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Kindred  by GamgeeFest 54 Review(s)
AndreaReviewed Chapter: 20 on 11/21/2011
So, Thain Fortinbras feared that Lalia would leave him when he didn't banish Ami?
Well, some people might say: good riddance!
But obviously he loved her. And what could we say against that, especially after this story ;-)

I liked it that Rumbi followed Ami's advice and spoke some clarifying words concerning Pearl as soon as he arrived in Great Smials. That was the best way to end the rumours.

And of course I liked it that he lifted the ban. Ami however, seemed to be happy and content in Nohill. I doubt that she would have found that in Great Smials with Lalia as her mother-in-law!

Thank you GamgeeFest for this story! I enjoyed it a great deal!

Author Reply: He did love her, yes. I'm sure she had her good qualities. ;) He wasn't the easiest husband to live with either - most wives wouldn't put up with being put second to her husband's cousins. And considering how many cousins he has, that's a very distant second.

Ami learned the hard way that keeping quiet isn't the best way to go in most cases, but especially this one. Pearl is innocent and everyone needs to understand that. It's up to debate if speaking up would have helped Ami all those years ago, but she's not one to linger over should-haves.

Rumbi was always going to lift the ban. He didn't really need Pally and his sisters to ask him, but he may have waited a little longer to go visit her without their prompting. As Perry pointed out, it was not a good time for the Thain and Took to be taking off unannounced.

Ami has no complaints, that is certain! She's lived a full and prosperous life and never wondered "what if." She took what was given her and did the most she could with it - which was quite a lot! It is the Tooks who should be wondering "what if" for having lacked her as the Lady.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Andrea! I truly appreciate all your reviews!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 11/16/2011
Oh dear!

Just like Dreamflower it was my fear, too, that Lalia might interrupt the wedding ceremony! I'm glad this didn't happen.

But how can she banish Ami? At this moment of time, Peanut is the Thain - not Lalia! So, he just has to say "no", doesn't he?

I was reading this chapter over several days with several interruptions and just saw that a new chapter is up. Maybe, it will answer my question ;-)

Author Reply: In his Letters, Tolkien explained that the mistress of the house held the same authority as her husband, though she often did not exercise it unless he passed away. Lalia has no such qualms in this instance. She feels she's given her husband more than enough time to do something about Ami's behavior, and he's done nothing - except lie to Lalia. True, Fortinbras could still supersede her, but not without debate.

I tried my best to wrap up all the loose ends for you. :)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/16/2011
And I wonder why he didn't come. Am glad she feels it's right to say no to Rumbi, somehow.

Author Reply: He didn't ignore the invitation lightly. Ami will find a way to let Rumbi down as gently as possible.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 11/14/2011
Oh dear! Lalia's worked herself up into a find state! And using the sorts of words a respectable hobbit matron shouldn't even know, much less speak!

At least the wedding took place before she got there-- I was afraid she'd interrupt the ceremony, which would be worse. And I love the way Perry intercepted her.

So she's banished Ami? I am quite sure that Ami will be glad to be shed of her! But I have a feeling there's more...

Author Reply: Lalia was in quite a rage, wasn't she? Shouldn't know - I don't know about that one. As with all such words, everyone knows them but few admit to it. She certainly shouldn't be using them though, that's for certain!

I wouldn't put it past Lalia to have waited for the ceremony to end before bursting in - but on this one I think she was simply late. Either those gossipers didn't get to her in time, or she was otherwise delayed in getting there. After all, she could hardly leave elevenses with her cousin just to see what the Whitwells wanted with her husband.

Ah, Perry - he might not have known who Lalia was, but he did address her correctly (inadvertently of course!) ;)

She did give Ami the option, but of course we know already how Ami chose.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 11/10/2011
Oh my! Well, first of all I feel happy for Ami. She was so sure that Perry would come to get her, and she was right :-)

But what if Lalia finds out ... She will, won't she?

Esme's unease makes me nervous, too!

Author Reply: Ami's faith was well-placed so far as Perry is concerned. And Esme isn't the only one who's worried about what may come.

Lalia has eyes and ears everywhere. They'll have to be very careful.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 11/8/2011
Oh dear! Oh dear! *frets*

Author Reply: :D

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 17 on 11/6/2011
Oh my! For a moment it looked as if it really could have worked! Poor Ami!

So, Perry is a short form of Peregrin? That is VERY interesting!

And Pally met Eglantine for the very first time. At least we know that he will have more luck than his sister Ami.

Author Reply: It really could have. Ami certainly had everything planned out to a T.

Perry can be just as stubborn as Ami. ;)

He needs to remember to thank his sister at some point; he may never have met Eglantine otherwise. :D

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 11/4/2011
Oh, poor Ami and Perry, their hopes crushed just when things were looking promising (Ami's plan was actually well-thought out, quite brilliant in fact)-- but of course they would be, wouldn't they? And poor Sprig, his own youthful delusions squashed!

So Perry's real name is Peregrin, huh? And Paladin has met-- and flirted with-- a certain Miss Eglantine Banks. Somehow I think those two facts must be somewhat related.

Still on pins and needles as to what Lalia's going to do; and for that matter, what Ferumbras is up to...

Author Reply: Ami's far more proficient than anyone's given her credit for. Of course, she's had little opportunity to show that side of herself. Poor Sprig! He's learned the hard way that no one is perfect.


Just a few more chapters to go before all is revealed. ;)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/3/2011
How much time do they have before Ami's "escort" back to the Tooklands arrives?

It's really a shame that they have already found out where she is!
But I'm quite sure she will refuse to go with them as stubbornly as she did when Perry tried to bring her back ;-)

We'll see ...

Author Reply: Not enough...

They're Tooks - of course, it wouldn't take them long! Especially once Esme cracked.

We'll see... :)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 11/1/2011
Oh my!

That was such a well-planned conspiracy!

If it was'nt for Lalia, I would see a chance for a good outcome, but with Lalia involved and her curiosity aroused, bad things might happen ...

Poor Marcho!

Author Reply: The Tooks know how to conspire! Only ones who do it better are Brandybucks. ;)

Lalia is going to cause Trouble, I'm afraid.

Marcho is fine, don't worry about him. He'll get his lass, I'm sure. :D

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