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Brotherhood  by Bodkin 270 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/19/2006
Raksha reccomended this lovely story to me and I'm so glad she did.I don'tusually like little Estel stories but this is most enjoyable and i'm so pleased you keep Gilraen alive !

Author Reply: Thank you! Little Estel is unlikely to make much of an appearance - at least until he's bigger Estel. I think it's more likely to be about how the adults deal with the presence of a child. (One of my initial thoughts was to have Estel as a non-speaking role ... but when he gets older that might be a bit too much of a limitation!)

And oh yes. Gilraen is not only alive, she is a strong woman who will insist on parenting her only child - and on having her voice heard, especially if she disagrees with others' ideas!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/19/2006
ROTFL - so now the fountain is going to be a breeding ground for frogs. Good tale, as always. Looking forward to watching them all grow....

Author Reply: Elves are happy to co-exist with the natural world. A courtyard full of frogs is a small price to pay. (At least when the alternative is a house full of frogs.) Estel is already the twins' devoted admirer - and Gilraen is beginning to see a different side to the ruthless warriors.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/19/2006
I like the fact that Gilraen is suprised that the twins would 'adopt' Estel. I loved Elrond... and, of course, the twins. Though they are past the time of 'insane' Orc killing - the damage is done and needs healing. I will be glad to see that healing as you continue this.

Author Reply: Gilraen - at first, anyway - sees the twins very much as elven warriors. It must have taken her a while to see the playfulness hidden deep inside them.

And it is a big offer - Elrohir knows how much it will hurt to have little Estel grow up and old and die, even if Gilraen doesn't understand that side of the relationship. The twins are, I think, still badly affected by their mother's loss - and Elrond will be delighted if they can find again the inner child.

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/19/2006
Bodkin, this was too cute and I really hope you continue it. I love Elrond's thoughts on the twins and the return of playfulness - of life really, I suppose. There is nothing like a child to remind people of how wonderous the world is. I look forward to more!

Author Reply: That's exactly it! The twins have been involved in death for too long. They are no longer the driven elves they were just after their mother's wounding, but they have not indulged in happy things for a long time - and they are introducing Estel to the delights of boyhood in Imladris and seeing them all through a child's eyes. It will be good for them - and I think the relationship is essential for Aragorn. Without his 'brothers' he would have been even more alone - and that isn't good for a child.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/19/2006
Yes, I knew this would be freeing for Elrond's sons, and reassuring for their father as well. Yes, the lords of Imladris have needed Estel--needed him a great deal, certainly as much as Gondor and Arnor will need him!

Author Reply: I think the twins will be surprised how deeply Estel embeds himself in their hearts. They are ready for love again, really, although they know that it will come hand-in-hand with loss and sorrow. They are indulgent uncles at the moment - but they will become true brothers of the heart.

SeleneReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/19/2006
I can just see Gilrean's face.. tadpoles?? :)
It is good to see the twins open up in the presence of the child, you can almost feel their enjoment at Estel's happiness with the tadpoles.
It does indeed seem that they have learned something, keeping them outside the house.
Imladris will have to be prepared for the three of them, but hey, it did survive the twins growing up didn't it?

Author Reply: I don't think Gilraen is very keen on frogspawn. Or slimy things as a whole.

The twins are offering the child their affection and opening up to show him the delights of being a boy in Imladris. They know they are making themselves vulnerable to the pain of losing mortal friends, but they are doing it anyway - and, in the process, they are finding it offers them rewards far beyond their expectations. But they are adult - and they much prefer their baby frogs outside their bedrooms.

Imladris will watch - and enjoy the view.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/19/2006
‘But Gilraen…’ Elrohir protested mildly. ‘You said you wanted Estel to play in the mud …’ --


Boys will be boys. Even Heirs of Isildur and semi-adult Peredhil, it seems.

Estel really really really really really needs a puppy - the twins could help him learn to care for it, and it would certainly provide fun and love and access to lots and lots of dirt.

Author Reply: Elrohir is more than old enough to know better than to make provocative remarks like that - but he couldn't resist. At the moment I think the twins are more like indulgent uncles than brothers - and they are taking pleasure in introducing Estel to the delights of boyhood.

And you're a boy-and-his-puppy fan, are you? I don't know that Elrond would be keen. Imladris is a bit too elegant for dog hair ... But you never know!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/19/2006
Ah, but you brought more than one smile to my face as I read. So many little turns of phrase...

(I used to be able to see the review window and the chapter window at the same time and cut and paste between them, but this new browser doesn't seem to allow that)

It seems to me that there may be some healing going on, and that Estel is not only receiving benefit, but giving it.

Author Reply: Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed it! I think healing will go all ways - from Elrond to the twins and bringing in Gilraen, Estel and a lot of others along the way.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/19/2006
Lovely! I'm not sure I've read anything that touched on this time, early on in Ara - I mean Estel's - association with the sons of Elrond, though I have been contemplating it. I was very surprised to find that Arwen's first meeting with Aragorn was when he was 20 - so she was away from Rivendell 18 years? Did I get that right?

Who is Valandil? The name is familiar but I cannot place him, or his time, with the "other orphaned children" who were his companions. Is he the remaining son of Elendil or Isildur? Sorry to be so muddled over something I ought to know.

Having read your stories about Elladan and Elrohir's mischief (with a little Legolas thrown in on occasion), I think they are probably well-equipped to tackle the present challenge.

(How sad it must be for an immortal, to watch a baby grow to a man, and age, and die. Worse, even, than it is for a dog or cat owner.)

Author Reply: I suppose that, to elves, an absence of 20 or 30 or 50 years isn't really that long a time. After all - Arwen and the twins are nearly 3000 years old - Elrond is 6000. And elves count time in periods of 144 years rather than in individual years.

Valandil is Isildur's youngest son. He was born in Imladris in 3430 of the Second Age and became King of Arnor when Isildur and his other sons were killed. He was left in Imladris with, probably, his mother and other women and children, when the armies headed off to Dagorlad. While the descendants of Isildur were generally fostered in Imladris at some time in their lives, I tend to believe that they were educated there in early adolescence rather than arriving as small children to be raised.

Elladan and Elrohir were undoubtedly adventurous as children - I think they were brave and ingenious and enterprising and tended to involve themselves in activities that no-one would have thought to forbid - but they are undoubtedly adults now. I feel they would have encouraged Estel and widened his horizons - but that they would not have deliberately led him into mischief. He would probably have managed that on his own while trying to emulate them.

Watching those they loved grow up and age must have been almost intolerable for elves - and I suspect led many to avoid any kind of relationships with men. Could well have affected poor Legolas very badly in the aftermath of the Ringwar, I suspect.

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/19/2006
*giggles* Oh, too adorable. I'm looking forward to seeing what they get up to next!

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm sure Estel will be having a lot of fun - and that the elves of Imladris will take it all in their stride.

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