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Discoveries  by shirebound 57 Review(s)
AndreaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/18/2007
That's Mr. Frodo, always curious!

I enjoyed this little story a great deal, and no mistake ;-)

Thank you very much, shirebound, and happy holidays to you and your family!

Author Reply: Thank you, Andrea. :) Happy holidays to you!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/18/2007
Counting our blessings, a good sentiment for the season.
Young as he was, he knew that this Yule brought much to celebrate; the larders were full, the family healthy, and firewood was stacked high for the winter.

Frodo felt the most fortunate of hobbits; he had friends and a home, and knew he was loved and wanted.

And love these estimations the hobbits have of one another:
whether in work, smiles, or gifts, the Gamgees always gave the best they had. They were the kindest folk in Hobbiton, and no mistake.

Not only that, Mr. Frodo and Mr. Bilbo were the kindest folk in Hobbiton, and no mistake.

(wistful sigh) This part sounds so lovely:
Tomorrow he and Bilbo would deliver gifts of food and other welcome things to their neighbors before returning home to their own small feast. But tonight they would read aloud to one another for awhile longer, then raise a final toast before wishing each other a happy Yule and blowing out the lamps.

Author Reply: Awww, thank you. Frodo deserves a peaceful, happy Yule knowing that he's loved and safe. And so do we all. :)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/18/2007
This is so sweet!

And happy holidays to you as well, dear!

Author Reply: Thank you, Dreamflower. *holiday hugses*

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/18/2007
*snerk* "Sammy-wammy", eh? And I loved Frodo's trying to hide the baby talk from Bilbo, LOL!

Author Reply: I don't think Bilbo missed much around Bag End, but it's fun to think that Frodo thought he did, LOL.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2007
Oh, how sweet! I can imagine the two lads' astonishment to discover that no two snowflakes were alike!

Author Reply: I love imagining little, magical moments like this. :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/27/2007
Enjoyed this again. It makes me laugh the way Frodo is trying to be so proper and then fails like all adults around little, adorable babies. : )

Author Reply: Thank you for reading again! Yes, our serious, scholarly hobbits are not immune to the goo-goo charms of babies.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/27/2007
I've been doing some catch up reading this weekend and I found this. I love the idea of Sam and Frodo and the snowflakes. Elf magic indeed!

Author Reply: I think these two must have shared some very special experiences, to have bonded so closely. Thank you for reading! :)

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/23/2007
*giggles* I meant to review this when you first posted but have only just hauled myself out from under all the fluff! Really lovely tale, Shirebound, although I have to say Frodo sounds very grown up for 12 - 13! Is he one of those precocious children who use excessively long words? *coughs in embarrassed fashion*
I notice one of your readers mentions Frodo having lots of practice with Merry but Merry isn't born yet, so perhaps it was the other way round?! In my story of Frodo's childhood I have him bonding with baby Sam at an early stage, and I think it is so sweet.

BTW, I'm with Bilbo - I don't do nappies either! I have managed to reach my advanced state of decrepitude without changing a single one! :-))

Author Reply: Frodo's dialogue is rather adult here, but that's just the way this fluff-fest demanded to be written. Ah well!

Glad you enjoyed! Yes, I've somehow managed to avoid the Ordeal of the Diaper as well... so far. :)

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/22/2007
“And one of those hard biscuits for Sam to chew on, please,” Frodo said. “The rascal is gnawing on my buttons.” He lowered his voice. “Aren’t you, Sammy
wammy? Aren’t you trying to gobble up my button wuttons?”

“What was that, Frodo?" Bilbo called out.

“Nothing, Bilbo,” Frodo replied hastily. “I was just reminding Sam about proper speech etiquette and linguistics.”

*snort*snicker*bursts into giggles* Oh, my goodness gracious! Proper linguistics indeed! Yeah, right, Frodo! LOL!

This brings back recent memories. I don't baby-talk to babies (“You have to address babies seriously,” Frodo informed his uncle. “How else will they learn to speak properly?”"), but when it comes to my puppies, I'm worse than Frodo! One of my friends who isn't given to cooing over animals too much (so says she *smirks*), is always cracking me up by imitating me!

This is cute!
God bless,

Author Reply: Yes, puppies bring out the baby-talk in the best of us, don't they? Glad you enjoyed this, QG. :)

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/22/2007
Awwww! I have read many lovely pieces over time showing when Sam and Frodo might have first bonded. This is certainly the earliest one. The strong bonds of friendship they shared must have had deep roots. So, why not? I have seen time after time, grown-ups who are normally quite serious getting all mushy-brained and silly when clowning with a baby. This certainly rings true! Oh, I put in my vote for Bilbo finding ways to avoid diaper duty, no matter how many infant cousins came to call!

Author Reply: I get *totally* silly around babies, the poor things!

I think Bilbo will somehow continue to avoid diaper detail, that clever hobbit. :)

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