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LifeWatch  by Lindelea 131 Review(s)
AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/2/2006
Amazing how much Frodo has returned to himself already, comforting Merry like the older cousin always has. There had to be a lot of grief, not just the strain of the last two weeks, that Merry got rid of right then.

hehehe... and then how nice it is to get back to hobbit mischief, with Merry pinching Frodo, apparently fairly hard, to convince him he's not dead, or dreaming. That made me laugh!

And now Frodo will get some answers, and I am caught up and will give you a rest from all my reviews in one day! LOL

Author Reply: Actually, it was lovely to read all your reviews in one day! When I had more reading time, I used to review every single chapter I read, even if I was reading a multi-chaptered story from start to finish, giving my reactions to the material in each chapter. I love that sense of connexion between reader and author that feedback gives, that "meeting of minds" in a manner of speaking.

Sometimes it is a comfort in the midst of one's troubles to be able to comfort another. I don't know how much of it was Frodo momentarily forgetting his "failure" in the joy of reawakening, and how much was responding to Merry's need.

I've never seen Frodo as completely depressed and melancholic from the time of his awakening in Cormallen until his sailing from the Grey Havens. Quieter, maybe, and more thoughtful, and at times overwhelmed by pain, but still some hobbitiness remaining in his ability to love his cousins, and his care for Sam, even to ensuring Sam's future when his departure became inevitable.

Whew, I'm wordy today!

But thanks.

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 11 on 6/2/2006
Sigh... I'm going to have to charge you for a couple new boxes of tissues.

I love the healers listening in on the stories... I imagine after all that time they would have gotten quite addicted.

I loved Frodo finishing it up, when Merry couldn't go on. I saw it coming, but it still made me cry. I think my cheeks are turning pruney....

Author Reply: I cannot believe that there are no answers here to your lovely reviews to this story. I don't know what happened... all I can think is that this was a time when we were out of town and I didn't quite get "all caught up" when we returned.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your impressions. It adds so much satisfaction to the writing.

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/2/2006
Darn it, Lin, you made me cry AGAIN!

Beregond's toasts, especially to Pippin, and Pip's comments back caught me by surprise and brought quick tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat.

And then his cheerful comment about being called to muster... that was a MEAN thing to do to Merry! Poor hobbit, thinking he was going off to the execution of one with whom he'd just been eating and drinking. Odd habits indeed. And on a side note, interesting to think that Beregond had not been restrained or imprisoned at all, but was simply expected to wait honorably (and apparently patiently) for his execution.

At least the tears at the end of the chapter were happy ones.

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/2/2006
OH - I LOVE your Eomer! Very wise, for such a young king. And that's what I'd imagined him doing during that time in the story.

"'It's hardly sporting: The creatures are weary from running and have no clear direction.'

'Good riddance,' the Wood Elf said, with a sip of his wine."

Nice showing he had some feeling about proper treatment even for orcs, though he did what was necessary. The elves, however... I can't imagine them being able to connect in any way at all with such twisted, evil creatures. I guess orcs truly are the antithesis of elves. Interesting, considering where the orcs came from.

Nice foreshadowing of the Shire problems in Eomer's comments.

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/2/2006
Oh my.... more tears.

STOP THAT, Lindelea!! *Sighs, and swallows a sob*

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/2/2006
Ah Aragorn! Pulling out the truly wicked weapons against Pipping, telling him that Merry is wearing himself out with looking after him! Wow... that's ... that's... almost too harsh, though probably about what Pip means.

And I love the healers talking over their charges, and discussing what they are like based on their hands. Did a good job, they did.

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/2/2006
Ahhh, lovely Pippin/Beregond banter!

"'You watch yourself, Master Perian. If I have to, I'll sit on you.'

'And that's supposed to scare me?' Pippin returned. 'I'll have you know I've been sat upon by a troll, no less.'" Lovely!

And apparently the hands of a hobbit are *also* the hands of a healer, huh? LOL

Glad they're all doing better, even if Pip is driving everyone nuts already!

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/2/2006
Wow... love the dreams.

It almost seems like Merry is feeding Pippin his own newly-recovered strength and health, that as Pippin begins the slow path to recovery Merry is fading. I kept finding myself wishing Merry would be more awake so I could *see* what was happening with Pip... but he's totally focused on channeling every bit of strength and life he can into his beloved cousin.

Author Reply: Goodness, didn't see this review until now, when I came to answer one that reached my email box today. So sorry for the belated reply.

Yes, the perspective is limited by Merry's own limits--concentrating on hanging on to Pippin so hard that he's scarcely aware of their surroundings.

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/2/2006
Oh my... that was heartbreaking.

It's hard to read with tears in my eyes.

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/2/2006
ooohh... Poor Merry, to be greeted with such news, and poor Gimli, to have to face such a sharp Merry! I loved Merry's soft "You'll be wanting more practice if you're going to tell a convincing lie." That was such a wonderful line. I'm loving this!

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