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Chance Encounter  by Dreamflower 127 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/24/2006
And so--Frodo here had figured out that for which Aragorn waits. Poor Frodo, and poor Aragorn--waiting at the end can be so difficult.

Author Reply: Yes, given a few moments to reflect and put together the clues, Frodo is perceptive enough to guess. And realizing that which Aragorn waits for makes him far less importunate at waiting himself.

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2006
Poor hobbits. They want to go home so badly, but at least Frodo understands why Aragorn wants them to wait. That should help the others to be patient also once Frodo explains it to them. Very appropriate of Menelcar to write the story of Pippin's mythic triumph over his not-so-intelligent foe as a humorous one. ;) And Pippin drastracted Frodo brilliantly, though I wouldn't be surprised if Frodo found a way of having a word or two with him. I was surprised to see this come to an end so quickly. I was ready to read another nine chapters.

Author Reply: Well, Frodo is only guessing, so I don't think he would say anything to the others unless he was sure.

Menelcar has seen enough of hobbits to know that they like to treat things lightly--and really it is quite hobbity to do so.

Well, I had to end here, or I would have overlapped into the earlier story, that actually took place *after* this one "A Different Kind of Quest", which takes place beginning the very next day actually. Sort of a problem in writing prequels, LOL!

But rest assured, you've not seen the end of Menelcar!

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2006
What a lovely way to end the story. That song was so beautiful.

Oooh! Frodo does angry again! I often wondered what their reaction was when Aragorn asked them to stay on, but I'd never considered they might be angry. That is a very interesting thought. Poor Aragorn - I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of Frodo's temper!

I'd love to have seen the wedding though! *sigh*

Author Reply: I am so glad you liked the song. I wanted something special to end with.

No, I wouldn't either, actually. I think Frodo does a swell angry! But, really, read the text in the book--Aragorn comes across as rather unfeeling, don't you think--Frodo tells him they are homesick and want to go home, and he tells them not yet, and doesn't tell them why? I thought it was a bit high-handed myself the very first time I read that.

Perhaps another story...maybe...

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2006
This was so good. I'm glad you posted it here. For some reason, it seemed longer when you posted it to lj. Probably because you posted in smaller bits over a longer time.

Thanks again for sharing this. I really liked Menelcar's song about the four hobbits.



Author Reply: It's actually longer here, with the additions and corrections made to it. But you are right that the way it was posted made it seem longer.

And I'm so glad you enjoyed re-reading it, and that you liked Menelcar's song.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2006
and into malice Mercy cast,
and Love and Grace prevailed.
So Power and Pride did tremble then,
And thus the Darkness failed.

Have I ever told you, how much I like that song? It's beautiful!

Well, Frodo and Aragorn both were impatient to wait any longer, when they began to talk. So it's no wonder that all went wrong. Fortunately, Gandalf was there to "restore peace". He can talk Frodo into nearly everything ;-)

Author Reply: I'm so very glad you like it! It was one of the more difficult I've written.

Yes, their impatience got the better of them, and the fact that Aragorn was taken by surprise.

Gandalf has decades of experience talking hobbits into things--inviting Dwarves to tea, going off on adventures, giving up a ring of power, leaving the Shire... Patching up a minor quarrel between friends is a piece of cake for that Istari!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2006
Obviously I’m not the only one to be impressed how easily Pippin dealt with the scroundel, if even Aragorn is amazed. It’s odd – I know he has slain a Troll and Merry the Witch King together with Éowyn, but nevertheless I feel much too protective of them because they’re so small. Well, I’m probably not the only one.

Menelcar’s new song was wonderful! And it’s good he was able to tell Pippin’s adventure in a way that didn’t upset Frodo too much.

Uh ... this talk between Aragorn and Frodo didn’t go well, not at all! Of course I can understand both of them, Aragorn still not daring to talk about his deepest wishes, Frodo disappointed of Aragorn’s reaction because he doesn’t know why Aragorn want them to stay a while longer. What a luck Gandalf was there and intervened! And now he has his suspicions *why* they have to wait, I’m sure Frodo can endure it.

Author Reply: Well, even though Aragorn's had plenty of evidence as to Merry's and Pippin's skill as warriors, he was not able to witness any of it first hand--he wasn't there when they tried to help Boromir fight off the Uruk-hai, he came to the Pelennor after the W-K was slain, and of course when Pippin took out the troll he was rather pre-occupied with some enemies of his own. So it really was the first time to actually see one of them in action, so to speak--and I'm sure that he was quite impressed!

I'm glad you liked Menelcar's song, and his humorous way of telling the story.

No. I didn't want that talk to go well. For decades I have been just the eensiest bit ticked off at Aragorn for so abruptly refusing to let his poor homsick hobbits go home without an explanation, and Gandalf's thing of not wanting to spoil the surprise doesn't cut any ice with me! So I felt it was only fair for Frodo to be somewhat angered over that refusal, and that Aragorn needed to grovel just a little bit over it!

But yes, once Frodo got to thinking, he added up the clues and figured it out himself--he just needed a bit of time.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2006
I love that song so much.

Although in height but half as high
full twice as large their hearts.
When darkness threatened all they loved,
they sought to do their parts.


Author Reply: Thank you very much. I love that particular verse a good deal myself.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2006
Just had to sneak online for long enough to drink a cup of tea and read the conclusion to this.

Very satisfying!

Having Menelcar tell the story in a comical manner was a stroke of genius. And the song he sang, later, was perfect, and very lyrical.

The last bit at the end, too, placed the story squarely in context. (Funny, before I realised just when this story was set, I wrote that little "AmEx" thing of Pippin set during the same time!)

But I forget, is this story set before or after Beregond's hearing?

Author Reply: I'm glad you found the end satisfying--I was afraid it would be a bit abrupt, but of course, I couldn't continue it further without intruding into the previous fic.

I thought that Aragorn might advise him to treat it that way--less embarrassing for Pippin, and less alarming for his kin. But I also think it would be the hobbity way of treating such an incident--much the way that Bilbo chose to be humorous when recounting the encounter with the three trolls--which I am quite certain was a good deal more terrifying when it happened than it seemed when he told it.

I knew right off the bat that your little "AmEx" thing was set during this time! But I had always known one thing about this story, even when it was a bunny chase, I wanted to deal wtih the unfairness of Aragorn telling four homesick hobbits that they couldn't go home, without giving them a good reason. Really, it was most unfair of him, and I thought he deserved at least to have a brief uncomfortable moment for that!

Actually, Beregond's hearing would be taking place *during* this story--it's the reason that Beregond and Bergil weren't at Sam's party, they were having their own little celebration for the two of them, for according to what I can figure, his hearing was *also* the day before the Rohirrim left--of course, this made things more than a bit tight for Aragorn and Faramir, but you can't have everything, LOL!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 1/23/2006
If that is the result of polishing 'a raw and disjointed bunny chase' then may there be many more such colborations. I adore that final song - do you have a tune? And I'm off to find/re-find the other bit!

Author Reply: Well, when I posted this on LJ, I just posted it in bits and snippets--and had to find a way to whip it into shape as an actual story. I also had a timeline problem that Marigold was able to untangle for me.

I'm so glad you liked the last song. The tune I had in mind for it was the one Donald Swann wrote for JRRT's "I Sit Beside the Fire and Think". I don't think that's available online anywhere, but you might find "The Road Goes Ever On"--the songbook, at your local library.

Hope you enjoy it!

EthareiReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2006
Eeep, how did this finish without me noticing? ^_^

Yet another wonderful Hobbit-story, Dreamflower! I do hope we get to see Menelcar again :-) he's a brilliant and well-developed OC. A great gap-filler, too, and I like the interaction between Frodo and Aragorn at the end. When I read the books, I did not think that Frodo would take Aragorn's words negatively. But the way you portrayed it, I can see how Aragorn did use Merry and Pippin, and I think it's a interesting viewpoint.

My favourite bit must be when Pippin overpowered Minastir, whereupon I went, SQUEE! A close second is his standing up to Frodo afterwards, which must have taken even more nerve. Pippin's my fave Hobbit, and I love seeing him comt into his own. It's too easy to see him as the Baby Hobbit (is strangely reminded of the Spice Girls and Baby Spice :-P), and I can imagine that it would be difficult for him to prove himself as grown, what with his cousins treating him like a baby.

The deceit of the three men makes me sad, because it shows how people would take advantage of the innocence and kindness of others if they could (even worse is the acknowledgement that fraud is so prolific these days). But to balance that are people like Aragorn and Faramir, who would look after their Hobbit friends. Too bad that there are less of them now. I like how Pippin said that Frodo wouldn't like the man being killed, and Aragorn granting him mercy because of it.

And the song at the end is absolutely beautiful, and very appropriate, reminding everyone of just what the Hobbits went through.

Author Reply: I am so glad that you have enjoyed this! I had a good deal of fun writing it initially, and am very pleased with the changes made in beta-ing.

Ever since I read the books a good 38 years ago, I was mildly ticked off at Aragorn and Gandalf not telling the hobbits *why* they couldn't go home yet! Of course, I know that story-externally, JRRT did it for plot reasons, but still--I thought it horribly unfair.

I think Pippin overpowering the Bad Guy is a favorite scene of just about everybody, LOL! Just something cool about seeing a little hobbit stick it to a big Man! But for Pip, standing up to Frodo probably took even more nerve--he's probably never really done that before! And of course, Frodo quickly realized he was right, though I'm not sure it really consoled him for having his cousin in danger again.

The idea that there would be those who would take advantage of the hobbits because they were small, and famous, and had the ear of the new King seemed determined to worm its way into the story. I was quite surprised at that part of the plot myself. But when you are chasing a bunny, you never know which way its going to hop, LOL!

No, Frodo wouldn't like it, and Pippin wouldn't either. Hobbits just are not blood-thirsty types.

And I am very glad that you liked the song. It was very hard to get right.

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