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The Latter Days  by Elanor Silmariën 162 Review(s)
harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 38 on 2/22/2007
Thanks for the fluff warning Ellie. They are going to be a mite incomfortable walking back in soaking wet clothes though!

Author Reply: Lol! I can just imagine a trail of wet footprints trailing all the way up to Bag End! *laughs* Thanks for reviewing!
God bless,

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 38 on 2/16/2007
Yes, Sam has some of his own fearful memories to deal with, I'd think; and today he's willing to begin letting them go. How wonderful the day.

Author Reply: Indeed! I think it was good for him to let go and indulge Frodo for the day. Thanks for reviewing!
God bless,

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 38 on 2/15/2007
Awww! *happy sigh* I had to close my bedroom door to read this because I was giggling so much over the water fight! Haha, what fun! :) And so they have one day of complete happiness, and Frodo displays his old sense of humour! :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Lol! *bounces* Yay! I like making people laugh! I'm so glad you enjoyed this! (I love writing things based on reality, though this story ended up much funnier than the origional incident *giggles*)
God bless,

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 38 on 2/15/2007
He's happy, he's laughing - to know that is even a mightier gift than the other wonderful present. :) Hantanyel, dear!

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Author Reply: I am so glad you enjoyed this, Antane! It was such fun writing Frodo happy! Happy Birthday!
God bless,

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 37 on 1/31/2007
Hope can some from the smallest as well as the greatest. 'Out of the mouths of babes....' after all.

Author Reply: Indeed! Children are just so... I don't know... hopeful and innocent! Thanks for reviewing!
God bless,

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 37 on 1/30/2007
Lost his finger but not his soul. I have found the much-maligned animated version of the ROTK to be quite insightful on some things and this is one of them. I can't remember exactly what Frodo says, having only watched it twice so far, but while Sam mourns the loss of his finger, Frodo something like better that than the loss of himself entirely. I know he would regard the maiming to be a constant reminder of his failure and the questions of the innocent would bring new pain but it is also a victory and a mercy given him that only a finger was lost.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Wow, everyone is so eloquent on this topic! I have to watch that. I just placed a hold on it from the library because I've never seen it before. Thanks for reviewing!
God bless,

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 37 on 1/30/2007
Our scars are in the end what we make of them; and those Frodo bears are in the end beautiful because of the one who bears them and what he made of his life and what he added to the lives of others.

Author Reply: Yes! That was beautiful! I couldn't have said it better! Thanks for reviewing!
God bless,

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 37 on 1/29/2007
Awww! *hugs Amber* She is *sooooo* cute! :) And so innocent. Yes, Frodo needed her *and* Ellis then.

I love Frodo's blank "hmmm?" as he is brought out of "writer mode"! LOL! My family hates it when I do that. "Hey! I said do you want anything from Steak and Shake!" "Oh, yeah, sure. Why are you yelling?" "'Cause I already asked you like three times and you just kept writing!" :)

I love the hopeful note this ends on.
God bless,

Author Reply: Lol! I am so glad you like Amber! She's so not like me, though. I'd be too scared to ask questions like that. *blushes* My family does that too! I'm always saying that... you just sort of zone out and then... "You were supposed to be cleaning the kitchen half an hour ago!" "Woops!" I'm so glad you liked this! i was afraid it would sound a little lame. *grins*
God bless,

Arwen of LorienReviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/22/2006
Aww, now Rosie knows the story. And Frodo told it! Good for him, though I can imagine it was hard.
I was right along with Rosie, feeling calm at the mention of Lorien *smiles*
and beaming at Sam for fighting off Shelob!
And now time for a nap.. *heh*

Well, you are probably wondering why I am not in Washington by now, and it seems the most unfortunate event that IT has struck again.
One, I feel a cold coming on and two, our van is being mean. It was acting up and so my dad has been working on it all day. If he gets it to work then we can still go tonight! I hope so!! *If only IT had not been mentioned last night*
Well, other than that I am having a good night! I hope none of the others
have been..affected. You should ask! And tell them about me, would ya?
I think some of them need some convincing that IT IS BAD!! (Including you!)
*Nods seriously* Ahh, some day y'all will learn! *shakes head sadly.*
And I still blame it for my email. *frowns*
Well, I hope you are still having a good day!
God bless ~Arwen

Author Reply: Lol! I knew you would like my mention of Lorien. *grins* Glad you like! Ah, a nap sounds good. I caught whatever illness Goldie had, and am v. tired... Oh, I hope your van is all right! I was meaning to ask you how your trip went the other day, but it must have slipped my mind. I have a short attention span when lots of people are around... *innocent grin*
God bless,

Arwen of LorienReviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/19/2006
*tear* Poor Ellis! I cannot imagine how it would be if Frodo's Sam died!
*looks horrified*
Yeah! I am on chap 30! It was sweet to see Frodo and Ellie getting along!
And finally Sam is married and back with Frodo!
Oh dear, I shall be sad all over again when Frodo leaves!! Don't want this story to end! It's so darling! *Goes to read next chapter*

~FYI for Elli, (I don't think "IT" is bad luck, don't belive in such things,
It is just BAD! :{ ;)
On a lighter note.. Are you free to go to the movies today? Cause we might
go later on today. I think I will call you and Gold and try to figure that out.
*Wishes her Email worked so she wouldn't have to use SOA!
C Ya! God bless ~Arwen

Author Reply: *is horrified with you* (hint: just go to Antane's story "Love Endures" and you'll see what that would be like. Warning, only read it if you're in an angsty mood. I LOVE it!!! *grins*) YAY! Only six more chapters to go! Don't worry, dear, it won't end for a while! I've still got over a year to cover here... *is worried*

~Re: FYI... OOh! That sounds fun! I hope I can go, though I'm not sure. We're getting stuff ready for my b-day etc. I hope I can go, though. my bro and I are going on my b-day anyways, but it'd be fun to go with you. *hopes your e-mail comes back quickly* *glares at evil computers*
God bless,

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