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Seasonal Help  by Larner 31 Review(s)
eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/7/2007
Sweet Lord, Hobbits and Tape!! Now that's an image. Thank you for the wonderful holiday tale, I do think it will become a yearly classic (hey, "A christmas carol" had to start some where.)

A very Yule to you also and a happy New Year!


Author Reply: And a joyous season to you as well. I'm honored some would think to put this on the level of "A Christmas Carol," but I would suggest the following as well:

"Sent Unto Men" by Allasiel--one story I now read annually.

And the thought of Pippin and the package tape will stay with me as well. Thank you so much!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/7/2007
This was utterly delightful.I loved the idea of the Fellowship being allowed to be together again like this.The crib was an especially nice touch.
I pity Pippin and the sellotape!Well I know the feeling!

Author Reply: Yes, that is an image to stay with one, isn't it? Heh!

And it is fun and warming to think that they MIGHT have been given the chance to serve in this manner, even if they aren't privy to what particularly the scene in the snow globe references.

Thanks so much for the feedback, Linda.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2007
OK, I loved every word, especially the bit about Legolas insisting he was an Elf and the other elves not at all certain about that. Enjoyed Pip with the tape too and Sam and his cooking. It was all lovely! Happy Holidays to you and thank you for another year of entertaining fictions!

Author Reply: You, who write some of the most hilarious and yet thoughtful stories known to mankind, seek to thank me? I am most honored! And I can't tell you how much your work has meant to me, lifting my heart when my problems have seemed overwhelming.

I think we all love the image of poor Pippin wrapped with cellophane tape now, and what's NOT to like about Sam and his being prepared to see to the culinary needs of his companions? Heh!

A joyous holiday season to you as well.

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2007
Seasonal help indeed! And they say Ilúvatar has no sense of humor! LOL A lovely tale of the season, Larner. I think you must have been very sleep deprived to come up with this little gem. And Námo has a sweet tooth. Even I didn't know that! *grin*

Author Reply: I don't know who it is that thinks the Creator has no sense of humor. When the rector of the church I was attending at the time was made Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia some decades ago, one of the Bishops from the east coast who attended his investiture admonished him, "Anytime you would think that God has no sense of humor, remember that He has just made you a Bishop! That was told to me when I came to my ordination, and I pass this wisdom on to you." And I have always remembered that, and have made reference to it in my own stories, that Eru has at times a wicked sense of humor indeed.

And shouldn't Namo enjoy the traditional treats for the season? Why not? Heh! (Although he also appears to love Ritz crackers and cheese balls, you'll note! Or would they be Townhouse? Heh!)

Merry Christmas!

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2007
That was absolutely adorable!

Author Reply: Thanks so much! I just hope you can get some writing done again soon! Miss reading your updates and short stories.

HalrohirReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2007
Such a wonderful story! I immediately caught the "Father Christmas" reference, and KNEW I was about to read something pleasant and keeping with the themes of Middle-Earth and the season.

The observations the Fellowship made about Christmas traditions were delightful to read.

Thank you, once again!


Author Reply: Am so glad you did, although I didn't include the fights between the Father Christmas Elves and the Goblins. The Polar Bear had to be there, though!

So glad it gives pleasure. Thank you!

Mum's the WordReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2007
What a beautiful, joyous St. Nicholas Day gift! Excellently done, full of joy, humor, and little niggles of the original Letters.

Thank you for sharing this, dear Larner. It's left a happy smile on my face, and I'll enjoy re-reading it for many Advents to come!

Hugs and blessings,

Author Reply: I've loved the letters for years, and the poor, hapless Polar Bear. He had to peek in, after all. A joyous Advent and St. Nicholas Day to you, too.

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2007
Larner, Larner, Larner! Your bit of fluffy fluff is just what I needed to cheer my whole season. I love what you did with the Nine and our Santa. Just *sigh* lovely!

Author Reply: So glad to give some joy here, Neilia. Have a wonderful St. Nicholas Day.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2007
This was a joy, Larner! Very original and very believable. Thank you so much :-)

Author Reply: Glad ever to give some pleasure in my writing, Pearl. Thank YOU!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2007
Different peoples, different usages, but the same intent

This is a beautiful story, Larner. :)

Author Reply: Yes, different peoples but the same reasons for the season in the end. Am so glad it gave you pleasure, Shirebound.

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