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The Farmer's Son  by Lindelea 129 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/2/2008
A Bracegirdle, then? Hmmmm. From the Southfarthing, and looking to buy Took land? A relative of Lotho's, then, through his mother, or so it would appear. They are a liverish lot, as one of your characters once said, or so I recall it!

Author Reply: Oh, yes, you are recalling that right. I'm pretty sure that Pippin said it in "A Small and Passing Thing" though it might have been someone else.

Sorry to hear of the stress at work. Here's hoping you can come down for a little R&R&HC (the latter meaning Hot Chocolate, of course).

MaayaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/2/2008
Interesting start, a first curious event that I'm guessing is foreboding "the troubles". I liked the theme throughout the chapter about children, letting them move on, and such, and Chubb's character and situation was touching and interesting to read. It was fun to see how insulted Paladin was at the thought of an outsider wanting to buy Tookish land – partially touching in this case, partially somewhat amusing. Typical hobbit family pride and dislike of outsiders. :)

I like this story a lot!

Author Reply: Thanks, it's so nice to see the chapter through your eyes!

It seems to me that the Tooks must have been even more suspicious of outsiders, and bearers of family pride, than your average Shire-dweller, because they kept the ruffians successfully out of their homeland.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/2/2008
Ooh, aahh...the first rumblings of "the Troubles", as Lotho's relatives begin their efforts to "buy up land". Good for the Tooks that Paladin is so astute! I wonder how quickly he will make the connection from Bracegirdle to Sackville-Baggins?

I like the way you have the hobbit-land entailed! It sounds very likely and hobbity to me!

So, in this story, Paladin is running the office of the Took and Thain from Whitwell--does he ever spend time at Great Smials now for any business? And when will he remove there? *smacks head*just wait...she'll get to it...*

*grin* I am enjoying this take on things immensely!

Author Reply: Ah, yes, that mention of somebody or other buying up things, and Lotho suddenly and unexpectedly (not on Lotho's part, of course) owning "more than was good for him."

Y'know, I thought long and hard why Lotho couldn't get into the Tookland, the way he took over other parts of the Shire; and not being able to buy possessions there must have been part of it...

Yes... we'll get there eventually...

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/2/2008
This was really touching: the way Farmer Chubb yearned for a son he couldn't have and yet *not* blaming his wife for having none; the way Paladin was concerned about Tookish land remaining in Tookish possession; the way Eglantine interacted wih her daughter, not wanting to lose her...

Now, which of the Bracegirdles would *that* be? One of the good ones or one of the greedy ones? *is excited about the possibilities*

Author Reply: Thanks for hitting the high points!

Hmmm. I don't think this was one of the good ones. Or if it was one of the good ones, he was a dupe for someone else's nefarious plot.

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/1/2008
Oh my! If Pip's mum only knew what he knew...she would tie him to his bed for a month. Whooey! I remember finding out about some of my son's 'rambles' after the fact, and they were short! He was a 'Pip' for sure. I think that is why I love stories about the youngest hobbit the best. Hugs, Neilia

Author Reply: Ooo, tie him to his bed, what an idea! Reminds me of the old hobbit song where a wife grew so weary of her husband's wanderings that she tied him to a chair!

LOL, having raised a 'Pip' I can see how you enjoy Pippin-centric stories!

Hugs back.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/1/2008
Awww....Pippin! *hugs him and Eglantine*

You know, this is another of those occasions where fanfic has a huge advantage over conventional fiction. If this were an original fic, a lot of the wistfulness and mood would be totally lost--because the reader would not know what's behind all this. Or, to make the hidden sadness clearer to the reader, the author would have to be making all sorts of explanations. But with fanfic, the reader and the author *both* know what's going on, and all of these seemingly innocuous interactions between mother and son are laden with foreshadowing and angst.

Author Reply: Yes, to the reader they're laden with foreshadowing and angst, but to the mother... I tried hard to have her come up with reasonable explanations for her son's behaviour. Hopefully it worked!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/1/2008
I fear that Eglantine is sensing there is something--wrong--or different--or particularly special--about this trip. And she may well be afraid she won't see her son again before the next few weeks are up!

Author Reply: You know, if she is sensing something different, she's being very adept at explaining it away... of course, hindsight is 20/20.


MaayaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/1/2008
Ohh, the good-bye scene between Pippin and Eglantine was so familiar, surely familiar for anyone who has said good-bye to their mother when leaving on a trip. (Or at least, Eglantine reminds me a lot of my own mother here.) And it is such a sad scene, Poor Pippin, poor Eglantine!

Author Reply: Yes, definitely, that motherly feeling of being torn between wanting to "baby" them and rejoicing to see them stand on their own feet...


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/30/2008
This is off to a lovely start, but I was thoroughly confused; so I waited until there were some reviews (to see what others said and how you replied) before I left mine.

I too was surprised that they were still at the farm, though that does make sense with what Pippin says to Beregond. Does this mean that in this version Paladin is not The Took and Thain?

Tolkien *would* have Pippin say that, wouldn't he! hehehe

As I said, lovely start, Lin!

Author Reply: Thank you!

So many have been surprised to see this set at the farm, I may have to add an author's note of explanation! (Let me know if things come clearer in the next couple of chapters...)

Paladin is The Took and Thain, as that is canon, and this is strictly based in canon (at least, one interpretation of canon--my other stories are based in another possible extrapolation from what JRRT said. As a matter of fact, a lot of the early stories, and the later stories too, will mesh well with this one. It's just the "middle stories" that take a different path).

I hope that wasn't too confusing! I just came from a graduation party for a friend's daughter, and am thoroughly sugared-out.

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/27/2008
Poor Pip! He has quite a secret held in his heart. His poor mum doesn't suspect the truth in this tale. I enjoyed the 'betrothal tea party' scene. Your words made it all come to life in my mind. Love, Neilia

Author Reply: Thank you! It must be awfully hard for Pip not to spill this secret, you're right.

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