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The Three Hunters  by Dreamflower 51 Review(s)
SlightlyTookishReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 8/21/2006
A lovely end to this story!

Author Reply: Thank you very much!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 8/21/2006
Thank you for this lovely story, Dreamflower. It always seemed to me that Aragorn & Co. were a bit less attentive to Merry and Pippin at Isengard than they should have been. It's nice to think that they truly cared, and greatly respected their small friends' resilience, light heartedness, and astounding luck and cleverness.

Author Reply: Well, of course, JRRT was determined to get in all the details of the storming of Isengard, and he rather stinted us a bit on the reunion.

But I think that they truly cared, very much so! They were, after all, (and especially Aragorn) entitled to go off with Gandalf and King Theoden and the others to consult with Treebeard, but they chose instead to spend the time with the friends they had set out to rescue, and over whom they had expended so much effort.

I think, all along, they had thought they would *have* to rescue Merry and Pippin. To learn that the two of them had actually managed to escape on their own must have really made them respect their small friends even more!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 8/21/2006
Flotsam and Jetsam is one of my favourite chapters in the book, and this was a great gap-filler!

Pippin and Merry's cheerfulness has them all stumped, yet I think Aragorn is the one who can see through the hobbits' culinary shield and down to the scars. Great observations on all parts. :-)

LOL, I liked Gimli's: “It is just--do they look *taller* to you?"

Thanks for a wonderful story!


Author Reply: It's one of mine, as well. When I was taking part in the "Chapter of the Week" discussions at r.a.b.t/a.f.t, I jumped at the chance to do the chapter summary for that one--I ending up doing "The Road to Isengard" as well, which gave me a rare opportunity to do two chapters back to back. It's a delightful chapter--I have a bunny for another gap-filler set in F&J, if I can just figure out where and how to shoe-horn it in.

Aragorn's a healer--his eyes are going at once to look for injuries!

*grin* That was the line which I knew from the very start of the fic would be my ending--it just seemed to fit!

I am very glad you enjoyed it. It was great fun for me to write a TTT gapfiller!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/20/2006
Well, young Master Pippin had been right. It had taken a horde of Orcs to drag them kicking and screaming away from where their cousin had headed.

Wow...very well said! This is exactly what happened. Bless their wee hearts! I liked Gimli's reversal of his initial opinion, and I also admired his determination in finding the lads.

I have so enjoyed all three observations of our young hobbits! There is indeed more to them than meets the eye. :-)


Author Reply: Yes, it was--I don't believe they could have been separated from Frodo in any other way. Although they did not *want* to go to Mordor then, and wished to go along with Boromir's desires to go to Minas Tirith first--they still would have done whatever Frodo decided--unless his decision had been to send them away.

Aragorn, I think would have tried to do that, if things had worked out differently--but Merry and Pippin would not have gone along with it.

Only the Epilogue is left.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/20/2006
*Gasps!* How did this slip past me???

I easily can see how the youngest hobbits--especially Pippin--captured the heart of Legolas. Both have a healthy respect and love for nature...and marksmanship. Of course, those two charming little devils could capture anybody's heart. ;-)


Author Reply: Yes, they could. Like Frodo, they have an abundance of Fallohide charm! And Legolas would easily see the ways they had things in common with the Elves.

I had fun letting Merry show off with the stone!

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/20/2006
Bravo!! Bravo!!!

These are lovely stories.

Hobbits seem to be so easy to underestimate. I can well imagine Gimli, even after all his father's and cousins tales, still doubting them - especially Merry and Pippin.

Well Done :-)

Author Reply: Thank you, dear!

Well, one reason is, that Hobbits underestimate *themselves*. They tend to be very modest, and to downplay their own real achievements and bravery. It never seems to them that they have done anything remarkable--after all, all they did was stick by family and protect one another and do what they promised to do--isn't that what anybody would do?

Well,yes, if they were hobbits...

SlightlyTookishReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/20/2006
Lovely! I love how Gimli gradually came to understand Merry and Pippin, and realized that he had underestimated him. But my favorite bit was: Dwarves were by and large a cynical and pessimistic race--but Gimli held on to the thought that they *would* find the two young hobbits. Alive. And well. They *had* to.
To fail was unthinkable…

It's perfectly Gimli!

Author Reply: I'm so glad you thought I had his voice down right. I especially want to do justice to him, after he was treated so shabbily in the movies.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/20/2006
"...he was modest, and never seemed to take credit for all he did. But he never backed down once he set himself upon a course of action, and he never once considered abandoning the rest of us, though there were many occasions when he would have been far safer to do so. Not,” Gloín had added ruefully, “something that could have been said of the rest of us. We did not always treat him as honorably as he treated us.”

I love that quote about Bilbo!

"I am uncommonly proud to have a chance to see what kind of hobbits the two of you have grown into..."

And I love that quote *by* Bilbo! How wonderful.

Author Reply: Yes, I remember so well the last time I re-read The Hobbit, being particularly struck by the part where Bilbo had finally escaped Gollum and the goblins, and then had made his mind up that he had to go back after the Dwarves, when he overheard Gandalf and the Dwarves talking--and the Dwarves were perfectly fine with *not* going back after *Bilbo*! He doesn't let this knowledge that they were prepared to abandon him (unless Gandalf *forced* them to go back) to affect the way he acted at all. And though, after that, he occasionally got cross and grumbled when he had to rescue *them* yet again, he still goes right ahead and does so.

I can think that Bilbo *would* have been so proud--they had really still been children when last he saw them, and to know they had left everything behind to take care of his Frodo must have touched him greatly!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/18/2006
Legolas knows his hobbits quite well, considering his thoughts about how Pippin's behaviour is related to Merry's fate. And it is obvious he esteems every hobbit for his own sake, too. No doubt Legolas is right - they have already crept into his heart.

How nice of Bodkin to allow you to use her ficlet with Pippin and Legolas in Rivendell! It fits very nicely in here. And I love the way you're using the flashbacks to show moments which are particularly connected with the hobbits and their ways of life for the one whose POV it is respectively.

Oh, in some hours I'm off to Norway until next Sunday. So don't think I've abandoned you if I'm not reviewing!

Author Reply: I am sure that much time spent in the cousins' company would reveal how important they all were to one another. And, yes, Legolas does not think of them as "interchangeable generic hobbits". He loves each one as an individual.

It was very nice of her. Knowing how seldom she writes hobbits, I was so very impressed with that fic, and the insight into Pippin's mind, that I couldn't help but just love it to peices! She did a brilliant job!

I hope that you have a safe and fun trip, and will look forward to your reactions when you get home!

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/18/2006
Wow...Lovely job w/Legolas. I've always felt he would have bonded strongly w/Pippin as well. Both were the youngest in their families, so it stands to reason they would discover themselves kindred spirits. That last thought of his...To make sure Frodo's cousins were safe so he could return them to him, after Frodo left to keep them safe...That is so true and I can see Legolas thinking that.

All there's left is Gimli!! Looking forward to hearing what our Dwarf's thoughts are.

Author Reply: Yes, I feel that Legolas would have had a special relationship with Pippin, as they seem to be kindred spirits in many ways. And I believe that in any thoughts of Merry and Pippin, Frodo also had to figure largely, as he was the main reason Merry and Pippin were in peril, after all.

I shall have Gimli up fairly soon. I hope that you like it as well.

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