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The Three Towers  by shirebound 28 Review(s)
LilyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/23/2006
I hardly find the time to read but I just cannot resist this. Bless Merry and Pippin for their cheerfulness!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/23/2006
Yes, these are exactly the sorts of things that are going to be going through everyone's minds as they approach.

Merry's horror at what Frodo experienced is palpable--his horrified understanding of how much Frodo must have endured in that walk within the lair of Ungoliant's spawn is so realistic. I myself had never realized just how long that dark tunnel must have been.

And Pippin's practicality in coming up with the little game of "what do Aragorn and Frodo have in common?" was a little stroke of Tookish brilliance. I am sure there are a great many other things that were not mentioned here. Hmm...

“It’s all Gandalf’s fault,” Frodo told him, casting a mischievous glance at the wizard.

Yup. You know, actually, it is. *grin*

Gandalfs apprenticeReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/22/2006
hi, shirebound

I'm enjoying the interactions between the characters, and the blend of humor and the dark side. Good story.


SiorahReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/22/2006
Hi Shirebound,

I am still doing a happy dance over this story. It is beginning to rival Avalanche as my favourite.



Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/22/2006
Caught up again :)

So very well done, dear shirebound! :)

I like what Gimli is off doing. I like Merry and Pippiin taking charge of lightening the mood. And of course . . . it is all Gandalf's fault ;) LOL

Looking forward to more :)

NiphrandlReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/22/2006
Oh Dear. I grow more and more concerned for Frodo the closer he gets to that dreaded tower. I can also see that this 'journey' will be hard on Sam as well. I love that Pippin can still lighten the mood even if he isn't so 'innocent' as he was before the quest.

aprilkatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/22/2006
I love the way you show Frodo approaching the coming trial with firmness, yet trepidation. The condition of Minas Morgul sets up a dark sense of foreboding.

Then Pippin comes in with his merry (and Merry!) plan to disperse the gloom. Exactly what he would do in such situations!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/22/2006
Ooh putting distances on those dreadful stairs and tunnel make them even worse somehow. *shivers and turns on the light to look under the bed for gremlins.* I don't know about Frodo and Sam but I remember having nightmares myself when I read this part of the book for the first time. Somehow PJ's Shelob didn't quite cut it for me and each time I watch the film I want to shout 'She's behiind you' in pantomime fashion.
“We’re practically related, Aragorn,” Frodo grinned with delight. Now I think that there is another Author we both like who might also agree with that statement! *g* Well done Pippin - trust a Took to lighten the mood!

CuthalionReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/22/2006
“Yes, imagine blaming you for everything,” Aragorn grinned.  “Whatever were they thinking?”


Wonderful. And this chapter promises a lot of angst to come - and brave cousins and companions for distraction and uplifting of the heart!

rabidsamfanReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/22/2006
LoL! Somehow I knew it would be Pippin who would be providing the distractions!

It's actually rather good that the rest of the Fellowship is getting a chance to understand just how very high the stairs are and how very long Shelob's tunnel must be. Do you know I was looking at the timeline and I can't see that Sam or Frodo had anything to eat or drink from just before they went into that tunnel until like, two or three days later? Let's hear it for lembas!

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