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A Matter of Appearances  by Lindelea 271 Review(s)
MaidenofValinorReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/28/2006
Your dialogue is so wonderful. I mean, just the little exchanges between Diamond and Pippin...I'm jealous.

Author Reply: Well thank you! It is nice when the Muse is in a good mood and the dialogue flows. I blame a good deal of it on a misspent youth, copious reading when I ought to have been doing other things. But it certainly came in handy when it came to writing, eventually. *g*

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/28/2006
At least leaving word of their route, like all good travellers, means that the alarm is raised pretty quickly. Now, I can't belive that M & P are going to start jumping to conclusions, again! but, unfortunately, this is rather a public forum for them to hear this news. And poor Diamond! I bet all she can think is 'not again!'

Am away for a week and my internet lead isn't long enough to take it with me so looking forward to more when I get back

Author Reply: Yes, they left word of their route, and even had planned stops, it seems, with trusted farmers, witnesses in other words, to Ferdi's innocence and dedication to his duty. Or witnesses in case something were to go wrong, I guess. Was Pippin showing a lack of trust, here, or was he bending over backwards to re-establish Ferdi's reputation?

Away for a week! Hope you have a lovely time, and will look forward to hearing from you later.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/28/2006
See! What did I say last time? Horrid nasty elipsis!!!

All that lovely hobbit chat and banter. A lovely hobbit teatime. All ruined by those horrid elipsis!

Poor Pip. I'm sure he's going to be in quite a terrible state. Escepially when they find poor dead Farry and Ferdi . . .

. . . well at the rate they're going to get there. LOL

Marvelously done suspense :) Well and truly well done!!

Author Reply: O but you did give me a turn! Finding poor dead Farry and Ferdi, indeed! Has EF been talking to you?

As it is, chapter six ran long, so they won't be finding poor dead anybody until chapter 7.

Thanks for hanging in there!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/27/2006

The best laid plans of Tooks...

I hope Pippin and Merry find some reason to go looking!!

Author Reply: You're back!


Missed you.

Get well soon.

Will have another chapter of your beta for you, I hope, a little later.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/27/2006
Oh golly! Ruffians! *Real* ruffians, and not just wannabes like Jack and his lads...

Author Reply: Yes, real ruffians... hence the cautionary PG-13, though the outline doesn't hint past PG at the moment.

Author Reply: p.s. although the spirit of Jack is haunting the outline, and you may see some mention of him yet. Let me know if you catch it!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/27/2006
Ooh, something creepy this way comes?

Of course this couldn't possibly just be the simple chore of fetching Farry that it was meant to be--it's *Ferdi* after all, and nothing *simple* *ever* happens to him...

I really liked Farry's ruminations on falling from ponies. I'm afraid I wouldn't be looking forwar d to more falls either. He's a very sensible young hobbit for a Took.

Author Reply: Poor Ferdi. BTDTBTTS (Been there, done that, bought the tee-shirt)

And in his case the tee-shirt says, "Nothing *simple* ever happens to me."

I remember being told in my first riding lesson that we wouldn't be true riders until we'd fallen three times. Talk about uncomfortable anticipation!

Author Reply: p.s. loved your first sentence. Just finished reading an Agatha Christie entitled "By the Pricking of My Thumbs".

I read a sci-fi/fantasy story by Ray Bradbury, I think (might've got the author wrong, it's been so long) by the title "Something Wicked This Way Comes" and have always wondered where that comes from. Is it a famous poem? Sounds rather Poe-ish.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/27/2006
What a nice thing to find! I saw you had started this the other night--and then of course, had other things to deal with. 8-( But today I'm too dopey to work on my own stuff, and it's lovely to find some new things to read.

Poor old Ferdi. "Little Lass." *chuckle* Serve him right for waiting if that *is* what she ends up named. Reminds me of the (possibly apocryphal) story of the new person who went to an SCA event. He knew he wanted to be a Viking named "Olaf", but he hadn't decided on the rest of the name. He ended up being labeled "Olaf the Undecisive" ever after, LOL!

Author Reply: I'm sorry about that other stuff, but glad to hear you sounding like yourself. (Who else would you sound like, as Pippin might say? Haven't a clue.)

Olaf the Undecisive! Perfect!

I am actually at a loss for the Little Lass's name. She might, indeed, end up Lass. Would be nice if I could think of a nice botanical name that would spawn such a nickname, though.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/27/2006
Ooops! 'The best laid plans....' most often go astray! Especially when certain Tooks are involved it seems.

BTW I would never ask you to give away plot points! *Grins* Now, really, would I? *giggle*

Author Reply: Yes. My mom often used to say "Best-laid plans gang oft aglee" which I think was Scottish for something-or-other.

Never, I'd never believe such a thing of you. Go ahead and keep guessing--sometimes it is actually a help when the author sees half-a-dozen paths looming ahead and needs to choose which one to follow.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/26/2006
Ah, the cruelty of it all . . .

Dallying us about at Great Smials while out on the road . . .

You keep leaving us at the mercy of the ellipsis . . .

Lovely Merry-Pippin banter though :) :)

Onward - must have more!!

Author Reply: I'm a terrible one for ellipsis, I am...

Am managing a chapter every-other-day, so far, I think.

Think good thoughts!

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/26/2006
Since this came, I thought I'd better read the chapter before to catch up. You have now left us hanging two chapters! INDEED, the ones waiting at home have not become concerned, yet. Is it all up to the wits of a ten year old Hobbit and wise mother pony? Oh, my!

Author Reply: And likely to be hanging for one more chapter, unless chapter five splits itself for some reason. Will do my best to keep it all together.

Yes, it is all up to the wits of a ten year old hobbit! Hope he takes after his father and cousin Bilbo!

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