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Randomness  by Elanor Silmariën 150 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 28 on 8/29/2007
Oh, so painful and poignant. Yes, though Sam has that natural protectiveness, of course Frodo would have been that to him for so long even while Sam tried to be the same to Frodo. But at this point it did indeed all rest on Sam, for Frodo was too close to the end, too weighed down and wearied by his burden and the wounds he’d already received and the one that was still being inflicted upon him to be the protector. But they came through in the end.
God bless,

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 27 on 8/29/2007
Heeheehee! Funny and cute. And just how long will Merry and Pippin go on before they forget about the game (or one of them wins) and go get lunch? *grins* Just like them. Yes, maybe it’s well that Frodo doesn’t wonder too much about the purposes of our healer in choosing odd amusements. :D
God bless,

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 26 on 8/29/2007
ROTFL! Oh, my goodness, yes! Hahahaha! Oh, Ellie, I can hardly type! *wipes tears of laughter* That is hilarious, and a very good rendering of our actual interesting conversation…*ahem* *grins* Thank you, dear, for a really great and much-desired laugh after a day of plugging away at the books! (School started yesterday…ah, alas, the summer is gone!)
God bless,

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 28 on 8/29/2007
Yes, a role-reversal of sorts. Poor Frodo, knowing he has to depend on Sam so deeply now, having more than he can deal with dealing with the Ring and just the need to keep going.

Very touching, and very well done.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 27 on 8/29/2007
My mother had a strict rule--we were NOT to point ANY gun other than a water pistol at anyone else, and it was strictly adhered to. My brother managed to accidently shoot a bb into his hand, pumping up his air pistol and shooting it repeatedly into his hand to feel the puff of air--until the jammed bb he didn't think was there was injected under the skin. The doctor had to take him to the hospital to remove it, as where it ended up turned out to be far more delicate than we'd suspected.

This game would have earned us a total loss of the guns and earned us a week grounded, I suspect. But it does sound as if it had proven fun for the five of them.

Author Reply: Oh my word! That sounds really painful! My brother and I just play with the plastic bb's and those are pretty safe, I think. Yeah, my mom makes sure we don't point it at anyone unless we're actually playing a war or something.

God bless,

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 26 on 8/29/2007
Now, this casual pride in scars would take some getting used to for our beloved gardener, I think. A foreshadowing, however, of scars that DID almost lead to death, though.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 28 on 8/29/2007
Oh, my dear, wow! That is so wonderful and angsty and loving and all that good stuff! Bravo! I'll be adding that to my website when I next update it! :) You should do a response to it also - Frodo may have seen himself as Sam's protector but I know Sam's *always* seen himself as Frodo's protector. A sequel would be so cool? Pretty please with plenty of mushrooms on top!

Namarie, God bless, Melinyel, Antane :)

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 26 on 8/29/2007
Just smile and nod, Sam, just smile and nod. :) Ah, the happy innocence and celebration of scars that would heal before the scars on the soul would come.

Namarie, God bless, Melinyel, Antane :)

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 27 on 8/29/2007
Yea! You posted it! You already know all my favorite parts and I hope others get a kick out it too! Aragorn should have known not to go hunting with hobbits! :) Love it!

Namarie, God bless, Melinyel, Antane :)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 26 on 8/29/2007
Boys will be boys! This reminds me of that scene in "Forever Young" where wee!Elijah takes off his bandaid to show off a gash to a young girl (who turns rather green herself). :)

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