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Neath Anor, Ithil, and Gil  by Larner 837 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 97 on 8/7/2010
Yes, finally a child that grew up with both parents, as it should be!

Author Reply: And one of the major characters, too! Heh! Definitely Aragorn would have liked that thought.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 96 on 8/7/2010
Ah, so that's how Gandalf got Narya! Cirdan certainly didn't lose any time to gift him with the ring, not even to get to know him a bit before. But then, I guess our dear Gandalf feels very trustworthy, even without Cirdan's foresight. And Cirdan's argument seems logical – the ring of fire isn't the right one for someone with an affinity for water. For Gandalf, however, it worked just fine, obviously.

Author Reply: Even in Tolkien's naturally short version it appears that Cirdan decided to gift this right away. And I'm certainly glad he did! But it struck me that this would be a good rationale on Cirdan's part to decide to pass the ring on.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 95 on 8/7/2010
True, Elrond's children didn't have any grandparents on their fathers side, and the ones of their mothers side may not have been the most attentive sometimes. But at least Tolkien left them one grandmother ... we all know that he treated mothers quite badly.

Author Reply: Yes, at least one grandmother who is able to have a direct effect on their lives. At least Aragorn had the chance to be with his until he came of age, and Frodo knew his until his twelfth year.

Author Reply: Yes, at least one grandmother who is able to have a direct effect on their lives. At least Aragorn had the chance to be with his until he came of age, and Frodo knew his until his twelfth year.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 94 on 8/7/2010
You know, I think Otho is on to something with his last thought *evil grin*

Author Reply: Yes, Kitty, I do think at least HE has got it! Heh!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 93 on 8/7/2010
How very Denethor, he sees only the few enemies the Rangers missed, but disregards the ones Faramir and his men destroyed. That man needs some positive thinking!

Author Reply: To focus so on those missed and realize that considering the Rangers are a relatively small force they still managed to exceed what ought to be expectations for them just seems so Denethor, if you will! The Rangers and Faramir can only watch one road at a time, after all!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 92 on 8/7/2010
Hm, somehow I can't see Lotho inviting anyone from the Hill. The Gamgees and others are way beneath him, in his eyes. Though I guess the other unwilling guests would like some nice company.

Author Reply: You may very well be right; but we aren't certain of the societal niche in which Widow Rumble or perhaps the Twofoots might have belonged--or the Proudfoots in No. 5 in my-verse, who are actually related, after all, to the S-Bs.

Thanks so for all the reviews--it made my day to be able to respond to them at last!

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 97 on 8/3/2010
You know Larner, there's really only one true way to review this and it's by doing this!!


*sighs happy sigh*

I'm having "issues" w/my computer and trying to get into/on LJ these days is next to impossible. I am getting so sick and tired of seeing "Website Can Not Be Found" whenever I try to access LJ. Especially since I miss all of you over there.


Author Reply: I'm so glad you liked it. It must have been reassuring for Aragorn to know that his wife would most likely outlive himself, and thus their children would not know the grief known by so many.

Sorry LJ is being a pain to access--now and then my computer has refused to access anything but SoA, although now that I'm back on dial-up things are better in that way--a LOT slower, but more generally reliable.

Kara's AuntyReviewed Chapter: 97 on 8/3/2010
Hello Larner,

ohmigosh ... I never fully realised it before, but Middle Earth's mums do seem to be dropping like flies, don't they?

Thank goodness for Arwen, Rosie and Eowyn (and Estella and Diamond), all ready to laugh in the face of fate and blaze a trail for mothers everywhere!

Beautifully poignant look at one orphan's promise to his newborn :)

M ;o)

Author Reply: Aragorn was at least a man grown when his mother died, but it appears she was never fully happy once he no longer needed her caring and she had time to reflect on her losses and the dangers facing him now that he wandered the known world. But to know that his children and most likely many grandchildren as well would know his Arwen must have been such a pleasant thought for him.

Thanks, M.

EllynnReviewed Chapter: 97 on 8/3/2010
I am not a fan of drabbles, but this one I really like. The ending (last two paragraphs) is perfect. I love the promise Aragorn gave to his son, and also the way he said it. :)

Author Reply: I'm so glad, then, that your read it, then. Yes, his firstborn and later children will all know their mother until well into adulthood, as well as their children as well.

Thanks so, Ellynn.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 96 on 8/2/2010
I am sworn to the service of Ulmo, as much his vassal as is Ossë. Narya and I are often at odds, as my own bent dampens its power. But you, as akin as you are to Fire already—you will have far less difficulty than I in gaining its cooperation.

How marvelous! This is a wonderful envisioning of this gifting.

Author Reply: Thank you so, Shirebound. It was interesting to try to imagine what individuals Olorin might have been missing, and how the gift of Narya might have helped assuage that longing. And we know that Gandalf himself had an affinity for fire in its warming roles--certainly Narya must have felt far more at home in his keeping than in that of the Shipwright! Again, thank you so!

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