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Fear No Darkness  by Thundera Tiger 106 Review(s)
FaerieQueenReviewed Chapter: 24 on 12/6/2003
It's me again. Aren't I annoying? I've just thought up a great and happy ending to your fic. The Mouth of Sauron becomes wearied by the resistance of Merry and Legolas and of the advance of the rescue team. Decides to relinquish his grip on Legolas for a while, to concentrate on Merry, because Legolas seems far gone into the darkness and less likely to escape. He underestimates Legolas, who makes a dashing recovery, and manages to run into Orophin and Haldir, who stumbled onto another entrance to the Orc cavern during a brotherly argument. Together, the three elves find the main rescue mission and return to save Merry and cleanse him from the darkness. The Mouth of Sauron is killed by any one of the heroes and all is happy. See what a happy little world I live in? But after reading the end to this chapter I've decided that all will work out anyways. I'm glad Celeborn finally decided to share his information. Keep writing and updating! Oh and by the way- did you get all your information concerning the Black Númenorians out of the Silmarillion?

FaerieQueenReviewed Chapter: 23 on 12/5/2003
Joy could spring from sorrow. That's beautiful. I know now that Orophin and Haldir will help each other through this grief. But perhaps their little tracking exercise could be beneficial in finding Legolas and Merry. I cannot see a cure for either of them. Especially after Merry succumbed to darkness. I always thought Legolas stronger than that, though. He would not give in. I read your fic, Land of Light and Shadows. Even under ú-gluir (sorry if I mispelt that), Legolas crawled through the desert in DAYLIGHT, CARRYING an unconcious dwarf. He had not slept or eaten for days, and was dehydrated and exhausted. I ask you, would he, a healthy elf, succumb to darkness? Not Legolas. Sorry, that was basically me ranting to convince myself that Legolas and Merry WILL be cured, exactly because they are so strong. Keep writing and updating.

FaerieQueenReviewed Chapter: 22 on 12/5/2003
Excellent chapter! I wondered when all this stress would become too much for mortal Arwen. And Haldir! I hope that Orophin is alright because he is the only one that can help Haldir in this revenge-grief state he's in. I read your bio so know I understand you better. I liked the humor bit, and will now look for it in every chapter. I believe that the humor in this chapter is Aragorn's appearance? For there is nothing else funny, except perhaps referneces to certain New Year's festivities in Lórien... I'm happy that Celeborn is finally going to the forest, because he seems one of the few hale elves left. Keep writing and updating.

FaerieQueenReviewed Chapter: 21 on 12/5/2003
Hello. I noticed that on this site, for most of your earlier chapters, there are no reviews. I hope to rememdy that... I'm glad to see that Thranduil has finally decided to swallow his pride and predujices. I know Haldir will do the same. Ok so according to my happy little world that I created in my last review, things should be quite different now. But it's always darkest before the dawn, so I can't wait for further chapters. I wonder if this servant of Sauron has a name other than the mouth of Sauron? Yes well keep writing, and updating. You will update soon, you know, because I know that you grow weary of my tiresome and pointless reviews. And so you will update so I'll stop asking you to do so...Well with that bit of hobbit logic I continue to read...and review.

FaerieQueenReviewed Chapter: 20 on 12/5/2003
Hello it's me again. I'm trying to start reviewing every chapter. I'll begin with great writing in Rosie's part. I always knew she was a smart hobbit. And it's so wonderful to see the baad guy's plans start to go wrong... I have some guesses as to what will happen next. Let me see: Celeborn has decided that it is best to confront the enemy head on, and perhaps save time that would otherwise be spent in more Legolas-Merry torture. Merry will not succumb to darkness. I hope. And Legolas will bear out until the rescue mission can happen. Then they will be taken to Rivendell and purged of the darkness. And all will live happily ever after. You see, this is my pathetically optimistic outlook on life. Well don't let my little la-la land fantasies affect you. Keep writing, and updating... (clears throat). Thanks.

FaerieQueenReviewed Chapter: 19 on 12/5/2003
OMG how could you kill Rúmil? Have you no semblance of pity in your cold heart? And turning Legolas into an orc? I am in shock. However I will write another review to berate you as soon as I recover.

FaerieQueenReviewed Chapter: 15 on 12/3/2003
Please don't let Legolas endure more of this darkness torture thing or I will come and hunt you down. Or let Celeborn cure him because he seems to know what's going on. Yes well I know that in the end good will prevail over evil, so there is really no point in urging you to do this. Also because you have already written more chapters, and I'm sure you know what you're doing, especially after reading your other masterpieces, which, may I point out, need updating. Alright after this ceaseless babbling I will attempt to make some coherent statements: Would Arwen be so affected by mortality already (tiredness, despair etc) only after five years of becoming one? Yes that is my only comment, for I am sadly lacking in ROTK knowledge. I have to re-read that particular volume (again). Keep writing, and remember to update what you have written. Thanks,

NightwingReviewed Chapter: 26 on 11/11/2003
Pushed onward and got myself all caught up here. What an exciting story! You do creepy dark evil very well.

I think what I find most remarkable is the way you have given us the POV of each and every character... I do not think you have left anyone out. It must be very hard work, because they are all different. Were I to attempt this, I'd have a genuine fear that they'd all come out sounding the same. I limit myself to one or two POVs in my story, or I'd go nuts. But you pull it off beautifully. Celeborn is Celeborn, Gimli is Gimli, Elladan is Elladan...and I like them all.

And each character is very well done, with his or her own experiences, opinions, hopes and fears nicely expressed. And good changes are due for some of them, I feel. Thranduil, in particular, is learning, for the first time in his very long life, that the other races have as much wisdom, courage and loyalty as the Elves, and it can only be a good thing that his eyes and mind, both long closed, are being opened... even thought it pains him greatly right now (grin). The haughty King of Mirkwood learns his lessons the hard way, I think. Ah well, that is his own doing.

Oh, Rumil's death scene was so well done! I loved the final words between the dying elf and Gimli, and how the devastated dwarf tried to hide how much he cared behind his gruff words. (Ah yes, like the stories he told to the hobbit child about "The Irritating One". So funny, but also very touching. He uses his roughness as a shield, for without it, he would completely break down. You do a great job of showing the grief and concern that he holds so tightly in check.)

Lovely, too, were the scenes between Haldir and Orophin as they struggle with their grief and the shadow's influence. What Haldir did to bring his raging brother back to him, and how they were able to then share their grief... oh I was almost weeping myself. Such beautiful emotion, so nicely done!

I do like the creepy dark writhing shadow that our friends must content with as they seek out the orc's trail. It is almost tangible, with a life of its own, and the effects it is having on the rescuers is interesting. It toys with each individual's fears and desires and twists their thoughts to set them against each other. Even Celeborn grows short-tempered and combative when under its influence. But, it seems the darkness is dispersing now. The Mouth's work is done (I have dubbed him "Percy", by the way), and he is ready to allow Legolas and Merry to be found.

Ugh, and this will not be pleasant. Poor captives... what they went through was terrible to read. I can well imagine Merry's final breaking point being the conviction that he failed his friend, and in the end, murdered him. Oh, what a nightmare for the hobbit. How will he recover from it?

And, though the story is now at chapter 26, we are just now coming to the moment the Mouth has been planning the whole time. What have Legolas and Merry been instructed to do? How will they try to carry out their orders? How will they be brought back to sanity and good health once more? There are so many questions here, and so many things yet to be revealed. I cannot wait to see what occurs next!

Author Reply: Ah, Thranduil, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways! Thranduil is by far one of my favorite characters, and it's partly because of this fic. He's grown on me as I've written him. And he is changing, but keep in mind that he's seen a lot of centuries come and go. Change is not an easy thing for him, and admitting to change is even harder.

Percy is the Mouth of Sauron? I like it. I've dubbed him Mr. Mouth, but Percy works, too. And I hope you're still hanging with me even though I've left everyone out in the cold for several months. Very rude of me, actually. And I'm very sorry about doing it. But there is more to come and things are about to get exciting. I hope I don't let you down!

NightwingReviewed Chapter: 15 on 11/5/2003
Hi, Thundera. I wanted to check in briefly to let you know I'm working my way through this story and enjoying it immensely. I'll leave a proper review when I catch up, but for now I will say that I really admire the way you describe the creepy shadow the rescuers must fight their way through, and the methods Aragorn employs to shield himself as he tries to penetrate that evil shroud. Very nicely done.

I really approve of your Sam. He is my favorite hobbit, and you've got him just right.

Good elf owies, too. Always a plus in my book when Legolas is in mental, physical and spiritual torment. Poor thing, I love elf-torture so. Sigh...

LittlefishReviewed Chapter: 26 on 9/10/2003
Ack!!! They are so close!! Legolas and Merry are only a short distance away. Rescue is so near I can taste it!! Why did you have to end the chapter?!! I want more! More I tell you!!!

Phew, you're really killing me here. I feel like a fish on a hook when it comes to your stories. I couldn't stop reading if my life depended on it. If that is not addiction, I don't know what is. Your masterful writing always has me hooked from the beginning of the chapter till the end, and even if the scene isn't filled with action or suspense, it still leaves me shaking my head in wonder at your skill. For example, the simple section of Rosie worrying about Sam. I think I could say that this part did not hold a great significance to the overall story, and yet it inhances it all the same. You give us a broad, four-sided view of the issue, where many authors would stick to only one view. I love that about your writing!

The next section offers yet another view of the same situation, only this time from a different point of view, and with the actual plot of the story being advanced. Gimli's thoughts on the situation were predictable in the sense that you have so masterfully established his friendship with Legolas, but still delivered in such a way to make it extremely interesting. His inability to concentrate both contrasts and builds on his character, causing the reader to see him in a whole new light. Part of it is caused by the shadow, and part because of his worry for his friends and frustration over the fruitless search. Ahh, but the search is fruitless no longer. They have found a cave, and it appears to be the one they have been looking for! They are so close...

Ahh, and then the final section with Haldir and Orophin. This section was very telling if only for the fact that you included it. It served to strengthen my belief that these two elves are going to play a key part in the upcoming action. Of course, it could be argued that you included it simply for the aspect of "paying attention to details," much like the "Rosie" section, but I don't believe this. I still think they are going to play a major role, and I can't wait to find out what it is going to be! Just like I can't wait to find out what Celeborn's role is going to be. In truth, there are a million things about this story that I can't wait to find out, so I guess you will just have to update soon. ^_^ Until then, best wishes in life.

BTW--Do you like your new home?

Author Reply: If you feel like a fish on a hook, perhaps you should change your screen name. ;) Seriously though, I have to apologize about making you wait for the next chapter. If you're even still reading. *hangs head in shame* Sorry!!!

The Rosie/Arwen section was very much just a means of checking in on Rivendell, but there are a few aspects of their conversation that might prove useful. They're subtle things, really, and most people will probably not recognize them, but they're there all the same. Ah well.

But the Haldir/Orophin section is definitely important. They have a rather major role coming up very quickly, and it will probably be apparent after the next chapter comes out. So keep your eye on them. They're not through yet.

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