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With Their Heads Full of Dreams  by GamgeeFest 41 Review(s)
Elf FriendReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/18/2006
*dies laughing* I loved Frodo beating Smaug with a rolling pin! And Bilbo and the lizard exchanging recipes and knitting tips. This was hilarious!

I'm looking forward to the next chapter! :)

Author Reply: Smaug knows better than to charbroil Frodo when he has a rolling pin in hand, lol! Recipes and knitting are just the kind of random, senseless things that would come up in a dream - they have no real purpose for being there, yet we remember those details perhaps better than the rest for some reason.

Thanks for the reviews! I'll try not to keep you waiting too long for the next chapter. :D

Elf FriendReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/18/2006
Oh my gosh, but that was so hilarious! You perfectly captured the complete randomness dreams have sometimes (well, most of the time). On a side note, I was proud of myself when I guessed that Sam was what he was missing. :)

Was the undercurrent of insecurity and uncertainty meant to reflect Hamfast's feelings during his waking hours? I often find that between all the craziness that my dreams have, they're conveying something that's either been bothering me or something that I have yet to resolve, like a problem or some other obstacle. I wonder if this same pattern will show up in the others' dreams.

Can't wait to read the next chapter! :)

Author Reply: For Hamfast, Bilbo and Frodo, their hidden fears and denied emotions will certainly play a part in their dreams. Not sure yet about Sam's. ;)

I so rarely remember my own dreams, so I find other people's dreams fascinating. It's also a rather useful way of getting to a character's inner conflicts, without them necessarily facing those conflicts and doing something about them. We get a glimpse into their inner-selfs and they just shrug it off as a bad dream - or they'll try to.

Thanks for reading!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/18/2006
Poor Bilbo! Love the erzatz dragon and hoard, and the typically bored adolescent. Adolescent boredom is SO much fun to deal with--NOT! Ah, very much an interesting dream.

Author Reply: LOL. At least he only had to put up with Frodo like this in the dream. Bored kids are never fun to be around and they always seem to believe in "misery loves company" - if they have to be bored, then so does everyone else! Smaug was fun to write and I have to admit to chanelling a bit of the dragon from "Mulan" into him. *grins*

I'm glad you enjoyed the dream! :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/18/2006
I love Smaug! He totally cracked me up. The fact that Frodo was making too much noise while Bilbo was trying to sneak up on Smaug was funny too! These are fantastic. Can't wait to find out what Frodo dreams about oh, and does this food make the dwarves dream too or are they used to it?

Author Reply: Smaug rather stole the show here, didn't he? lol He's just such an adorable little lizard... er, I mean, dragon. :D I drew inspiration from "Mulan" a little bit for Smaug, but only in the manner that he would be very, very small! Frodo was rather missing the point of the adventure and was treating it as if he were still sitting in Bag End listening to Bilbo's stories, only this story came with a visual tour! I can't blame Bilbo for losing his temper at it all.

The dwarves would be used to their cooking and so wouldn't be affected in this way. They suspected that the worst reponse the hobbits would have to the food would be indigestion or heart burn. They'll likely get an earful in the morning about not warning their guests about the dreams. ;)

Thanks for reading. Glad you're enjoying the dreams!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/18/2006
“Please Bilbo. I’ll take real good care of him. I won’t let him put me in his thrall. I’m not like you, and I know the warning signs: crankiness, grouchiness, tiredness, feeling like too much butter over not enough bread. Or is that the other way around?”

LOL!!! This is great!

Bilbo's dream occurs just before he is going to leave the Shire and go adventuring again. It's a long time ago since he came back from his first trip.
I'm quite sure he told his story on several occasions, but there were only few hobbits who believed him - one of them was Frodo.
Now Frodo accompanies him on this first adventure - and his presence spoils everything: Smaug being reduced to a tiny lizard, the gold is only painted stone and the jewels are marbles (which can be used as currency as Frodo found out in Dale, haha!).
So I would say that Bilbo is afraid of finding, that his adventure was not so grand after all.
But then there is a twist in the plot and Bilbo finds out that he was enthralled by Smaug (the *real* Smaug) for years and years, until Frodo comes and *tames* the dragon with no effort.
So Frodo should be ready for an adventure of his own, much more than Bilbo is in fact.

Well, that was another effort to try analysing a dream. Maybe you come up with something totally different :)

Author Reply: That was an excellent assessment and pretty spot on.

Frodo certainly does color the way Bilbo views any adventure he is about to have. While he wants Frodo to come along, just as much as Frodo would love to go, he knows that Frodo is not really ready for such an adventure. Frodo might be ready to be Master of the Hill and might be able to face any adversity he'll encounter once Bilbo's gone (those S-Bs), but Bilbo is not so sure about Frodo's abilities to endure the road and wilds.

He's also aware that he rather fooled himself about how grand his adventure was. He's focused on the main events over the years, forgetting all the everyday humdrum that surrounded those events. Would a new adventure, with no promise of such exciting episodes, be worth his while leaving the Shire and Frodo behind? Yet at the same time, he simply needs to get away. He really is beginning to feel the effects of the Ring at this point and the wanderlust doesn't help. He's more or less caught in a catch-22: he doesn't want to stay, but he's not so certain about what he'll find when he goes.

Thanks for reading! Glad you're enjoying the dreams of our unsuspecting hobbits. :D

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/13/2006
Talk about Groundhog Day! My heavens.

And in ways he lost Sam. I know in my one story I found myself writing that Hamfast was afraid of the day Sam realized the fineness in him, for on that day he'd lose him. It seems you and I have the same perception. Yes, Sam as Bilbo's heir....

What a dream!

Author Reply: It's the dream that wouldn't end! I did have Groundhog's day at the back of mind while writing this, and also those dream sequences they have sometimes whent the character wakes up only to find that they're still in the dream.

Hamfast fears that he already *has* lost Sam. He knows that Sam thinks the world of Frodo and Bilbo (and that they think the world of him), and with all the time Sam's been spending at Bag End of late, he's beginning to see that Sam is slowly but surely being pulled away from him. Sam's also reached that age where he's going to start pulling away from his father a bit, and that only makes Hamfast's realization harder to swallow.

In a way, through Frodo, Sam does become Bilbo's heir, and even before he inherits Bag End, he takes up Bilbo's skill of song-writing and story-telling, though Sam would never think himself as good as Bilbo at those things.

Thanks for reading!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/12/2006
Very dream-like. Very bizarre. Poor Hamfast - all that chasing and getting nowhere.

Author Reply: Naturally, as Hamfast, by his very name (and nature) is homebound. Even in his dream, he didn't have to go any further than the back of The Ivy Bush to find what he was looking for.

This will likely be the last time Hamfast will ever eat dwarvish food again! Thanks for reading!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/12/2006
WOW! Whatever those Dwarves were cooking with, it's some dangerous stuff! Hamfast has had quite a night for himself. He'll be worn out in the morning. I liked the way this jumped around and went into Bilbo's song for details. Very like dreams and very entertaining with a bit of the future in it.

Author Reply: Hamfast will be a bit ramped up by this dream come morning, that's for certain. He won't know what to make of it, and he'll likely never eat dwarish food again. This is by far the strangest dream he's ever had and it will strike too close to home for comfort. It will be interesting to see what the others dream about. I sort of know what Bilbo's dream is, but I'm still in the dark about the others.

Thanks for reviewing!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/11/2006
Hamfast turns back to the elf lady and stutters, “But, but… I don’t understand!”

“It is not for us to explain. Did you bring the mustard?”

LOL! That reminded me of the famous conversation between Frodo and Gildor: "Don't ask the elves...".
But I had counted on that elf lady to explain the dream to me ;-)

It's funny to see elements from the Merry Old Inn Song here.

Despite the weirdness of this dream, it's quite obvious that Hamfast is searching for Sam. Instead, Odo turns up. And I must say, I rather don't like him. I think he's arrogant, for one does not speak of his brother like that.
And Odo is Bilbo's heir? Thank god, this is only a dream.
But I cannot deny the fact that it was Odo, who arranged the meeting with the elves. And when Odo turns into Sam that makes perfect sense to me, for to Frodo Sam has always been like a brother - and a much better brother than Odo would have been.
So much to my theory, which would have worked, if there hadn't been the strange ending ;-)

Now, let's see what Bilbo's dream will be like!

Author Reply: Well, the thing you have to remember is that this is all from Hamfast's mind, so anything Odo says in regards to Frodo is because in some hidden corner of his mind, Hamfast thinks of Frodo in that way. There's no doubt that he likes Frodo and respects him greatly - he defended Frodo against all the patrons in The Ivy Bush, after all - but there is that tiny seed of jealousy that Frodo commands so much of Sam's admiration and loyalty.

I'm considering putting Author's Notes at the end of this story, but for the time being, I'll let you all noodle over the dreams and come to your own conclusions of what they mean. :)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/11/2006
Wow! Now that was seriously wierd. I'm not sure about the spices but... just what mushrooms did you say that you had been snacking on GF? *g*

Author Reply: You were warned, lol! Mushrooms? Nasty little things, I don't like them. Scarily enough, all this is from a sober, well-rested mind, and probably one too many episodes of "Buffy" and "Angel". :)

Thanks for reading!

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