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Halflings  by Elemmírë 37 Review(s)
harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/6/2006
Ah! - freedom!

Author Reply:


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/7/2006
What a delightful and perfect reason for writing one of my favourite songs.

Author Reply: LOL! That's one of my favorites too, along with 'The Man in the Moon Came Down too Soon' & 'The Road Goes Ever On'

Compared to Bilbo's other writings, 'A Merry Old Inn,' was quite silly and ridiculous sounding at times. I wondered why he wrote it so ... what was his inspiration to write it the way he did? A melancholy Frodo became that inspiration.

I also wrote it in honor of the Tale Challenges issued by Marigold. (You should try one sometime!)

Take care, Harrowcat!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/16/2006
Sorry if you get a nothing review - pressed the wrong button by accident - so please just delete - but these are sweet stories. You know I love them! :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: HeHe! I saw your 'nothing review'-- I know you had good intentions. Computers. *sigh* :D

I'm glad you read them all, Antane, and I hope you enjoyed each and every one!


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/16/2006

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/14/2006
Hah! the idea of Pippin using the rooster to improve his aim had me in fits of giggles Elemmire. And I love the title.

Author Reply: Thank you, Harrowcat! Merry's right, Pippin should have doused the rooster. Now _that_ would have been quite the scene for Frodo to walk into. LOL!

Glad you enjoyed!

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/23/2006
This is beautiful, Elemmire. Beautiful.

Author Reply: Thank you very much, Pearl Took, for reading & reviewing. I'm glad you enjoyed.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/22/2006
Oh, I am so glad that Merry now cares for the grave and gravestone. How this must have torn at him, at the same time it helped him feel at one with his beloved cousin/brother, so far away.

Very beautiful.

(Check the initials, though.)

Author Reply: You're exactly right.

After Frodo sailed into the West & his parents' siblings were passing on, I wondered who would be left to care for Drogo & Primula's final resting place. Since they died in Buckland, it's only logical that they were burried there as well (although I've a little bunny nibbling my toes on that matter). I think the task would have eventually been handed down to Merry due his close relationship with Frodo & also as Master. Merry would find it a hard task to bear, yet one that will also help his own healing of never seeing Frodo again. Merry can no longer take care of Frodo in any way, shape, or form, but he _can_ still take care of Frodo's beloved parents, as it may be. Perhaps when he & Pippin left for Rohan & Gondor in their final years, the tending of the grave was passed down to Merry's child(ren).

Thank you so much for catching my little error!!! I was horrifed when I looked back & saw those initials! I had a lot of trouble posting in HTML code with this particular story & must have edited it at least ten times to get it right before publishing it. I think that mistype happened when I was editing that particular section & it got overlooked once I had my original errors fixed. I have since fixed Drogo's initials. Computers, sigh.

Thanks for the read & review, Larner!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/22/2006
Oh, so VERY sweet. And love this silly but loving ritual. Very realistic.

Author Reply: Thanks! This is just how my mother would sometimes tuck me in as a little girl. She would say "goodnight" to eveything in my room, then pretend to leave wondering if she left anything out, which was my cue to say "Me!" She wouldn't play this little game all the time, so I never knew when to expect it, which makes it all the more sweet & endearing to remember now, years later. Glad you enjoyed!

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/22/2006
Oh, you've got me crying now. This is so...words fail me. Yes, Merry, dear, loyal Merry, would be the one to take over the care of the grave when no one else could.

Your descriptions of the surroundings are vivid and lyrical. I think of all the little fics in this collection, this is my favourite so far, sad as it is. *wipes eyes*
God bless,

Author Reply: I'm so glad you enjoyed. It is a very sad glimpse of life, isn't it. When Frodo left Middle-earth forever, whomever was left of his parents' siblings would themselves have been very old & not up to the task of climbing up the hill to tend the grave. Drogo & Primula's deaths would have affected many more hobbits than just their son. I questioned who would care for their final resting place after their immediate family had passed on. Merry & his parents seemed the logical choice. Merry would not let the grave fall into ruin even though he never knew his aunt & uncle Baggins. He would do it for Frodo & in a way find healing himself in his beloved cousin's absence.

I wanted to write this story in a way that the reader would initially think of Frodo being the one to tend his parents' grave & not really know at what point of time the story was taking place. I wanted the reader to see & feel what a well-trodden journey this path up the hill had become & that the oak tree was symbolic of the many important events in Drogo & Primula's life together, including their death. However, at the end I chose to reveal that instead of Frodo making this annual journey & ritual, it was a very old Merry who had taken up the task in his beloved cousin's stead.

As always, thank you for reading & reviewing, Queen Galadriel. May God light your way.


Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/15/2006
I love writing from life experiences, and I love reading it when others do. This is so sweet! I just adore these quiet moments and little rituals, and the end couldn't be more perfect. :)
God bless,

P.S. I read "They Grow Up So Fast," but for some odd reason the link to leave a review isn't working for me right now (computers and their quirks...*sigh*) but I just wanted to tell you I found it very sweet and moving, from beginning to end.

Author Reply: I, too, love writing from real-life experiences--sometimes they show up as just a brief mention in my stories, other times they make a useful plot, like this one did. I find that incorporating my memories & experiences ensures that they will never fade away & will be there to share with others like yourself.

As always, thank you kindly for reading (both) & reviewing!

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