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Home for Now  by daw the minstrel 108 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/29/2008
There is so much in this to love! From "Solith would choke on his tongue..." to Celuwen's threat at the end, the idea of seeing more Thranduil and Solith together just made me giggle. That would be explosive. Solith really has nerve to invite Loriel without speaking to Celuwen first! What trouble, but so typical of him. And Celuwen's conversation with Thranduil and his thoughts about her during it were a laugh riot. I bet Thranduil has thought a thousand times that dealing with Eilian can't get more complicated and every time is is amazed to find out he's wrong again! :-) And I thought Celuwen was nervy to tell Thranduil she hoped he appreciated Eilian, but then when Elilian chose that particular way to 'use' Thranduil's office I about spit tea all over the keyboard. Hilarious! He is soooo bad! Poor Thranduil is going to have to deal with what his desk must look like and with Legolas! Poor elf! This is a great addition and a great surprise to find it.

Author Reply: Now that Solith lives near the Stronghold, he and Thranduil are bound to encounter one another more often, especially since Loriel loves them both. Though Solith better lighten about her ada. As she gets older, she's not going to take that well.

That scene between Thranduil and Celuwen was interesting to write because I found him taking a male POV. He knew Eilian wasn't going to like this but he also didn't want to get in the middle. That was awkward.

I figure Eilian enjoys an edge of danger. The desk was it.


Thanks for the review, Elliska.

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/29/2008
and now I can see little Legolas in protection-mode!
What a lot of "talking" there will be :)
I'm glad I'm not Solith - outside the affairs of Men the elves may usually be, but he has the benefit (should he choose to see it) of the wider-view of the royal house, I hope Celuwen is able to straddle the two different paths her life have been on.
Thank you!

Author Reply: If you lived as long as Arda, like elves do, you'd accumulate a lot of relatives over the years and I imagine they'd get on your nerves once in a while. Like having the in-laws over for Thanksgiving dinner. Solith at your table. Sort of makes you shudder, doesn't it?


Thanks for the review, Mistry.

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/29/2008
I love these sons of Thranduil...been watching them grow up for a year now. Keep the stories coming. I never get tired of them. I enjoy the way they are all linked. :) Love, Neilia

Author Reply: Thank you, Neilia. One of the pleasures of fanfiction is being able to jump around in a time line and see how people grow and change. I'm glad you've enjoyed it.

BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/29/2008
Wow! I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this daw. Loriel is just too cute, and I can't wait until Alfirin has her baby. Also, so glad Eilian is back home in one piece. Although I can understand his motives, I have a strong urge to kick Solith.

Eilian is just too complex a guy. Ithilden has his issues, but it is generally pretty easy for those around him to see his needs and meet them. Eilian, not so much. However, I think I've finally figured him out. Let me spill out my idea and see if I'm right.

Basically, Eilian is so emotionally needy that he hurts. He has such an intense need to love and be loved that he tries too hard to protect those he loves. When those loved ones get angry at him for this and push him away, he turns to his "adventuring" to fill the void.

I think that when he was young his mother understood him. After she died, he turned to coddling Legolas to fill his needs. Now that Legolas is too old for coddling, Thranduill doesn't understand him and Celuwen is agitated with him for trying to protect her, he has no one to turn to. The result is that he willingly went where his father sent him.

Celuwen's a smart elleth. She'll eventually figure him out.

Author Reply: I've always thought of Eilian as a true Wood-elf. Tolkien said they were "more dangerous and less wise" than the high elves, and that's what I think of him and his mother too. Thranduil is Sindarin and he's just not on the same page. And I think that hurts Eilian, who needs his father's approval. Like you, I think of Eilian as very loving. He's almost maternal with Legolas when Legolas is little and Legolas's uncritical love is important to him. The adventuring, to me, is just Wood-elfiness. He's kind of an adrenaline junky.

He's an interesting character to write, probably the most complex one I've produced. I don't think I could have written him in one story alone. I needed time and seeing him in many situations, interacting with many other characters, to develop different sides of him. It's been a writerly education for me.

Thanks for the thoughtful review, BlueEyedElf.

EmilyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/29/2008
I love these characters. That said, I have a bone to pick with the family royale. As a youngest child, as at the very adult age of 21 and as preparing to enter a somewhat dangerous profession, I give Legolas a LOT of credit for not having blown up at every single one of them by now. Good grief, Eilien, you're not even a century older than the kid, and you think he needs protection? Come on, Thranduil! He's not a baby--hasn't been in a couple hundred years. If my family (which actually consists of a single-parent father & two older brothers) treated me they way his treats him, we'd have had a few blow ups....

So, go Legolas! Give Thranduil a piece of your mind! Chew him up one side and down the other. And then take a swing at Eilien, and heck, while you're at it, go for Ithilden too. I'm sure he's deserving. And shame on Thranduil if he thinks he can force Legolas to apologize and repent for wanting some respect by playing the "I'm your King and your Father" card. It's time for the family to eat a little Humble Pie.

Or not. It's your story. Just the venting of a frustrated youngest child. =D

Author Reply: LOL. Emily, you are so right! They all need to realize he's grown up! It must about make Legolas crazy. And he's going to tell Thranduil that. Just as soon as he helps him pick up the papers from the desk. :-)

I'm glad you like the family.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/29/2008
OK, maybe it's my general mood but I think they all deserve each other this chapter. Except Flower Face, of course :-) First, of course Celuwen wants to go live with her parents while Eilian is away. A nice leafy treehouse insead of a nasty cave with her father-in-law? Sensible girl. She's already missing her husband, so why do you need to keep her from her family, Thranduil? Shame on you for giving her a dispassionate recitation of her place in the scheme of things instead of thinking about what she needs. On the other hand, Celuwen, darling, do you have amnesia and not remember who you married? You honestly expect Eilian to stay home until Lorien is all grown up? LOLOL. And Eilian. You've always been a tad rebellious but never, ever disrespectful. Sigh. So now, children. *waves hands* Tawk amongst yoahselves. Come back when you can all play nicely together. Go on....

Author Reply: LOL. They do all seem to be having a bad day at the same time. I think this is a situation with no good ways to escape. Although I do think that even if Eilian hadn't turned up when he did, Celuwen would have taken her daughter home. She really can't have Solith talking about Eilian like that in front of her. Poor Grandmother.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/29/2008
What a great surprisee! For a moment there, when I read that Eilian was later than expected I feared you had given into that old idea of killing Eilian off!

And then I had to laugh at THrnaduil considering that he should have gone himself to Mt Doom, if only to save himself the trouble! And I suppose that LEgolas statement that he had no family must have stung... a hard day for the king indeed!

Author Reply: LOL. You know, that thought about Eilian crossed my mind, but in "Question of Duty," he seems to be alive though of course he doesn't appear.

Poor Thranduil. His family wants a whole bunch of different things from him and he's about to get chewed up by Legolas, unless he puts his foot down. And that will be in his office. Where his papers are on the floor.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/29/2008
I'm so glad to see you're still writing in this universe! I love to revisit Thranduil, Eilian et al and the complex love they share.

Of course Celuwen misses Eilian, and seeks solace by sleeping among the trees. His reappearance is timely, and I love their reunion in Thranduil's office!

Thranduil's musings on the 'obedience' owed by a wife to her husband were very bittersweet. 'If he had been more willing to impose his will on Lorellin, she might be alive. What they would be to one another, of course, was a different question.' I can see his point, but it would never have worked - and he's wise enough to realise it, despite the cost.

Thank you, Daw. I loved this.


Author Reply: Thranduil and Eilian are always interesting to write, although by this time, they've settled down a bit, and are about to settle down a bit more, I think.

I hesitated over their using Thranduil's desk but decided they were Wood-elves---less wise. :-)

Thanks for the review, Jay. Writing is fun on its own, but it's more fun when I know readers enjoy what I write.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/29/2008
Poor Thranduil - conflicted, caught between the proverbial rock and hard place. One son or another is going to be mad at him.

Loriel is cute, and she does need her ada at home.

If I were Thranduil, I'd be getting on my horse and heading out of town too, before any more kids are mad at him. :D

Author Reply: Thank you for all your help on this.

I felt bad for Loriel, guarding her mother with her father's old wooden sword. It's good her father is home again.

CesReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/29/2008
You know, I used to think Solith had his daughter's best interest at heart, but now I'm not so sure. He seems to think of what's good for him or what he thinks Celuwen needs. Ah well, Eilian is back now.

Poor Legolas; his family will always try and protect him and he has to accept that! He will always be the baby in the family.

I would have loved to hear the conversation between Eilian and Thranduil when Eilian returned to find his wife gone! Thranduil probably wished himself elsewhere!

Love these stories! Keep them coming!


Author Reply: Thanks, Ces. Thranduil is having a bad day. Celuwen blames him for not appreciating Eilian. Solith hates him. And now Legolas is angry too. But Eilian is back with his wife and daughter, so that's better.

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