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O The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night  by Lindelea 81 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/15/2006
What--this bottle of spirits is merely passable? From Aragorn's own cellar? I can barely credit that, then! Poor Ferdi--the image of the poor child standing there while a "gown" is created around and upon him is hilarious! Poor, poor lad! But he's been rescued, taken from the pan and about to be introduced to at least the embers, I suspect! Heh!

Author Reply: Well, compared to Buckland's finest, yes, it's just passable. After all, the Brandywine runs by Buckland, and it didn't get its name by accident...

"At least the embers" - heh!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/15/2006
And a most intriguing beginning, Lindelea. Wish I had time to read on now! Maybe later once I get things back online once more....

Author Reply: Nice to hear from you! I've been very busy with RL and really ought not to be dabbling in fanfic *at all* this week, but it really is relaxing...

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/15/2006
Glad to see Dreamflower's plotbunny has found its desired expression at last.

Author Reply: Yes, she's quite clever with the plotbunnies! But I tell you, my brain certainly had to be stretched, to imagine a five- and seven-year-old having an adventure... you'd think such little ones wouldn't be let out of an older one's sight, considering how vulnerable they'd be to foxes, and perhaps hawks or owls.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/12/2006
Between his sister and his cousins and his mother, young Ferdi is in danger of becoming a bit of a wuss. It's just as well that Merry is there to bring out the stalker and the archer and the generally resilient hobbit we know and love. Although maybe that doesn't seem the case just at the moment!

Author Reply: Well, perhaps then this is the beginning of putting paid to future possibilities of wussiness. Ferdi's going to find out he's not just a babe-in-arms, at the mercy and whim of those who are "older and wiser" but a hobbit in his own right...

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/12/2006
Ooh! 'Mud, mud, glorious mud! Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood!' &g* But I'm not sure that I'd want to share it with the pigs!

Author Reply: Did you just make that up, or is it a poem from somewhere? Sounds a little like Gilbert and Sullivan, whom the little hobbits have just discovered through a local production of "Pirates of Penzance".

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/12/2006
Oh dear! Well, Merry's rescued Ferdi well and truly from the awful clutches of the lasses, and he's now delivered into the well-meaning clutches but firm of his mother. But what an adventure in the meanwhile--the pig! the mud! the dirty ribbons! I have a feeling that sister and cousins will be in just as much trouble as Merry!

At least Ferdi's had once chance to get as dirty as he likes for once, LOL! Poor little kid!

And I haven't forgotten grown-up Ferdi saying something about the two of them going off to Michel Delving...

Author Reply: Well, I expect Ferdi won't really mind the bath to follow... he likes hot water! (literal hot water that is, not the figurative kind)

And yes, you're right, he did say something to that effect... and Merry is busy thinking and laying plans... so something just might happen, you never know.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/11/2006
Ferdi is as good a storyteller as any Baggins!!!

Funnily enough I was looking at fire buckets at a show for motorhome and American RV's yesterday. These were nice bright red plastic with the word fire on them and they wanted £5 for them!!! I bet the hobbits' bucket is much better!

Author Reply: I bet hobbits' buckets are better too!

We went to a picnic-BBQ at a friend's house, to celebrate the end of summer. (Um, is that something to celebrate?)

A little stream runs by their house, and all the children (*quite* a number, I assure you) had buckets and water cannons and had a marvellous battle, mid-stream, that lasted at least an hour, if not more. The little (one-gallon) buckets we brought for our younger ones' use proved quite popular--much easier to scoop full of water to be thrown through the air. Five-gallon buckets are difficult to lift, even when only half-full!

I heard quite a few plotting to bring one-gallon buckets "next year"...

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/11/2006
Oh, yay! It's so good to see this again! And now I'm going to find out what's happened next!

I adore little Merry in this--he's so brave, defying the horrible lasses and rescuing poor wee Ferdi!

And all the banter afterwards is lovely, too! Especially Pippin's astonishment that *Pearl* of all people could have had an adventure!

'Lasses? Adventure?' Pippin said. 'My sisters?' His eyes narrowed. 'Pimpernel, perhaps... but Vinca was even younger than yourself, Ferdi, and Pearl much too sensible.'

'Not "adventure" in the way you mean,' Merry said, and for some reason he gave a snort. '...and Pearl was not always sensible. Frodo told me how the two of them caught two of the ponies grazing in the far field; he boosted her onto one of them and hauled himself onto the other and the two of them had races and jumping contests...'

'My Pearl?' Pippin said again in astonishment.

Ferdi laughed, but all he said was, 'It's not Pearl's adventure I was thinking of...'

'Pearl had an adventure?' Pippin said.

That had me *rolling*! I could just *hear* the amazed incredulity in his voice.

This is so fun!

Poor wee!Ferdi.

Author Reply: LOL! Now if I could only imagine Pearl's adventure, I'd love to write such... So many stories. So little time.

Poor wee Ferdi is about to have the thrill of his young life. LOL!


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/11/2006
a story I haven't heard?' Pippin said, leaning forward again. He drew up his knees and circled them with his arms. 'Well, you mustn't stop there! Tell on!'

Exactly!!!! *g*

Author Reply: LOL, very apt!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/10/2006
Oh, oh, oh! I do remember this from LJ! I can't wait to see the rest--well, actually, I can because I have to, even if I don't want to, but you know what I mean! (And now you're making me lapse into Pippish.)

Author Reply: Pippish can be very charming, you know, and *he* always knows exactly what he means, even if nobody else does. *g*

I'm just so glad I found the draft. I thought I'd lost the whole of it. Whew.

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