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Eilian and the Lembas Maiden's Kiss  by daw the minstrel 62 Review(s)
sofiaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
I love the little memory Eilian had about Ithilden and the waiting. To me, Ithilden can come across sometimes as... a bit removed, responsible troop commander- son of a king. So its really nice and sweet to see him act as a big brother. I can remember you writing one between him and Legolas as a small child- I believe when Legolas cuts his finger on his fathers letter opener and Ithilden bandages it for him- but I don't believe there has been one between him and Eilian, so that was very well done and thank you for that.

Author Reply: Thanks, Sofia. I've seldom shown these two as loving brothers. You're right about that. It's hard for me to remember that when Eilian was little, the Watchful Peace was in effect. I think that must have affected his upbringing, and when Sauron came back, the restrictions that popped up must have made him about crazy.

k_lara7Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
Obviously, Eilian's brother was the obvious one to talk to him. This experience brought them closer and helps Eilian later in understanding Legolas. Wonder if Thranduil ever finds out. It was a nice touch to show how concerned Ithilden is for his mother.

Author Reply: I think of this as one of the things Thranduil doesn't know about. At least, the sons think he doesn't know. It's always hard to tell what Thranduil knows. I mentioned this moment in another story (I think "When Shadow Touches Home") in which Gelmir talks about the only argument with Ithilden that Eilian has ever won. He says they were out all night and Eilian talked Ithilden into not telling on them. Of course, Gelmir doesn't know the whole story, but then Ithilden doesn't either!

Glad you liked it, K_lara.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
Oh, I liked this very much Daw! Eilian truly was an exasperating youngster, I can see all the cockiness of youth in his relationship with his elder brother, whom, no matter how older is, at home Eilian will always regard as a brohter, thus an equal!

It was sweet of Ithilden to remark that it was actually in that position of brother that he wanted to talk to him. Eilian's recollections are hilarious, above all his doubt as for the true reason why Ithilden must have been holding his hand after the incident! ;-) And all is over and he is happy again, excited about the festival and thinking of new adventures, with a lesson learnt that will be soon lost in that path of caution he seems unable to find, LOL!

A delightful tale, I really missed these characters!

Author Reply: Thanks, Perelleth. I think as Eilian got older, he may have seen Ithilden more of the time as his commanding officer, although there would always be this layer of brother underneath. But at the time of this story, he hasn't been a real warrior, only a novice, and he's seen Ithilden mostly as a member of his family. And that's the way Ithilden has seen him too. I've seldom written a loving moment between them like this and I enjoyed doing it.

But man, you are so right. Eilian must have been exasperating.

websteransReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2006
Let me be the first to say: Great story. Your portrayal of adolescence may be the most true and powerful in the LoTR community. The picture of Eilian here ties in well with the ones we've already seen later in his life.

Author Reply: Thanks, Websterans. I was thinking today about how Eilian has developed over the course of my stories. He's the most mixed character I've ever created, basically good but truly flawed and able to hurt others. And I don't think I could have created him like that in just one story written straight through. He had to grow and come alive over time. I seriously wish I could do that well in shorter order.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/20/2006
Oh, poor Eilian. Gosh, usually in your stories I seem to always be saying "poor Legolas." But Big Brother definitely got his you-know-what handed to him here. Agh, to be young and clueless and male! Alfirin comported herself beautifully, but it was Celuwen who really impressed me here. That was a pretty big risk she took, stepping out of her One of the Boys role to do the right thing and show Eilian what it was. And now, maybe, he's noticed she's a girl - hoorah.

There were some beautiful descriptions here:

He saw Celuwen's almond-shaped grey eyes, slightly arched nose, wide mouth, the parts that added up to the most expressive face he knew, one that at the moment was alive with disapproval. Then he shifted his gaze to Alfirin and saw with a little thrill that her hair was loose, tumbling in thick waves all the way to her hips. He could almost feel the way it would spring back if he squeezed it in his hand.

I wonder how this will play out with Ithilden, who surely is not yet interested in Alfirin but who may someday have reason to remember this.

Author Reply: Well, and "poor Sinnarn" sometimes. "Young and clueless and male" pretty well sums Eilian up at this stage.

It was interesting to show the girls both in strong roles here and united in their feminine work with the lembas and in a kind of solidarity as females. These two make good daughters-in-law for Thranduil, but they also make good people in themselves.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/20/2006
No, Alfirin didn't hit Eilian like I was expecting her to but I don't suppose she would anyway. Anyway she still managed to wound his pride. Celuwen kissing him was a nice touch.

Author Reply: Alfirin didn't need to hit him. She can do more damage with her sharp tongue and scornful attitude. His pride is plenty sore.

But Celuwen is willing to kiss it and make it better. After she squealed on him, of course. :-)

k_lara7Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/20/2006
Eilian is fortunate to have such good friends. And yes, if it's something you don't want to tell your parents about it's probably a bad idea. He's lucky Celuwen was looking out for him and Gelmir was willing to give him support.

Author Reply: if it's something you don't want to tell your parents about it's probably a bad idea

Good point! Maybe Eilian needs that tatooed on his arm. As you say, he's lucky in his friends though. They seem to have accepted him as he is, which is something he needs just as much as he needs his parents' push to be better than he is. A paradox. :-)

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/20/2006
>>"It was my affair. You are my friend, and you are upset, I think, probably by something that happened at training or at home, and when you are upset, you do stupid things. I hate seeing you get swept away into actions you regret when you come to yourself again."

Celuwen has always known how to manage Eilian! I'm enjoying the portrayal of the lembas harvest - it has to have been important, especially to the Wood Elves, both as a source of food in times of scarcity and because of its connection to Yavanna and the earth.

Author Reply: Isn't that lembas stuff interesting? I tried to base most of what I wrote on the short essay in "The Peoples of Middle-Earth," but Tolkien was not as clear as he might have been. I made up the vigil part, but not the part about using no blade or only the lembas maidens being allowed to handle it and only they knowing the secret of its making. And you're so right, that given its connection to Yavanna, it must have held mystical significance for all elves but especially the Wood Elves.

Eilian is a blissfully clueless male. It'll take him years to wise up. He's lucky to have Celuwen.

Yanic Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/20/2006
Woohoo! Go Alfirin! Finally explains what she meant in Joinings. I have to say though, the idea of having an Eilian as a child is terrifying. He's way too good at sneaking around behind the adults. It's amazing that Thranduil even had Legolas after going through the trials of Eilian, lol. And Celuwen giving him a kiss, too cute. Too bad he didn't figure things out earlier and save her a lot of heartache. Thanks for the quick update!

Author Reply: Eilian is very lucky he had wise and firm parents. He could have grown into a completely irresponsible adult, despite his good heart. But Thranduil puts his foot down about the message to the healer, for instance, and Lorellin backs him all the way on that one.

I suspect Legolas had to convince a lot of tutors, masters, and officers that he wasn't like Eilian before they relaxed around him.

Celuwen's heart is already lost, though she'll spend years trying to pretend it isn't so.

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/20/2006
I'm going out of town for a week and don't have time to read the second chapter right now, but I wanted to leave a review of Ch. 1 before I left.

I didn't realize how much I had missed Eilian until this story popped up. He's my favorite OC. When we go back to his 'youth', we see just how immature he can be. I think the line: 'Eilian laughed, but to himself he vowed to follow Gelmir's advice and follow the path of caution, assuming he could find it.' sums him up quite nicely at that stage in his life. The trouble is: he can't always keep vows like that.

I had to laugh. If only he'd known Alfirin was going to be his sister-in-law, would he have made that wager? Interesting speculation.

Author Reply: I hadn't realized how much I miss Eilian either. It turns out there's a reason his father jumps on him pretty quickly. Eilian has not always proved the perfect son.

When Ithilden was betrothed to Alfirin, this little incident must have crossed Eilian's mind. He'd have to hope Alfirin kept her mouth shut.

Have a nice time on your trip. Enjoy the holiday.

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