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Eucatastrophe: The Return  by Dreamflower 118 Review(s)
Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/14/2007
Well this is certainly proof that Frodo is healed. How wonderful to retrace that journey and see just how well he is, and how appropriate that Glorfindel has come to escort them - not to mention Asfaloth!

Dear Merry is a worrywart, isn't he? And the cousins find it funny! Well, who wouldn't?

Author Reply: I thought it would be very appropriate for them to re-trace that latter part of the journey with Glorfindel and Asfaloth.

He is. He doesn't like to admit it, but he does worry about his cousins. Sometimes he goes a tad overboard.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/14/2007
Oh, this has to be one of my favourite chapters yet! Frodo *is* healed! And now he is coming to realise it so much more fully! I also love the memories of the past woven in. And what a beautiful way to end this part!
God bless,

P.S. Merry? A worrywart? *gasps* No, you don't say! LOL!

Author Reply: Yes, he *is*. He will have a perfectly long and happy life in the Shire now. Well, I had to get in a gap-filler for "Flight to the Ford", for the challenge, but I was kind of planning it anyway, so it really did fit right in.

Naw! Frodo and Pippin are just imagining it, LOL! *snicker*

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/14/2007
Frodo looked right back. “I am no warrior; but I’m far from helpless.”

“Frodo you can’t be thinking--” Merry started to say, but Pippin put his hand on Merry’s arm.

Yeah! That's what I wanted to see! Frodo takes over the lead, Merry can't believe it and Pippin is simply glad to have his old Frodo back!

Frodo knocked out those ruffians quite nicely. And he didn't need a sword, only stones and a good aim. I'm impressed!

I also loved it that when it came to planning, Frodo (and the rangers) let Merry decide.

However, I can understand the rangers' feelings about being rescued by hobbits ;-)

Author Reply: Frodo takes over the lead, Merry can't believe it and Pippin is simply glad to have his old Frodo back!

Exactly! You hit the nail on the head! Merry's first instinct, as always, is to keep Frodo out of any possible danger, but Pippin, I think understands this one thing about Frodo better than Merry--for a number of reasons.

I don't think Frodo was ever terribly comfortable with a sword, and hobbit-like, a stone would be the best weapon for him.

While Frodo is the eldest, and is leading the small expedition, he knows that when it comes to strategy, that is Merry's strong suit.

*grin* It was *fun* having the *hobbits* doing the rescue!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/14/2007
Frodo, I do think you may be getting very nearly as efficient as Sam! Well, that’s a compliment, if I ever saw one!

It is so good to see that Frodo isn’t affected by the bad memories, or at least not much. Merry and Pippin are probably very glad he didn’t get a relapse at Weathertop; their fears weren’t completely unfounded, I suppose. And after he passed the Ford of Bruinen, too, without incident, I think they will be very reassured.

Nice touch, btw, to have Glorfindel meet them and to escort them the last part of the way to Imladris, just like back then during the Quest.

You do mean now I have to wait another month for more? *pouts*

Author Reply: Of course it's a compliment!

Bad memories are still bad memories--but they aren't flashbacks anymore, and they don't incapacitate him any more. Of course, Merry and Pippin *would* still be a little concerned--he's only just returned, and they haven't yet seen his reactions to these things.

It just seemed right to have it be Glorfindel.

And, yeah, we do. Next chapter is going to be a *real* challenge!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/14/2007
Oh! I want more! *pouts petulently* Meanie Dreamflower to make us wait *G*

Author Reply: Well, I have to write in my challenge elements, and they aren't as easy as these were!

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/13/2007
Yea, another update! :)

Oh, but that was a surprise! I wasn't expecting those ruffian guys to really mean harm. I love the suspense! And I love seeing Frodo as confident as he is and to get more backstory! And of course I love it when the Hobbits rescue/help the Big Folk. This has to be my favourite bit:

Pippin had always loved Frodo in a far different way than Merry. Merry had always been a playmate and a comrade, in spite of their age differences. But
Frodo had been someone that Pippin had admired and respected, more of a beloved teacher and mentor, though they had their own share of fun together.
Pippin had always been fascinated by Frodo’s confidence and determination and intelligent wisdom. And he had always known that someday he’d follow his
older cousin into Adventure.

Oh, how interesting! The next two paragraphs are wonderful as well. I can't wait for more! :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Little untold backstory: they'd moved to the vicinity of the new inn, in order to be able to prey on the people now travelling on the Road. When they got word that Rangers were in the area, they jumped to the conclusion that they were actually there to capture them. They thought that if they disposed of the Rangers, they could continue their criminal activities with no interruptions.

Frodo was 22 years older than Pippin. Pippin never knew Frodo when he lived at Brandy Hall. He only knew him after Frodo had moved in with Bilbo, and was happy with his life. And mostly he knew him best after Frodo was on his own, Master of Bag End, a confident and wise adult. No question that Pippin adored Frodo, but I don't think his relationship with Frodo was at all the same as that with Merry--on either part. And I think that one of the things Pippin recognized in Frodo was their Tookishness that they had in common.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/13/2007
Hobbits don't want a second helping? That's truly alarming! No wonder Pippin had to ask about food at the end ;-)

So Eradan and Mellor walked in a trap? Somehow I had expected something like this. Maybe it was luck that the Hobbits remained behind and were able to come to their rescue. Though it is probably a bit embarassing for the Rangers to have to be rescued at all.

What I loved most of this chapter was to see Frodo take the lead and then take part in the rescue itself and the overwhelming of the baddies. It's the most obvious sign of his healing for me, if I think back to the battle of Bywater and his refusal to take part in it. And he thinks Lord Frodo outranks the two knights? Oh yes, that is how it should be :-)
And it was good to see how the Hobbits worked together, each using his particular abilities, to do all this. Ah yes, this adventure is so much fun! I look forward to more!

Author Reply: Well, not so much that they don't want it, as that they were quite worried over their friends. But I will bet that they all had a big breakfast together when they all got back to the Inn!

They did. They might have even been expecting a trap--but the bad guys managed to get the drop on them more quickly than they thought. And, yeah, maybe a *tad* embarassing, LOL! *grin*

Yes, he did take part in this rescue. You are quite right about the Battle of Bywater. I don't think he would have ever used a sword again, but a hobbity thrown stone--well that's different, and he would want to help their friends!

He's more pulling rank as their senior cousin than as "Lord Frodo". That's always his trump card with those two.

I wanted to show how each of them had his own particular talent to contribute, and I'm glad you thought I achieved that! Thank you!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/13/2007
Finally an update :-)
This chapter was a lot of fun, from Frodo's reason for being up so early up to Pippin's confession about Bilbo's birthday cake *grin*

Hm ... this Ab Thistlewool is working for someone called Goatleaf? That in itself is highly suspicious, isn't it? Mellor and Eradan should be careful.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing it.

Highly suspicious, as you now know!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/12/2007
Oh well done but meethinks it 'aint over yet!

Author Reply: Not yet!

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/12/2007
Nooo! You cannot leave us hanging here for a *month*! It's not fair, you know! *grins*

The Cat and Fiddle! LOL! I love it! Yes, that should be the inn's name. I like the King's Rest too, but it sounds more Gondorian.

Again, I love the peace in this story. You had me worried for a minute though (along with the younger cousins). Yes, Frodo will always be a little over-responsible, but sometimes that isn't a bad thing.

I can't wait for the next one!
God bless,

Author Reply: As you can see, it's not for a month! I posted more than one part to the Challenge this month!

Well, I've not made up my mind yet--perhaps by the return journey!

No, Frodo still is a bit "over-responsible" as you say, but no more now than he was *before* the Quest!

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