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O The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night  by Lindelea 81 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 3/29/2008
Oh, poor Frodo! Of course he's agonizing over little Merry. And little Ferdi, too, though they're not so close.

But Merry's the closest thing he's got to a baby brother. Awww...

*grin* Thanks for more of this! And thanks for a bit of Frodo's POV--you know how much I love to see him thinking of his younger cousins!

Author Reply: Oh, yes, it just wouldn't be right without a little of Frodo's POV--I'm sure he told Merry about his feelings, later on, probably while telling the little fellow *never* to give him *such* a scare *ever* again. (And that's how Merry's able to tell this part of the story now, all these years later...)

And probably Bilbo's quite upset over both little Merry and little Ferdi, considering that later on Ferdi was one of the ones invited to the Birthday...

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 10/18/2007
Poor, poor lads! Well, at least Merry isn't alone, and Ferdi has all a Hobbit's expected ability to care and comfort as he can.

As for slipping something into Frodo's drink--Bilbo, you caring, frustrating HOBBIT!

Author Reply: Ah, Bilbo. Wise old hobbit. What would Frodo do, stumbling around in the dark? He'll be all the better for the rest. At least, it is to be hoped.


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 14 on 10/17/2007
Exhaustion would seem to be a good incentive for sleep but it doesn't always work. Good work Ferdi!

Author Reply: Yes, I wish it would work for me! It's nearly midnight and I cannot seem to find sleep.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 10/16/2007
Oh, poor little Ferdi! But they are as safe as they are going to be now, and at least the poor baby's not wandering about alone.

And oh, Frodo--yes, he's going to be so worried about Merry! I can seem him thinking about Merry shivering as he is...

Author Reply: Yes, the thought of a hobbit tot poking around a dark wood gives me the shivers, too. Sure glad that morning comes in the next chapter. Now just need to find the time to type it in. Thanks!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/12/2007
Somehow I managed to miss this one. Oh, poor Merry--to meet such an adversary, and at this time!

And what a cliffhanger! Sort of glad I didn't read it first! Heh!

Author Reply: Yes, it's really not safe for young hobbits to wander without bigger sisters or brothers or cousins along...


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 10/12/2007
Poor little lad. At least he managed to protect Merry and save him from the fox. Hobbit lads are so small, after all, and could easily be seen as vulnerable; but obviously even very small ones are handy with thrown stones! Marvelous save!

Author Reply: Little boys around here seem to be throwing stones all the time, and I imagine hobbit lads are no exception. Practice makes perfect!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 10/12/2007
What a shock to believe that! Poor Eglantine! But with Frodo and Bilbo as well as Saradoc and Paladin amongst the searchers I suspect things will be put right soon, including incorrect suppositions. Poor lass!

Author Reply: Ah, yes, Bilbo and Frodo are ones to count on! (And with a knack for being in the right place at the right time...)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 10/11/2007
Oh, poor wee Ferdi, so fiercely defending his older cousin--with a hobbit's natural weapon of course! And oh, that Merry--he started this tale with no knowing how it ended!! Hardly fair, was it?

I can just see tiny Ferdi trying to find help...such a brave baby! No wonder he grew up to be such a good hunter!

Author Reply: LOL! IIRC (and I might be wrong--wouldn't that be embarrassing, with my own story), it was Ferdi who began by excoriating (don't know if that's the right word to use, but it's somehow satisfying) Merry for leading his littler cousins into nasty uncomfortable adventures, and I think he was the one who narrowed down the guesses to this particular adventure.

I could be wrong, though, as there is a dog standing (standing? quivering, dancing, etc.) nearby holding her leash in her mouth as if it is some sort of exciting pirate treasure.

Must go.


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 13 on 10/11/2007
‘The little ones will never get to sleep at this rate,’ Pippin said lightly. ‘You’ve got them all stirred up and imagining the worst sort of imaginings.’

I am glad to be classed as one of the little ones. But please do tell the Muse that she isn't being any good for the state of my heart health!

Author Reply: I will tell the Muse to have some consideration for the little ones who are listening. Thanks!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 12 on 10/11/2007
I'm thinking of a quote that I can't attribute 'Never leap for the worst until it is proven.' Appropriate but very easy to do!

Author Reply: My parents used to say, "Don't borrow trouble."

And you're right. Very easy to do.

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