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A Maid Waiting  by Larner 110 Review(s)
FiondilReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/15/2007
Nice ending, Larner, although I would've liked to have had a chapter describing everyone's reaction in Bidwell to seeing Ivormil returning with Angthorn and how he adapted to his new circumstances there. But I guess we can't have everything. *grin* By the way, if this is the last chapter you need to change the story status from "In Progress" to "Complete".

Author Reply: Well, I COULD have written such a chapter, but found the idea of introducing still MORE new characters when this is supposed to be primarily a romance to be a bit daunting.

Tomorrow I should be adding the author's notes, as that's the last needing posting at this point; at that point the story will officially be marked "Complete."

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/15/2007
A lovely chapter.I'm pleased Ivormil was restored and I loved Aragorn's scene with Systerien.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you did, Linda! Thank you so for all your feedback.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/15/2007
I loved Aragorn's compassion towards Ivormil. I see now why his father wasn't punished more harshly. Is it fair on the patients to have the unqualified Ivormil helping and seeing their pain?

Author Reply: He might be unqualified, but he's now having his eyes opened to what others have done and what they've been willing to pay for the safety of the capital and the realm. And he sees how those able to minister to them love and serve them. Probably the first time since his mother died that he realized that there are those who suffer who need to be cared for, I'd think.

Am so glad you appreciate that Aragorn does feel compassion toward Ivormil.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/15/2007
Good to see that nasty spoiled lord punished as he deserved, though I thought the punishment for the clerk should have been no harsher than for his master

Author Reply: Yes, Canelmir is finding his just desserts; he probably also deserves to be branded as well, but the rest of the lesser lords would undoubtedly feel that threatened them as well, and would react badly to it, I fear.

So glad you could catch up!

EpiscopalWitchReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/15/2007
A sweet ending! Of course we readers could tell early on that Ivormil was going to be installed as Lord of Bidwell, but it was so in character - his new, improved character - that he didn't have a clue. I'm sure that Systerien will make a truly noble Lady of Bidwell and will be enthusiastically welcomed by the citizens. I especially liked Aragorn's comment that those who serve well in lesser capacities are all the more likely to serve well in greater ones. I love Ivormil's decision to make his courtship of Systerien as public and as obviously King-approved as possible so as to silence everyone who might object to her "low" birth!

Author Reply: Yes, all has come full circle as Aragorn and Frodo's influence help all to become new. And am so glad that in the end you agree Ivormil did well by approaching the King. Aragorn knows, if anyone does, that nobility is within the individual, not bestowed by being born to someone called a "noble."

Thanks so for following the story. I appreciate all the feedback.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/15/2007
What a lovely ending to this sweet story. I truly enjoyed the way Ivormil had truly learned humility, so that it was an entire surprise to him that Bidwell was returned to his keeping, and he was made its lord once more. And while in a way it was sad that his father had died without reconciling to him, it was probably just as well--if Canelmir had yet been living, he would not have appreciated his son's hard work in restoring the family name. He probably would have just been even more bitter and angry.

And Systerien has come a long way, too, from the shallow girl we met in the first chapter--and her willingness to sacrifice herself for the sake (so she thought) of the one she loved, also proved how well she too had learned the lessons set forth by the court of the Renewer.

But you *do* realize that you've left a couple of loose bunnies running around--I always find myself very curious about those criminals sentenced to serve in Arnor, and whether they learn their lessons, or just end up in worse of these days maybe you will answer those niggling questions...*hint*hint*pushes bunnies at you hopefully*

Author Reply: I am SO glad you appreciate this, Dreamflower, and we've missed you terribly while the effects of the storms kept you incommunicado.

They've all come about to become the ones they ought to be--all except for Canelmir, who had forgotten he ever had a choice to be different than what he was.

As for these new plot bunnies--I DON'T need them now! The ones I have are becoming SO persistent--as persistent as my cat Zubran insisting he get petted NOW! Only these insist on getting WRITTEN now! I've been losing a lot of blood over the situation, you see....

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/15/2007
I loved the scene of the investiture; as a Faramirist, to see my hero rewarded, crowned and gowned in silver and white, glowing with the moon's light...Sigh. And oh yes, Beregond's reprieve and reward countering the pain of his exile. Kingly justice indeed!

Author Reply: Yes, he is now the Prince of Ithilien, and deeply beloved by all. So glad you appreciated this.

It's a different POV of the investiture as I wrote it originally in "The Acceptable Sacrifice," of course; but I think those who worked within the Citadel must have been desperately proud of their Faramir that day, and honored the new King the more for his actions.

So glad you like it, Raksha.

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/14/2007
".......who has done well in the lesser service is more likely to do well in the greater service of this realm."

This was perfect, Larner. The ideal last chapter. Ivormil has learned his lesson and become a worthy lord for his people, and Systerien has matured into someone worthy to be his lady. I thought it was wonderful that she went to the Queen and he to the King, and Aragorn and arwen were so wise in their advice.

They named their first son after Frodo - how very fitting.

Author Reply: The story apparently hit both you and Kitty almost identically. Am so glad you appreciated this chapter and the resolution of the story. Yes, both are now mature individuals who have learned to put others before themselves, and they each went to the right person after all.

And of COURSE they would name their first son after Frodo! Who else?

Thanks so much for following this one.

Theresa GreenfalconReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/14/2007
A fitting ending to a terrific story - I truly enjoyed it... thanks so much!


Author Reply: I'm so glad it entertained. Author's notes to be posted on Monday.

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/14/2007
WaaHooo! *arms waving in the air* They are married. What a great, sweet and fluffy love story. *sigh* I adore happy endings, can you tell? *giggle* (you'd never know I am a 60-year-old Granny. I am so young-at-heart!) :)

Author Reply: And I'm 57, so know just what you mean, Neilia. Thank you so! Am glad you enjoyed this one. Author's notes to be posted on Monday.

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