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The Acceptable Sacrifice  by Larner 21 Review(s)
AndreaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/25/2005
It's very interesting to see how much Frodo tells Faralion about his life and the quest. Maybe that's because the minstrel does not come up immediately with suggestions how to improve his health - he's just listening! And I think this way he helps Frodo to share his bad memories and to lighten his heart.

BTW, I loved that bit about Captain Thorongil :)

Author Reply: Sometimes a disinterested stranger is easier to talk with than one well beloved. So glad you appreciate this fact. And Captain Thorongil does slip in from time to time. He's a fun one to deal with, I find, ever since I wrote The King's Commission.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/25/2005
Oh yes, read Tolkien's letters! I've read the German translation some time ago and then purchased the English paperback edition, and it is very interesting. It was the book that gave me the hope back Elladan and Elrohir had gone to Valinor at last, in spite of what was told in the appendices, because he said they delayed their choice and remained for a while. If I have more time, I'll have to re-read it more slowly, so I remember a bit more of it.

Faralion got to know Frodo quite well, what I'd not expected. Maybe that was one reason Aragorn regretted not to be able to get to know the minstrel better?
Faralion can feel honoured to have witnessed Sam's and Frodo's report of their journey from Amon Hen to Orodruin as the only one not being a member of the Fellowship. I am glad Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli came in time to hear it as well and Aragorn was able to relieve Frodo of some of the pain afterwards.

And of course Legolas smirked. After all, he is acquainted with the Lord Captain Thorongil personally *wide grin* Poor Faralion, if he only knew!

Author Reply: Yes, Faralion is coming to know Frodo, and it must add to Aragorn's frustration later at not being able to get much beyond the formal level with him. And I, too, found myself glad Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas were able to hear much of this story. Aragorn is getting more of the details now that he needs. And I love to think of those who have no idea that Aragorn was Thorongil, and how much entertainment he got out of the situation over the years.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/25/2005
Well, I'm glad to get a chance to review! When I clicked the "leave review" button it kept coming up "page not available". Glad I tried one more time.

I like seeing this chapter from Farolian's POV. He seems an interesting character; I hope that we will begin to see more of him.

Frodo appears willing to open up to him--he seems to engender confidences in much the same way as Ruvemir later does.

I enjoyed the way that the remainder of the Fellowship gradually gathered round as Frodo and Sam told their story, and Farolian's startlement. And the ending was cute. "Thorongil" has a lot to answer for, it seems, LOL!

Author Reply: It's a part of the story only the two truly know and that the rest need to learn about; and Faralion is here helping facilitate that.

Part of the type of personality that memorializes others well is that they tend to inspire confidence in others; and I see Faralion doing this for those he feels comfortable with. However, until he gets past feelings of proper protocol, he's not going to do super well with Aragorn's stories, I fear.

And I thought this was time for hints of Aragorn's multiple identities to begin to surface. One day Faralion will catch on, I think.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/25/2005
This was interesting, watching Faralion get to know Frodo and discover the reality behind his song. The gathering at the end was also nice, and I loved Aragorn singing at the end. That scene had such a warm-fuzzy feel, old friends together for a little quiet camaraderie. Very nice! ~TF

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed it, TF. Yes, moments of comfort with one another, and the awareness that our new king is multifaceted, which may one day lead to realization he also has several identities, one of them quite familiar to some in Gondor.

Thanks for the feedback.

AmyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/25/2005
Ha ha ha, please let Faralion faint!

Sorry, got a bit carried away there at the end.

I so love listening to the Fellowship sit and talk.

Author Reply: Yes, sitting near the edge of a small river leading from a beautiful waterfall to the Anduin listening to a tale by turns horrible and beautiful....

Don't know as yet when Faralion will realize his king WAS Thorongil, but he's getting his first hints.

Thanks so much for the feedback.

ElentarielReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/25/2005
The famed Capt Thorongil indeed! You would have thought the hobbits (if they know) would be rolling on the floor in laughter with the possible exception of Frodo and perhaps Samwise. I like it.

Author Reply: I believe that the Hobbits themselves are only beginning to fully realize the identity under which Aragorn lived when he served in Gondor. And personally I think Frodo would get a kick out of it (as you will note two chapters from now).

Sorry I didn't post today--am still trying to shake the crud and spent the day mostly in bed.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/25/2005
Of course the elf was smirking! A most perceptive Bard!
Larner, this is a truly wonderful chapter - too much to take in at one reading but I enjoyed the discussion about the Shire Family system - will you get to the Thain, Master and Mayor?
And Frodo feeling bereft and lonely for Aragorn.
And this new friendship is developing nicely, especially as it enables both of them (and us,) to hear the full tale while giving Frodo a chance to express himself to someone not as fully involved. Do we suspect Aragorn for planting him in Frodo's way or is it just the natural curiosity of a Bard.
Watch out Aragorn, the guild will get you when the connection is revealed!

Author Reply: The family system in the Shire will become more complicated for Faralion to truly understand in the next chapter, which will get posted tomorrow, I hope--have been keeping my congested self in bed most of today, avoiding all responsibilities and the phone as much as possible, although the dishwasher did finally get run!

And I suspect this was just Bardish curiosity, although I doubt Aragorn regrets anything that will get Frodo out of the rut of feeling isolated.

And for a second there Legolas forgot to remain inscrutable. And we already know how long (in my version of ME, of course), how long it took the Bard's Guild to trap Aragorn. Yes, they'll get him in the end.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/24/2005
This chapter was heavy on the exposition, but you wrote it very well. It can be hard to work in so much backstory at once, but to do backstory that every reader knows like the back of their hand -- that's an art. Your skill with perception and feeling really comes through here, since you're not just telling what happened, you're showing how the characters felt about that.

I like Faralion. He sounds like a stand-up sort of a guy, and just the sort of friend Frodo needs right now.

Author Reply: Thanks for the vote of confidence, French Pony. So much of writing gapfillers such as this is dealing with the back story. And, yes, Faralion is the type of person Frodo needs right now, during one of his worse days, as it were.

And I'm honored that you find skill in my writing. Thanks so much for all the feedback.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/24/2005
It is interesting to see Frodo as he appears to others and sad to see how his health is so frail and that he is lonely. As always, I just loved the Aragorn moment.

I' so pleased you are enjoying my story too,I greatly appreciate your reviews,thank you.

Author Reply: Of course, I LOVE the Aragorn moments--am always happy to have my favorite King involved in anyone's story! But on the bad days, I suspect that there would be times when Frodo would still feel isolated and touchy.

Anyway, I'll have to read your latest chapter tomorrow--worked much of the day after a short night and an early awakening by one of my clients, and now am in need of getting to bed as soon as possible.

Lotrgirl1415Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/24/2005
Guess what I'm not dead!
My house is i got back on the internet and you updated! *hugs4u*
You brightened my gloomy day!
I loved this chp!
keep up the great work!

Author Reply: So glad Wilma didn't do serious damage to your home. Am grateful there was so much less damage with this one than with Katrina. And that the update has helped you deal with the fears and frustrations is heartening. Thanks for letting us know you're okay.

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