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A Rohan Tapestry  by shirebound 24 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/17/2007
So loving and sweet! If Sam didn't say that out loud that he'd take matters into his hands if Frodo didn't take care of himself, then I'm sure he was thinking it. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Author Reply: Thanks, Antane. I'm sure (and Frodo's sure) Sam was thinking it, too!

CuthalionReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/17/2007
“What... what did they tell you?”

“That you grew wings, flew into the air, rode an oliphaunt into battle, and lopped off the Witch King’s head while singing ’The Ballad of Isengar Took’ at the top of your lungs.”

*laughs helplessly*

Janet, this chapter is very, very heartwarming. And you do a wonderful job writing a loving, caring Frodo! *applauds*

Author Reply: Thank you! I think Frodo would have been a wonderful older cousin. :D

aprilkatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/17/2007
What a tender moment between the cousins, where Frodo shows his understanding of what Merry went through (even if he doesn't KNOW) and acknowledges the pain of Merry being abandoned over and over. Very touching.

I especially like that you give us what I consider canon Merry - “You’re always so brave, so helpful, so full of plans and strategies...” Frodo sighed. “Don't forget that sometimes you need us, too.”

I also love the little touches that show the bonds of the Fellowship, like Aragorn blowing smoke rings with Merry, or Gimli wanting to show them the Glittering Caves.

Author Reply: Thank you. It's such a shame that 'canon Merry' didn't really make it into the films. You have to read the books to really appreciate him, and his contributions to the Fellowship and the Quest.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/17/2007
“That you grew wings, flew into the air, rode an oliphaunt into battle, and lopped off the Witch King’s head while singing ’The Ballad of Isengar Took’ at the top of your lungs.”

LOL! You've been reading those bad Shire history books! You need to go have a talk with Jebbin ;-)

A wonderful, caring chapter. Merry *did* get left behind a lot and that does build up to a big hurt.

Author Reply: Hee, that *would* be right out of those books, wouldn't it? *grins*

Thank you, Pearl. Merry deserves lots of comfort and healing.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/17/2007
Beat that!

Is it a contest?

I admit, that's about all I had time to read, but have ferretted this away in my "want to read" pile. The bits and pieces that registered as I scrolled down to the review button at the bottom of the page looked lovely. If I had more than a literal minute of online time left I would linger...


Ah, hobbits.

Author Reply: *hobbity hugs you right back*

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/17/2007
“You’re always so brave, so helpful, so full of plans and strategies...” Frodo sighed. “Don't forget that sometimes you need us, too.”

That's the whole problem, indeed! And Frodo understands Merry best, because he is no better in that respect!

Great chapter, Shirebound! I'm looking forward to seeing them visit the Glittering Caves!

Author Reply: Thank you, Andrea. It takes a secretive planner to know one, doesn't it? *grins*

lbiloverReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/17/2007
There is so much loving tenderness in this, and the leavening humor that you do so well. It just made me grin when Aragorn confessed that Arwen wasn't crazy about him smoking his pipe. It's the touches like that in your stories that make them so wonderful.

Author Reply: I doubt Merry (or Frodo) have really had a relaxing, stress-free moment since long before the Quest began. They really deserve one.

Awww, thank you. I came across that Legolas quote again recently, and wondered if all elves (or half-elves) were equally dismayed when it came to smoking. Maybe Aragorn can win Arwen over, with time. :D

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/17/2007
Oh, the brother-cousins at their most brotherly, accepting each has been far too guilty of trying to protect others, beyond what is right. May they always be blessed.

Author Reply: Brother-cousins indeed! Conversations like this one are so healing -- for them, or for any of us.

Gentle HobbitReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/17/2007
Ah... Frodo and Merry are finally having the talk that they've needed to have all this while! I adore the way they were snuggled together, cousin protecting cousin. I also was very fond of Gimli's thoughtfulness in noting the nice, cool sand. I feel happy and contented now.

Author Reply: "Cousin protecting cousin" -- what a perfect way to sum up Frodo and Merry's relationship.

I loooove walking on sand, dry or wet. I think the hobbits might enjoy it, too. :D

Frodo BagginsReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/17/2007
Oh my goodness! Yet another dear, sweet chapter typical of your style. That was so sweet!! You do Merry and Frodo very well. I liked Frodo's version of what he heard about Merry's adventures. Bet he did it without cracking a smile, too. I love doing that to my siblings. Hantanyel for yet another wonderful chapter in yet another wonderful story.
God Bless,
Frodo Baggins

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Frodo. I always have to rush through the angst to get to the sweetness.

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