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Extreme Makeovers: Bag End Edition  by Elemmírë 40 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/4/2006
Oh, my dear! How lovely, and what a great compliment to have Miss Dora quoted in your story!! I am grinning from ear to ear! Thank you!

And I *do* like the way you handled the chapter--clearly for all their exasperation with one another, they are also very fond of one another. Beautifully done!

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm so very glad you like it. I couldn't pass up the unintentional plot bunny you sent hopping my way. 'Designing for the Sexes' and Dora just went too well together to resist.

Although they may have vastly differing opinions (ever since Bilbo's Adventure), I always pictured Bilbo and Dora getting along rather well. They
are family, they have Frodo in common, and they are also the two eldest of the entire Baggins clan. They can't help but be fond of each other, I think.

Besides, Aunt Dora needed some motivation/inspiration to write her book of manners ... and Bilbo is a very clever hobbit after all. She must have sent him an inordiante amount of letters through the years to be bequeathed with a wastebasket, however tongue-in-cheek it may be. LOL!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/4/2006
What a clever way to weave your story and Dreamflower's together! I do love Aunt Dora. And the Gamgees. And pie.


Author Reply: Thank you! I just couldn't resist after a comment in one of her reviews. It all tied in nicely with her story too.

I love Aunt Dora too ... and always the Gamgees. (Bell sends Sam over with a freshly-made pie for you too)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/3/2006
Ohhh, that room is going to be lovely! Frodo is so lucky.

Author Reply: Bilbo's just getting started. Frodo certainly is one lucky lad to have such a loving uncle.

Thank you, Shirebound!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/3/2006
A brilliant use of the ring! Bilbo is so clever. :D

Author Reply: Why, he's Belladonna Took's son!! Poor Bungo must be rolling over in his grave to know that his only son left the Shire and went on an Adventure.

Glad you enjoyed!

EllyBagginsReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/3/2006
hi! i'm really enoying this story!
will we get to see Frodo's reaction to all of this at the end? Oh and the title is great, by the way!

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying this (and also took the time to review ... I appreciate it)

As for Frodo's reaction ... keep reading. That's all I'm going to say. ;)

I just couldn't resist using that title. It just fits so well, I thought.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/3/2006
Uh-huh. Paint in the hair and on the clothes and well, I've never experienced it in my "foothair", LOL, but on my glasses--I do know how poor Bilbo feels. And it *does* take days to get it all off. It's a shame they don't have blue tape and automatic rollers in the Shire!

Author Reply: ROTFL!!!!!

I KNOW!!!! I started writing and thought, wait a minute Bilbo has no 3M Blue Painter's tape. AHHH!! What is a hobbit to do!!

My inspiration for Bilbo's paint job was ... MYSELF. I was painting a very narrow closet recently and I stepped back into the wall I'd just painted. I got paint all on my clothes, which I didn't care because it's my painting outfit, but I also got paint in my hair. My ponytail was white and it took a week's worth of shampooing until it all came out finally (can you imagine dealing with foothair). I haven't gotten any on my glasses yet though (crosses fingers, knocks on wood, etc). I almost stepped into my paint tray too. I'm not exactly the most graceful person there is.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/3/2006
Ah, Bilbo, you clever fellow.

Yes, right now that Ring is nothing more than a handy trinket, useful for getting away from unwanted relatives. Such a shame it could not have stayed that way.

You've an interesting choice of witnesses: some of them are the same as Gryffinjack and I chose for the same document--it does seem that on this score, our minds think alike, as Bilbo would choose those who could be the most useful in supporting Frodo's rights in the future.

Now, on to the next chapter...

Author Reply: He is a clever little bugger, isn't he.

That's all Bilbo will ever see his magic ring as being, a handy trinket ... until he see his dear beloved nephew almost dead upon arrival to Rivendell. Even then, he doesn't realize the full power of the Ring until he sees the Ring and wants it back.

I laughed when I first saw your choice of witnesses ... because they were very similar to those I had choosen too! I chose my witnesses primarily based on their relation to Frodo. I think Bilbo would have chosen the Master and future Master of Buckland (who's most assume is also Frodo's guardian), the Thain and future Thain, and the next highest status Baggins, which would have been Dora. She actually serves 2 functions: she is the eldest matriarch and the next eldest Baggins in line, but also the eldest surving direct relation of Frodo's father ... so I thought she would have some legal say in her nephew's care. In his Letters, Tolkien states that females and males can both inherit land and titles, which strongly implies equal rights in the Shire.

I chose Griffo because he is the husband of Frodo's only Baggins first-cousin. He and Daisy are younger and if Bilbo, Dora, and Dudo suddenly all died off, they would be the closest Baggins relation to Frodo. I chose Porto for nearly the same reasons. Other than Frodo, he is the only other male Baggins that can produce heirs without hyphenated names (like those pesky S-B's.)

As for the next chapter, I sincerely hope you enjoy it, Dreamflower. I wrote it and added it in just for you, based on an idea you gave me in one of your reviews.


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/3/2006
Hm I just got this bizarre image of Bilbo Baggins as an Ancient Briton rubbing blue woad into his hair! What fun!

Author Reply: Snort! Now you've got ME picturing the same image. It does seem to fit with Mad Baggins' image, doesn't it? Now _there's_ a plot bunny for someone! LOL!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/3/2006
Oh yes! Magic rings can be so useful! It doesn't seem quite fair that Bilbo got all the usfulness and Frodo all the grief of this particular ring!

Author Reply: No, it certainly wasn't very fair, was it. I think Bilbo (movie Bilbo, especially) felt very guilty over that aspect of the Ring when he came to realize.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/1/2006
I love this story! It's so sweet and loving all the trouble Bilbo is going through to make sure everything is just perfect. Nothing but the best for the best and friendship with the bestest - little Sam. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Author Reply: Thank you, Antane! I'm glad you're loving it. Little Sam will be making a couple more appearances, so you haven't seen the last of him yet. Bilbo's going all out here to make sure Frodo feels at home.


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