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Night On A Bare Mountain  by Jay of Lasgalen 75 Review(s)
perellethReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/25/2007
I ma quite late in reviewing this! BUt boy I was so glad that Elrohir finally came to his senses and found himself in safety, even if he was not in IMladris... and now you let me wondering... is it GLorfindel, wargs, orcs? Poor Elladan, this one is gonna be difficult to forget!

Author Reply: Whoops - I'm even later in replying :(

Elrohir's still in pain and rather confused, but he knows he's safe now, and Elladan's with him. He'll wake up again soon, and get a clearer picture of what's happened.

MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/20/2007

Just when all was warm and cosy...a cliffhanger!! I love it!! The rest of chapter meandered wonderfully! I could sense Elladan's worry ease gradually through the chapter. A nice sense of well-being wound itself was through the chapter. The efforts at the two children trying to mindspeak was very amusing, and you get the feeling that that is exactly what Elladan and Elrohir as children would do! LOL!! Really enjoying the story!


Author Reply: Thank you! I wanted to contrast Elrohir's struggle to survive and Elladan's desperate search in the earlier chapters with the relative calm now they're together, and Elrohir is safe and cared for. Of course, the story isn't over yet ...

I'm glad you enjoyed the twins' earlier efforts at mindspeaking :>)

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/13/2007
Finally, I have a chance to sit down and read this. Elrohir looks like he's going to survive, although he's in pretty bad shape right now. But Elladan is right -- they were tremendously lucky. He's a good tracker, and Elrohir is one tough mutha. Even right now, they're lucky. They've got the cave, they've got the fire, and if their visitor turns out to be unfriendly, they also have the strong defensive position.

Author Reply: Elladan has Mushroom to help him, too. It wouldn't be too hard to knock an opponent off the path and down the cliff, even if Elrohir isn't able to fight just yet.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/12/2007
Having Elrohir there, sleeping, warm and (relatively) safe - Elladan must be so relieved! But even then - they are not in the safest of positions. I can't imagine they have enough fuel to last very long - and Elladan dashed there at such speed that he can't have brought much in the way of supplies. I hope Glorfindel gets there with the Imladris Mountain Rescue squad before whatever ominous event threatened in the last paragraph turns into something more dangerous. Elrohir is in no physical condition to run!

Author Reply: The mere fact of being together again after such a close shave is reassuring for both the twins. Now that Elrohir's injuries have been treated, the best medicine for him is the simple fact that Elladan is there. And for Elladan, he knows that although his brother is badly injured, he *will* recover.

Elladan has enough emergency supplies for a day or two, and at least there is plenty of snow for water! Glorfindel is on his way - and he may be closer than you realise.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/10/2007
Sometimes it is good to be so far behind in reading. At least that way I get to read four chapters at once and know they are together again. But of course I still have an evil cliffie! :-) Wow, this is great. The description of the environment is really vivid and the tension is great.

Author Reply: I'm glad you've caught up with the story! Thanks for reviewing, and especially for your comments on the descriptions and tension. I wanted readers to feel Elrohir's isolation and helplessness and Elladan's desperation.

The next chapter will be along before too long!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/10/2007
I’m glad Elladan only now got to think about all that. On the way fearing to never find his twin would have been truly horrible. Now, with Elrohir injured, but save it is not as bad as it could have been, though it must be rather haunting to think what could have been.

Elladan is surely glad his brother woke up and was lucid enough to talk a little bit; it has to be reassuring for both of them. Poor Elrohir, I know how it is to have a bad headache. Hope the herbs help soon.

But how can you let us dangling from the cliff again? I truly do want to believe it is only Glorfindel with the Imladris Guard, but knowing you, I don’t trust you not to send wargs, orcs or wolves instead!

Oh, and thank you for changing the part about Morel in the earlier chapter! That’s much better!

Author Reply: The way I see the twins, they draw a lot of strength and comfort from the other. It will help Elrohir just to have Elladan nearby, and Elladan can relax now that he knows Elrohir will recover. He knows how easily Elrohir could have died :(

Thanks for the reminder about Morel. I knew Elladan had tended to him, but just didn't *say* so. And watch Morel's reaction to the cliff hanger!

BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/9/2007
It's good to see Elrohir more coherent. I know Elladan sure is glad. I love the story about Elladan trying to will Elrohir the answer to Erestor's question. That was cute.

I sure hope that's Glorfindel outside the cave. I will be looking forward to the next chapter.

Author Reply: Glorfindel? Wait and see. And look at Morel's reaction :)

Elrohir is gaining strength now, especially with Elladan nearby. I'm glad you liked the part about Ellladan trying to give his twin the answers! Elrohir is usually more attentive in lessons.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/9/2007
I hate it when you have a moment, once terror has been ended, and you sit back and see the 'could have beens' - *shudders*

Both brothers need the comfort of each other for a little while - couldn't you have given them one more moment - for pity's sake!!!!

Now - to ponder what's next???

Author Reply: Poor Elladan. He knows Elrohir is safe now, but he's no fool, and can see clearly what *could* have happened. Yes, they need each other, and the night when Elladan slept with Elrohir in his arms will have strenghened them both.

Wait and see what comes next!

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/9/2007
Oh, My! That's a good way to end this chapter, has me wondering who could possible be on the outside of the cave.

Elrohir woke, but he sure isn't well, and Elladan is tending to him, and they are out there alone.

Please update soon...Great job!

Author Reply: Well, Elohir's awake, which has to be a good sign. Elladan is with him, which is even better.

As for what is outside - wait and see!

MithLuinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/8/2007
Oh, you are cruel! Not to let us know what is out there....

I hope it is merely Glorfindel, but I'm not sure I trust you ;). Good to see Elrohir awake and alert, though Elladan was pestering him, wasn't he?

Thanks for the update, and looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Glorfindel? It might be :>) You'll have to wait and see.

Elrohir is feeling a lot better, and it helps him to know that Elladan is there, depite his pestering. More soon!

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