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Thranduil's Begetting Day  by daw the minstrel 69 Review(s)
yanicReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/12/2006
Hahah! Well that's one way to get rid of a lady! I was sooo excited to see another new story! And I love that you're bringing in all of the OCs, cuz I love 'em! And Beliond is such a hoot, I'm glad he's in here too

Author Reply: Beliond is a lot of fun to write about. He should be in all my stories, I think. No exceptions.

Thanks for the review, Yanic.

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/12/2006
I'm loving this. I can only imagine what Thranduil would (will?) say about Legolas's uncouth behavior. Iseniel was probably going to tell him she's sorry for what his aunt did, and she's not romantically interested in him, but he never gave her the chance.

Eilian is his usual self, I see. I need say no more than that.

Visualizing Beliond skulking around spying on the men is too funny. Loved the hairbrained comment.

The one I feel for is Alfirin, though she seems in her element at a celebration like this. How long she stays that way may depend on how far down this whole affair disintegrates.

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed it, White Wolf. I think Thranduil would be unhappy if he knew every detail of what various members are doing, but fortunately, they're considerate enough to keep that from him. :-)

Alfirin must sometimes want to smack them all. She's trying to make things nice and this all male household just will not behave.

WantanelfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/12/2006
Yipee!! Daw returns!! I've missed you. I was so happy to see you have started another story. As usual it is wonderful. As usual the interaction between your characters is so believable. I loved Legolas' reaction to the attempt at matchmaking. I can't wait to see what happens when that arrogant Eman finds out who Eilian really is. And I see Eilian is up to his usual mischief with the local maidens. Your story made me smile and chuckle all the way through. But, did I read it's only 3 chapters long! Oh, please tell me you have another one in the works. Three chapters is just not enough. Looking forward to chapter 2!!

Author Reply: Thanks for the welcome, Wantanelf. Legolas has no intention of letting Aunt Glilan match him up with this girl, but he's also too nice to want to hurt anyone's feelings. In the meantime, Eilian is being himself! And I doubt if Adar will be pleased.

I'm pretty sure this will be only 3 chapters. Farce takes you only so far.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/12/2006
I'm glad you have another story out.
I can't wait to see Eman's reaction when he finds out the elf he thought was a stablehand was actually the kings son.
And Legolas burping to get Iseniel to go away, very amusing. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Author Reply: Thanks, Sofia. Eman has many things to be puzzled about, as it turns out, poor Man. And Legolas had better hope his father and Aunt Glilan remain ignorant of his newly-found talent!

AliceReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/12/2006
Huzzah! Another Daw the minstrel story! And a farce as well, which is going well so far. Hee. This is going to be fun. We have Beliond wandering around with his Super Spy kit ( I swear to god I have this image of him in camo hiding in bushes spying on the men), Eilian avoiding Eman which you know he's not going to be able to do forever, and Legolas in a similar futile effort trying to avoid his aunt's machinations to see him wed. Legolas, such a dimwit. There was no need to burp in the girl's face. Just talk incessantly about yourself and don't let her get a word in edgewise and she'll run away as fast as her elvish legs can take her.Why is it that I suspect that the girl was just trying to tell him that she had no interest and was sorry to put him in this awkward position?

Ooh. I loved Alfirin in this story. I think it's impossible not to immedietly say "Awwwww." when she tells Thranduil that his birthday is the main reason they're there. Also, I love how she tells Ithilden to stop making faces because Toviel is nice. Hee. Ithilden is only making faces because he knows that Toviel is not Celuwen and they'll never have any peace until Eilian gets his act together with Celuwen. Which I believe is not for a century or so so hang in there Ithilden. I was also quite pleased to see Sinnarn. I've missed that boy. And poor Eman. Trying to get information out of a sixteen-year-old-boy. Hee. Sinnarn knows what's important. Being polite and then quickly slipping away with friends.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author Reply: Good point about what Legolas can do to drive Iseniel away! In my head, I had a Legolas who was used to having girls pursue him, so he's unconciously egotistic about the matter. :-)

I've used 'Toviel' before. She's one of the friends Celuwen invites for a teaparty on her begetting day in the single-chapter story about that. There Eilian makes fun of her and her harp. He's behaving badly here, I'd say, and it's no wonder Celuwen wanted nothing to do with him for years on end.

Sinnarn will have a large role in the next chapter.

thechevinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/12/2006
What a delightful surprise this was I have so missed my visits to the Woodland Realm and its wonderful denizens.
Legolas is going to regret that belch I expect if his great aunt ever finds out that is
Eilian is sheer joy to watch as he goes about causing mayhem for all and sundry and Thranduil towers above them all and probably sees and knows more than anyone else
I am desperate to find out about the present whatever can it be?
If it is in as bad taste as the wrapping, Alfirin is going to have her hands full as the party gets into full swing
I am so happy to see you writing again

Author Reply: Thank you, Chevin.

The thing about Eilian is, he doesn't mean to cause mayhem. He's just enjoying himself! And Thranduil always finds out everything, so I don't know why any of them bothers to try to fool him. I made myself laugh by having Beliond call him "too trusting."

Alfirin must sometimes wonder what she's gotten herself into.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/12/2006
Very funny, choral chapter! Beliond is asking to be put in his place by Thranduil! Too trusting? :-)I wonder what the king would think of that! But Beliond was truly hilarious.. insulting Eilian was clearly a new step!

Sinnarn was truly amusing. That piece of conversation with Eman was great. And meanwhile, Legolas fighting for his life. I wonder if we shall get to know how Eilian discouraged auntie's efforts... although, on second thoughts, LEgolas seems to be doing pretty well following his own clues...

Author Reply: As I was writing this, Perelleth, I thought of your story "New Beginnings." You had a big cast there and had them all moving around puzzling one another. As I wrote here, I gained a whole lot of respect for your efforts! This is hard to keep orderly.

Eilian was bad enough in the present in this chapter without revealing his sins of the past. :-)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/12/2006
Legolas is clearly still a very young warrior! Maybe Alfirin needs to take him in hand and suggest a few rather more subtle ways of deterring maidens. Not, it seems to me, that Iseniel needs much driving off - she doesn't seem much keener on being paraded before the king's son than he is on being given a filly to inspect. You would think that Glilan would have learned by now. Still, hope springs eternal in the match-making breast. As they say.

Naughty Eilian. In so many ways! I wonder how he stopped Aunt Glilan in her tracks... Possibly by flirting far too much with her innocent maidens. Eilian is the kind of young man that chaperones would try to keep their charges from - despite being the king's son. Witness the 'borrowed' horse and his activities with Toviel in the stables - 'I would rather you brushed me' indeed! It's a wonder he remained single long enough to bond with Celuwen. And Adar would probably not be pleased with a whole raft of his son's activities, his interaction with Eman not least.

I love meeting Calith's son. Admiring the activities of Sinnarn and Maltanaur's grandson. I hope to see lots more of these two! Sinnarn needs friends! I imagine friendship with Sinnarn caused much the same dread in parental hearts that friendship with Eilian did some half-century before. I wonder what Gelmir's parents thought of Eilian. Bit difficult to tell the king's son/grandson that he's not welcome. (Siondel and Elowen must have been grateful that Legolas was a relatively sweet-natured and harmless youth. Although, of course, he had his moments when he hit the dreaded adolescence.)

This is a delightful dance of characters - all come together for pleasure. I suspect dear old suspicious Beliond might prove that Thranduil is too trusting - what a picture that creates in the mind. And that Legolas might learn a thing or two about ellyth. (And that will stand him in good stead in the future!)

Missed lots out, but I'm not re-reading as I write. I will do that in a minute when I can just enjoy the dance. Looking forward to more.

Author Reply: I figure Legolas is about the age of the young men I see at work every day, and that is very young indeed. I once asked a class full of them how old a guy had to be before he stopped thinking burping very loudly was a witty remark, and one of the them said, "I don't know yet." So there you go!

Eilian jumped out of my hands and ran around having a good time here. He's just seizing the moment, so to speak, and Adar would probably not be happy at all if he were around to see it, which, fortunately, he's not.

I have to admit I got all excited when I sat down and figured out how old Maltanaur's grandson and Calith's son would be in relation to Sinnarn. I think Calith is in a particularly difficult position. He works for Ithilden! What can he say? "Your kid is a menace to my sweet little boy"?

Legolas has a lot to learn. And he will.

Glad you liked it, Bodkin.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/12/2006

You always have a great story that makes me want more...

I love this...
Thranduil's party is going to be an interesting one. Eilian with a new madien and Legolas aquiring one his Aunt pushed him. Legolas not pleased....poor thing...
Some new characters of the younger elves introduced, and loved Eilian taken as a stable hand, wonder what the man will think when he knows he is the Kings son...

Will Legolas get rid of the madien seasily? LOL... That was very inventive of him to use...

Update soon....

Author Reply: Alfirin wanted to give Thranduil an unforgettable begetting day and I intend to make sure he has one! Poor Legolas. He just doesn't want to hurt the girl's feelings. On the other hand, Eilian is just toying with Eman of Esgaroth. Stable hand indeed.

emjoReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/11/2006
This was soo good Daw! I am still laughing at Legolas. Love it, can't wait for more!

Author Reply: The last thing I wrote was so angsty, I needed a laugh and Legolas provided it! Glad you liked it, emjo.

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