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Might Have Beens  by Larner 147 Review(s)
TelpethoronReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/2/2007
This is one of those things I love about AU stories - change one small detail, and it's like watching a ripple expand in a pond. How different things could have been had Lotho taken possession of the Ring - the Scouring of the Shire might have happened much sooner than it did.

Author Reply: Yes, things would have been VERY different; it would have been a contest to see whether Frodo or the Black Riders got to Lotho first; and who knows what would have happened once the Nazgul got into the Shire, much less Saruman's bully boys.

The Scouring of the Shire at the beginning instead of the end? Indeed a scary thought!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/2/2007
WOW!!! (Note the Capital Letters!)

I can very well imagine that it might have been like that, had Lotho had a chance to steal the Ring.

And like Queen Galadriel I very much appreciated the Voice of Iluvatar here.

Lotho did not heed it, though! He's that self-centered that he even did not notice what the Ring called *him*: an orc in all but body.

And as I said before: Lotho did not take the Ring, It took him!

If this really had happened the future of Middle Earth would have been darker than dark! And Lotho's life would have been over, in one way or another.

Author Reply: Whether or not Lotho knew what orcs are is a question to be answered--he'd know the term goblin, I'd think; but "orc" is from the Elvish and might be foreign to his experience. But he must have realized it wasn't a flattering comparison.

So glad you also appreciated seeing the Voice of Iluvatar here--I think that Lotho would have received some kind of warning--or at least I'd feel it only fair that he do so. But--he's Lotho, and he's not likely to listen to Iluvatar any more than to his conscience, which he learned to ignore years ago.

It certainly would have drastically changed the story, though!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/2/2007
Oh, scary! This is truly scary!

Author Reply: I agree--VERY scary thought, Lotho with the Ring and the Black Riders already on their way! (Shuddering mightily!)

DaynawaynaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/2/2007
again with the Wow factor! I just LOVE this line:
What? Oh--yes--oh, I see you. I’ve felt you. Yes, an orc in all but body. Yes, you will do--you will do nicely. W O W.

That spoke volumes right there! I'm SO GLAD Lotho didn't get it! Wonderful Might have Been, Larner! More more more! :) (and maybe a happier one please? LOL)


Author Reply: Obviously that line struck chords in a number of folks.

And I'm also glad this is but a "Might Have Been" and not what really happened. As for more--let's see which plot bunny attacks next!

Frodo BagginsReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2007
wow! This was so sad! I'm glad this is just a might of been, too. But then again, Sauron may have been defeated quicker had Sam been like that. Of course, the Ring could have taken hold of him easier because of that anger and fury. Well, hantanyel, my friend. Great story, albeit sad.
God Bless,
Frodo Baggins

Author Reply: One day I just MIGHT try writing out this scenario, but NOT right now.

Glad it caught your attention, and good to hear from you! Thanks for the feedback.

Frodo BagginsReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/2/2007
Wow! That's kind of creepy. I'm glad that is only a might have been. :) I like the touch of Iluvatar's voice trying to protect Lotho from the Ring. That was cool. Great work, which isn't the least bit surprising.
Frodo Baggins

Author Reply: Yes, I, too, am glad it's only a "might have been."

And hanyatel!

DaynawaynaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2007
Hoooo-leeee... oh my.... wow..... Damn woman! Now THAT was intense! I just... wow. Amazing. I think I'm gonna like these! :)

Author Reply: Yes, that first one IS rather intense, isn't it? What would Sam do as the Ringbearer under such circumstances?

Glad you think you'll like these. And thanks for the feedback.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/25/2007
Well, I read it. Finally. What can I say that hasn't already been said? I dread to think of Sam when that horror hits home. I dread to think of what will haunt him along his way. I dread to think of the end of the journey for him. Will he have the will to come back? But Elrond is right: Sauron is doomed, because of his own evil. The thought that this all might have been avoided had they waited a few moments more is terrible.
God bless,

Author Reply: Maybe one day I'll write out the rest of this story, but not yet. If I do it'll be too intense to want to do much in the way of other writing while I work on it.

Maybe Frodo could have lasted those few moments more--but if he was convinced the shard was nearly to his heart I think he would have begged for this.

As for the horror hitting home--right now he's in shock, and in a rage the intensity of which even Sauron can't understand. Once that rage is unleashed....

Glad you could finally bring yourself to read it.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/27/2007
This was truly chilling and something I could all too easily have imagined happening.Very well written,I enjoyed it,if that is quite the right word.

Author Reply: Thank you, Linda. Yes, all to easily this might have happened. And glad it at least intrigued you--as you note--this isn't exactly comfortable to read.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/16/2007
Now that was frightening! I could see Sam doing that too. Very powerful.

Author Reply: Thank you, Grey Wonderer. The idea even has me somewhat disturbed.

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