get away with that would be Arwen.

Pippin has been busy, hasn't he. He wasn't just arranging a vacation. This honoring ceremony has many hobbit touches to it. First of all, the public honoring in response to the public shaming reminds me very much of Frodo-lad's treatment at the end of "Truth". And of course, the homey touches inside the shop, from food to herbal sachets, seems hobbity too. Sparkling horses, however, that seems pure Elvish. Or maybe not - I seem to remember a young rapscallion gilding pony hooves once. Do Gwill and Gwillam get to keep the fancy cloaks? (where would they ever wear them, I wonder)

The mercy and justice of the king have been well established. The steward, however, might still need some rehabilitation in the eyes of the populace. I can't help but think that his upcoming vacation and replacement by his brother is going to be seen as punishment, or at least censure, by the merchants of the town. How is Elessar going to address this?

I wonder if Old Gwill will retire to the Shire at some point? I can see a little house for him in the South Farthing, but I suppose that isn't practical to take him from the family who cares for him. Maybe he could be buried there.

Author Reply: Hmmm. Now I wonder if Arwen has ever had occasion to say "No" to Pippin?

There are hobbity touches to the celebration, certainly, and Elessar might have been influenced by hearing the story of Frodo-lad's "fall" and restoration, but I think much of the pomp and circumstance comes from the King, though he has toned it down considerably from what it might have been, had they been in Minas Tirith.

And the hobbits had input into the homey touches, I'm sure, but it is Arwen in my mind who was the guiding force behind the spring cleaning. She is, after all, daughter of the Last Homely House, a perfect house, as Bilbo said. And yes, the horses are definitely Elvish in their decoration. The mithril silver was a clue to that. Good catch!

I'm pretty sure they give the fancy cloaks back. *g* They won't need them for riding in any more parades, and after all, they're pretty used to a quiet life.

Keep in mind that the Steward has been Steward for the past ten years, not just the past two. He had eight good years of being firm and fair, for he was truly a wise choice on Elessar's part, and his decline into bitterness was not overnight but so gradual that it was sort of like the frog-in-boiling-water phenomenon.

The upcoming "vacation" could be seen as punishment, but Elessar is clever enough to put it in the right light--what a high honour it would be, to escort the son of the Ernil and perhaps the son of the Mayor (that plot point is not yet hammered out) to Gondor, retracing the Ring-bearer's Quest. Why, if Elessar cannot go himself, then he is sending his most-trusted man in his place. And with Pippin's endorsement (and remember, he first met the Steward ten years ago, and though he didn't get to know him well, he thought well of the man up until this particular visit), well, who could go wrong with Pippin's endorsement?

And yes, I think that Gwill *must* return to the Shire in the warm season. If you might recall, from "Glisters", Diamond intended to gift the family with gold. They ought to be able to travel in comfort, even enough for an old man in frail health. And, without the stress of living under a sword (was that Damocles?) I even think Jack's health will improve greatly!

Can't you imagine his joy, openly taking Will and Rob to show them all the places he remembers?

And yes, though I don't think I could write it, in my mind is the knowledge that some day his sons will carry him back to the Shire at the end, to be buried on top of a great hill with a panoramic view of the Shire.


Author Reply: The upcoming "vacation" could be seen as punishment, but Elessar is clever enough to put it in the right light--what a high honour it would be, to escort the son of the Ernil and perhaps the son of the Mayor (that plot point is not yet hammered out) to Gondor, retracing the Ring-bearer's Quest.

Just an update, to let you know, as you were so generous in sharing your thoughts and impressions over the years, helping me to work through many a thorny character development. The Travellers will include the son of the Ernil, yes, and definitely a son of the Mayor... and the son of the Master was added as well, as the draft of the new story took shape. Hopefully to begin posting as soon as one of the current WIPs is finished, later in the summer or by September at the latest.

Hope this finds you and yours well.

FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/26/2005
Ferdi and Farry are going to Gondor! That's been in the outline for a long time - will we be seeing the start of a new story soon? I knew Pippin was up to something at the end of the last chapter. There was a line in there about him being off on some business, and I said to Raven, "I wonder what he's up to now?"

That is going to be quite a trip, buy the way. They're retracing the steps of the nine walkers? I assume we're leaving out Moria, although they'll have to attempt the pass of Caradhras to go down the Dimrill Stair. Without the influence of evil sorcerers, maybe the pass will be, em, passable. They won't want to miss Lorien, and the trip on the River, but then what will they do after Amon Hen? I assume the waylaying, wounding and orc-dragging through Rohan are right out too? But Ferdi must go to Isengard and see the Ents. Maybe that will be on the way back, if they go directly to Minas Tirith.

Pippin is showing a remarkable degree of trust in Haldoron. It wasn't two days ago that they were desperately trying to keep him from killing people. Has he truly made up for tragedy and abuse with his acceptance of the guardsmen's punishment? I wonder how he will react to the story Ferdi will have to tell of the attack on Pippin by the false guardsman wearing the uniform of his murdured son. So far, the character of Haldoron doesn't exactly grab me yet, but there'll be a good long time to flesh him out on the way to Gondor.

(Pretty funny that this is Aragorn's idea of a vacation. Maybe you should title the chapter "Plans for a Holiday")

Author Reply: They are going to Gondor! (They've been going to Gondor for months now, even years perhaps, and yet the story has been remarkably uncooperative. But perhaps things are looking up.)

Goodness, you've done a good job of anticipating the journey. But don't be so sure about waylaying... Got to have some tension, after all, or we end up with PWP (which I just learned the meaning of, recently, LOL).

Remember that Pippin has known Haldoron, at least as an acquaintance, for ten years now. Elessar did choose the right man for the job, in the beginning, but perhaps he did not foresee the souring after Haldoron's son was murdered. Things must have looked okay two years "ago", the last time the King was in the Northlands, but then Haldoron's grief was fresh and he was still somewhat in shock. He hardened slowly over the passing months: a gradual process.

Plans for a Holiday! *g* Just the thing! (But there is a dd breathing down my neck at the moment, so no time to change the name now.)


Author Reply: As it is, I titled the chapter "All Work and No Play". Somehow I stuck at putting "Holiday" in the chapter title. Seemed as if it was a spoiler for the chapter, don't know quite why without going back and reading.

And that made the Muse chuckle. Wouldn't it be a challenge to find all the cliches with "Jack" in them and use them for titles in a "Jack" story?

Don't know if it will ever happen, but it was amusing to contemplate for a moment.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/26/2005
"The rest of his speech was lost on Ferdibrand, and Haldoron, who had locked glances once more. It seemed they were going on a journey together, whether they wanted to, or no."

I sense the beginnings of another story here ;) A good thing that the King and the Ernil are such level headed lads :)

You do write so very well my friend :)

Author Reply: Ah, yes, "Farry and Ferdi Go to Gondor" has been in the works a lo-o-o-o-ong time, but just hasn't wanted to write itself for some reason. Perhaps it was waiting for just the right Captain to come along...

Thanks--coming from you that is high praise.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 32 on 11/26/2005
Tricksy Hobbits indeed ;) and most all little ones.

Sorry my reviews aren't as long as some of the others, don't take that as a sign of any less enjoyment or appreciation on my part, I'm loving this story :)

Author Reply: O but I am very glad for your reviews! And sometimes when I'm in that place where no words come easily, and I read during what would be normally "writing time" because it's all I can do, I write awfully brief reviews because I can't think of anything to say... but I still hope the author will be blessed by the feedback... as I am!

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/26/2005
Happiness and joy!!

"And then the baby hiccoughed, for he was awake, and hungry, and it was time for life to resume its flow."

So it always goes :)


Author Reply: Thank you!

And doesn't it seem that life is defined more by the mundane little moments than the grand?

At least most of the time.

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