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Four of a Kind  by Grey Wonderer 98 Review(s)
Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/15/2007

Excellent stories as always. I don't think I've reviewed your tales before but I love then. The characterisations are spot on. If I have one tiny criticism it is that Sam's eyes are brown not green (Tolkien mentions it in Balin's tomb).
Looking forward to many more great stories!


Author Reply: Thank you! I appreciate the review and I am glad you enjoyed this. As to Sam's eyes, I get all caught up in Movie-land at times and while discribing Sam I was seeing Sean Astin whose eyes are green. LOL That scene where Sam and Rosie dance at the party was on my mind while I was writing because I love the look on Sean's face when he is first pushed into Rosie's arms, such a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure! Thank you for reading!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/14/2007
Hooray! They each had a chance to kiss and mean it--too bad Frodo couldn't follow up on his, though.

Author Reply: It is a shame that Frodo didn't have that sort of romance later on in his life. I did enjoy giving him a moment or two pre-Ring though. Thanks for reviewing!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/14/2007
These are just beautiful, G.W.! I loved each and every tale about being left behind. I have an older sister, so I can empathise with these wee ones from my days of childhood. I do have to say that I really liked Pippin's tale; he *is* too smart for his own -good, isn't he? :-)


Author Reply: I was the older sister so I guess I'd be Frodo or Merry in these. I am very glad that you enjoyed them. Pip is too smart for his own good. I am very certain that is at least half of how he gets his way so very often. hehehe

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/14/2007
Talk about knowing exhuastion from work first-hand, lol! I've gone and reviewed your prologue twice! Now I feel bad for threatening you with a wet noodle, but I don't regret the rest of it. I'm sure you could use a word of encouragement, regardless of my swiss-cheese memory. :-)


Author Reply: Hey, I just thought you loved my prologue! LOL Seriously I have NEVER received three reviews for the same prologue. I feel honored. I may quit writing actual stories and just start posting prologues! hehehe

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/14/2007
...borrowing them because I have no real original characters or imagination of my own.

Remember these words, my friend, because when we have our next mini-moot somewhere between North Royalton and Huntington, I'm going to smack your hand with a wet noodle for them!

What do you call Errol?? Or Mister Tunnely - or the wonderful Diamond that I know you've written? What about Pippin building his own house, eh? What about that little puzzle box that used to travel from story to story? I remember those sorts of things and you've written a million original thoughts from your very talented (and very wild!) imgaination, so don't EVER say (or write that) you have no real original characters or imagination!

Your brilliant stories have always put a smile on my face, or made me laugh til I cried...or got all misty-eyed over that old, tattered furry stuffed rabbit I fell in love with from his first "words". I know first-hand how work can make one exhuasted and believe things that aren't necessarily true about one's self. Those words above in italics NOT true, so don't believe them.

On to the first chapter!


Author Reply: Ouch! I'm getting smacked? You know, I was thinking about those puzzle boxes the other day and wondering how to work them into another story. I've missed them really. Thank you for the encouraging words, dear friend. Errol is also grateful. He loves it when he is mentioned by name in a review. You are so sweet to care so much and I thank you!

elanor winterflowersReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/14/2007
How wonderfully romantic! Each one is perfect to the fellow and the occasion. I wonder what happened to the girl who hoped Frodo Baggins was The One?

Author Reply: Thank you! Romance is not my usual area but I was feeling a bit romantic thanks to the holiday. As to Frodo's admirer, I don't really know. In fact, I wonder too now that I've written her and allowed her a POV. I am certain that he had many such lasses thinking he was The One when he was young. Dear, dear, Frodo.

CuthalionReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/14/2007
Absolutely beautiful - intimate, humorous and delightful. Well done! *smiles*


Author Reply: Thank you! I don't write much romance and most of the time there is far more humor in there than romance when I do! I am very glad you enjoyed it! Happy Valentine's Day!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/14/2007
He looked down at her as if she were a treasure unearthed and presented only to him.

*sigh* These are all lovely. What a wonderful Valentine's Day ficlet! :D

Author Reply: Thank you! I don't get mushy often but today seemed a good day for it all things considered. Happy Valentine's Day!

AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/14/2007
Oh........ this was WONDERFUL! I loved them all, but I especially loved the first one. You got the description perfect... how you feel when the one you love starts to notice you, *really* notice you that way, for the first time. It gave me chills and warm shivers to read it.

I also loved the "thank you for my heart" sentiment in the Pippin and Diamond one. Sam and Rosie were... well, they were delightfully lovable as only Sam and Rosie can be. I'm just confused... who was the girl with Frodo, or was that just some mystery girl that we know he must have had before the ring took all that away?

Anyway... thanks for the yummy Valentine's Day treat!

Author Reply: Wow! Thank you so much! I am very pleased that you liked them. Merry and Estella were the first that came to mind when I was writing this so I am glad to know that you could feel what I was going for there.

I figured that Sam would be the type to go slow romance-wise and since Diamond and Pippin's kiss was a wedding kiss I wanted it to be extra special.

So to the lass with Frodo, well, I decided to let her go un-named. I am certian that Frodo had quite a few lasses chasing him when he was young and so I decided that this lass would be one of many and not nearly so special to him as he was to her.

Happy Valentine's Day and thank you for the lovely review!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/14/2007
Ah, GW, these are beautiful! I love them all!

I especially like that you do not identify Frodo's admirer--really a good way to go about that! I had wondered how you would manage with Frodo!

Delightfully romantic, all of them!

Author Reply: So glad you enjoyed them. I was in a very good mood today. hehehe A day off work always does that to me.

I started to give the lass with Frodo a name but then I decided not to. I suspect that Frodo had his share of admirers when he was young and I thought it would be more interesting if she appeared to be far more smitten than he was and even if it was her POV, unknown to all of us.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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