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Alphabet of Arda  by Linda Hoyland 81 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 7/19/2008
Alas, the belief of youth at a certain point that sees all it doesn't see moving as boring. Heh!

Author Reply: I'm pleased this made you smile,thank you.Maybe Elboron had a boring tutor too!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 6/8/2008
Sordid, but in the end destroyed. Love the counsel Aragorn gives.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review.Aragorn is a wise man indeed!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 19 on 6/8/2008
I think that you do well with double drabbles. It gives you a little more elbow room to develop the theme. Liked this.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review .I'm pleased you liked my attempt at a double drabble.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/8/2008
We never hear enough of Radagast. Faramir was destined for the Rangers rather than the Guard from early in his life it seems. I love sitting in my parents' garden and watching all the birds coming to the feeders. Robins are my favourite.

One typo - site rather than side of the garden!

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review and for pointing out the typo which i've fixed.I love to see robins too. I love it that Faramir forbids his men to kill wild things for pleasure.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 4/25/2008
Ah, how perfect for the prompt! Heh!

Author Reply: THank you,I'm pleased you enjoyed it.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/23/2008
This is not an easy prompt to work with; but you've done a fine job, invoking Orome in the context of the Vala's field of influence, the hunt and the hunters. Nicely done.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review. This was indeed a tough prompt which took some thinking about!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/5/2008
Ah, poor lads, denied the deer they'd promised the wives! And Orome is being decidedly contrary, isn't he? Heh!

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review.I just hope the ladies don't tease their menfolk because of ORome's bad mood!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 4/3/2008
Ah--caught not so much red-handed as red-faced! Heh! Cute, Linda!

Author Reply: Thank you.I'm pleased you enjoyed this.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 16 on 4/2/2008
Very fresh and cute, like Pippin himself. Gotta watch out for sticky-fingered hobbits when serving pastries, though.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review.I would not like to have to get meals for Hobbits.There would be nothing left in my pantry!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/13/2008
A sweet ficlet; few things are as appealing as the combination of cute kids and puppies. Eldarion will doubtless enjoy many happy hours with "Nimble Nimrodel".

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review.I'm pleased you found this cute.I love to imagine ARagorn and his family enjoying lovable pets.

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