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Land of Light and Shadows  by Thundera Tiger 30 Review(s)
Aya_ShoruReviewed Chapter: 38 on 10/14/2006
oh that was good, what happens next?

NoorReviewed Chapter: 38 on 9/13/2006
Oh what a fabulous ending to this chapter!
I have just read this and then realised that this tale has not been finished. I do hope you are going to finish it - it is gripping yarn although the politics are a little confusing. I have really enjoyed it and hope that there is a happy ending!

Many thanks


Author Reply: Hey Noor,

First of all, many thanks for the review. As for the fact that this is a WIP...yeah, I'm working on that. I wouldn't expect anything too soon, but I'll try to have something out before the end of the year. I know that doens't sound like much, but at this point, it's the best I can promise.

DelraukoReviewed Chapter: 38 on 2/18/2006
its about bloody time Legolas did something to Dashnir!
looking forward to the rest of the story!
keep it up! :-D

child of the stars Reviewed Chapter: 38 on 9/11/2005
Oh PLEASE review this story soon! I'm simply dyeing to read more and have been waiting far to long!!!!!

Author Reply: I am working on it, but we're entering one of the more difficult sequences that will span a few chapters continuously, so I'm trying to make sure that everyone has ended up where they needed to. It's a long process, but hopefully it will pay off in the end. Thanks for the encouragement! And apologies for the delay.

NightwingReviewed Chapter: 38 on 9/3/2005
(Nightwing picks up sharp pointy thing.)

poke... poke... poke...

All right, Thundera. It's high time you updated this puppy.

poke... poke... poke...

I do hope all is well with you; that you are healthy and RL is treating you well.

I'll send you coffee! I'll send you sandwiches and bubble baths and a pretty little pony.

poke... poke... poke...

Author Reply: *raises brow*

Poke, poke, poke? *starts poking back*

Seriously, though, I'm working through what I hope is the last bit of writer's block on this chapter, and once through that, I'm hoping the rest will start to flow. We're entering the major battle sequence that this entire story was theoretically building to (though I admit I could have done a better job with that) and I'm trying to make sure all the pieces ended up where they needed to. So apologies for the wait, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask for patience. I am working on it! Promise!

MordaenReviewed Chapter: 38 on 5/27/2005
That is such an evil cliffhanger! What happens to Gimli and Legolas next?

Author Reply: Hey Mordaen,

Sorry about the cliffhanger. I am working on the next chapter and should have it out...relatively soon. (Relative being the operative term.) But you will find out what happens to Legolas in the next chapter, so I hope you can wait until then.

LeraReviewed Chapter: 38 on 4/10/2005
Ahhh, in spite of that cliffie, I am so happy to have been yanked into Harad again, pulled into the adventure. You have no idea how much I enjoyed seeing Dashnir realize that he had "yet again underestimated his opponent." For far too long, Aragorn and Eomer have been playing catch up, trying desperately to understand what is going on. Finally, finally, finally, the tables are being turned.

I love the idea of using the sea longing for something like this. I imagine using it against people of the desert must be particularly effective, as it is so different and almost other worldly to them.

People often ask me who my favorite character in LotR is. My answer changes every time I read the books or watch the movies. Well, it also changes everytime I read one of you chapters! You write Legolas and Gimli so well. Gimli is often neglected or almost typecast I think, as stupid, gruff and only there for comic relief. Legolas is almost as abused, as he's been kidnapped by Orlando loving teenyboppers. You write him as an Elf should be, strong, not to be underestimated, and with qualities that make him special. But not infallible. Not above being weakened by the elements. What's wonderful, is that he actually gets many of his special qualities from his friendship with Gimli.

I do hope we won't have to wait long for the next chapter. :) I understood what you were saying about it being a bit rough, but I didn't think that detracted from the storyline at all. It rather fit, with how rough and ragged everyone was feeling. Thank you.

Author Reply: Hooray for turning tables! They're going to turn even more over the next few chapters, and I'm very excited about that. So are our heroes, because they've been begging me to turn them loose for quite a while now. :)

I'm glad you liked the sea-longing, and I agree that for desert dwellers it would be incredibly disturbing. They would have no context or frame of reference. And I'm glad you like the way I've written Legolas and Gimli. I'm a bit tired of all the dwarf-bashing that goes on. I envision him as a much stronger character, and in the books, he is. It's that movie portrayal that...well, I'll stop here before I begin ranting.

Anyway, MANY thanks for the review, and I'm glad you thought the rougher aspects of this chapter fit. They were supposed to, but I began to wonder if I'd gone too far. Thanks again!

ziggyReviewed Chapter: 38 on 4/10/2005
Wow. That last chapter was truly awesome. You write Legolas and Gimli particularly well- one the very best of fanfic around actually. And you keep going - which is brilliant.I need to join the pleas of other readers and BEG you to concentrate on finishing this one before Fear no darkness - although I love that too and am desparate to know what has happened to poor Merry and Legolas. Anyway, this last chapter just took my breath away with the excitiment and tension- what was so convincing is that it really did dawn on me what Legolas was doing at the same time as it did Dashnir- and I think it was the way you slowed that sentences down, and that gave the impression of time slowing... so @Dried blood that is' made me look down (as it is Dashnir's point of view) and slowly realise ...ah. Er. Whoops. And the reference to the veil lifting is, as I read it, like Legolas' lifting of the uglir that HE has sort of put on them through using the sea longing (that is such a fantastic idea!!) - and then Dashnir can realise waht he has done. And he was a bit smug in the previous chapter with Asbad so he does deserve if (if he hadnt already!)
OK- this review is a bit of a witter but there is so much I want to say really- sorry.
The way Legolas adapts to the u-glir is totally convincing in my view- so that even though he is sundered from the Song, he is still the same person, and an elf and rediscovering his strength is an important discovery for him- will make him stronger. The idea that he can use the sea longing is brilliant. The scene where he starts humming and then sings is wonderfully eerie - and its only when I printed out he whole stary to re-read this week that i really understood what a brilliant idea that is. (Yes, after picking up the last chapeter, i had forgotten a lot and wanted to read it agin- so printed out all whatever pages and sat in the garden thoroughly enjoying myself instead of cutting the grass, weeding the garden etc.Thank you!) THat scene makes me think of Jean Michel Jarre's piece, Equinox, which is a lovely piece of music and very haunting.What this scene does in particluar, along with the last chapter, is make yopu suddenly remeber how very 'other' Legolas is... elves of Mirkwood are so much more elvish and other worldly than other elves (not a trace of bias here of course ) but do you know what I mean? Rivendell is The Last Homely House and that makes it easier, but Mirkwood is dangerous, its elves 'more dangerous and less wise'. To me, they are more unpredicatable and a little more fey.

In this, Legolas and Gimli's friendship is really explored- it goes beyond anything and it has to be like this for Gimli to ultimately give up Middle EArth and go with Legolas- of course, Galadriel is a big attraction too. BUt the notion of just keeping going, one step and another- is a bit like the Wal faced by marathon runners and then they get over that and get their second speed. And I have loved the way you have portayed Gimli in this- he really does get all the best lines - dwarven diplomacy. You can see why Eomer and Gimli would get along - there was one reference you made very much earlier about dwarven diplomacy but I cant find it- it was hilarious and much of this has made me chuckle. Having said that, not sure Legolas is that great at diplomacy- he has killed one and certainly, let's say, annoyed several others!
Equally, your oc are unntterly convincing and I have become rather fond of Arabano and actaully, Asbad- even though he is a baddie!They are complete and different - but I have to really commnet on the culture that you have developed in Harad. The ways of the desert are totally convincing- it makes absolute sense that they should measure journeys in days riding rather than in distance. Did you pick that up from somewhere or is that your own idea? And the subtle politicking in Harad is just the way it should be- nothing really said, everything ambiguous and very cloak and dagger. The plot is utterly satisfying.

Hope this helps to convince you to work on this story - I really cannot wait very long until we find out what has happened to Legolas - ooh- the bit when Dashnir says about the carrion eaters - a flicker of fear - it reminds me a little of The English Patient when the main character has to leave his lover in the caves to go and rescue her, but returns too late - it is a desparately sad story - but not the case here.

I told you it was a bit of a witter. Will try to make more sense next chapter- will be soon I hope, really really hope!

Author Reply: Holy cow! You certainly wrote a lot. Wow. Let me see if I can get to all of it in this response. (Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Not at ALL. I love long reviews!!!)

I've gotten several very convincing pleas to concentrate on this story for a while, and I'm beginning to think that I will. I'll have to intersperse other stories now and then, because I'd burn myself out otherwise. But we're so near the end here that I might just give it more of my attention. We'll see. No promises.

I'm glad you liked Dashnir's moment of realization, and I'm glad the slower sentences worked for you. I was trying to approximate those flashes of insight you get when time seems to slow to a crawl and something you should have realized earlier broadsides you mentally. One of those crawling "I can't believe I'm only now thinking of this" moments.

Legolas's adaptations are things I've been toying with all story long, and I've longed to let the sea-longing loose since I played with it around Dol Amroth. You've gotta love those Mirkwood elves. I wholeheartedly agree with the concept of more dangerous than the elves of Rivendell, though I've got qualms about the "less wise" aspect. I think Bilbo might be getting his information from biased sources. But unpredictable and fey are definitely descriptions I'd use.

I'm also very glad you like the portayal of Gimli, Eomer, and the various OCs. Those are things I've been worried about the most, actually, because there are several chapters in which the bulk of the story is carried by the OCs, and that's always a risky proposition. I wasn't sure mine could sustain the story, but people seem to be attached to them. My favorite far and away is Arabano, though I have a soft spot for Fastahn, idiot that he is. Someday he'll learn. The idea of measuring journeys in days rather than distance is a difference I've noticed in American culture, actually. The East tends to travel in miles while the West tends to travel in days. It's not readily apparent, but once in a while you see it and I thought I'd make use of it.

I wouldn't worry about carrion eaters just yet. Gimli's reasonably safe for the moment. He won't be in a few hours, but right now, he's fine.

Many thanks for the review! I'll try to have the next chapter out faster.

docmonReviewed Chapter: 38 on 4/9/2005
terrific chapter! you finally gave us some elf&dwarf time! oh, no, not complaining, no, not here. ;-)
Legolas's despair and grief were so heartfelt, I really felt for him as he was forced to leave his friend.
The sense that both Legolas and Gimli, but especially Legolas, were at the end of their endurance really came across ('dregs' of their endurance, perhaps?). Enough so that I fully believed at the end that he was struggling to stand upright. I had no idea he was faking, though I KNEW you would not be killing off our favorite elf. I was relieved enough to *almost* not hate the awfulness of the cliffhanger. Please update soon! We must know how Legolas gets himself (and Gimli) out of this! He may have injured Dashnir but he's still not out of danger yet!
and we need to know how Aragorn's "something-resembling-a-plan" is going!

Author Reply: Hey you! I owe you an email. I'll...get to that eventually. Promise! :)

Kudos for realizing the tie-in with the title of the chapter. Everybody is scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point, and they're all coming up short. Some of them don't realize that's what is happening, but they will soon. As for Legolas faking it...the jury's still out on how much of that was acting and how much was real. Our elf doesn't have a lot left and is essentially working on...well, dregs.

And that is a rather bad cliffie, isn't it? I'll work on that. Seriously. I've heard several very convincing arguments as to why I should put more work into this story, and I'm considering it. No promises, though!

Estel_Mi_OlorReviewed Chapter: 38 on 4/7/2005
Wow! Suspense! Nicely done, as usual! Let me see...absolutely heart-wrenching to read about Legolas' and Gimli's injuries. I know Gimli doesn't die...but... it is just so suspensful! Now I am rather confused...but I am sure you planned it that way to keep your readers in suspense. What happened with Legolas? One minute he was dying helping Gimli, the next he is attacking Dashnir. I do believe I have failed in comprehending something that will be explained in the next chapter. Or not, since you like to be suspensful, it will probably be explained in the chapter following that. Do you realize I might die from suspense? Or not...enough teasing, I really love the suspense. You write it so well! This is not predictable at all. I wish it were though...Well cheers and keep writing and update soon!

Author Reply: What happened with Legolas... Well, he's certainly not in the best shape right now. Let's see if I can clarify things a bit. After moving Gimli to what Legolas felt would be a safer cave, he left the lava fields and headed out in the desert, hoping he was going the right direction. After a while, he noticed Dashnir's men patrolling the outskirts of the rocks and hit the dirt, hoping they wouldn't see him. (This is partially explained next chapter, but I'm not giving anything away but telling you now.) When they seemed to be breaking up, he headed out again and that's when Dashnir saw him. Legolas started to run, but he obviously couldn't outrun horses. So when they began firing at him, he faked an injury, took a tumble, and grabbed one of the arrows now lying on the ground. Then he did some more faking to make it look real and tried to lure somebody close to him so that he could strike. But as for just how much faking he did is up for debate, because he is very sick and very exhausted right now. Dashnir's estimate of his strength is not far off the mark. Legolas has just about had it.

Anyway, hope that helps explain part of what happened, and I'm glad you're enjoying the suspense! It makes me feel like I've accomplished something. ;)

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