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At Hope's Edge  by Cairistiona 352 Review(s)
EllynnReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/24/2010
Is it strange that Mallor's death shook me waaaaaaaaay much more than this little girl? But it is so. Perhaps I was "prepared" for it... or perhaps it is because we don't know anything about her, she is just "one of many", if you understand what I mean. I don't know.
Please remind me - do you mention this event in some of your later stories? I really can't remember, and I have some blurry feeling that you do...

Now I regret that I haven't read this earlier - before your later stories. I mean, I already know that this feeling of dread comes from the Nazgul, so a little bit of tension is taken from me. But then, perhaps I'd guess anyway? I'll never know. *sigh* But hey, although I know certain things in advance, don't think that your descriptions lose their strenght. The feeling of dread is so real, just like I read this without prior knowledge.

Author Reply: I imagine that it varies from person to person how a character death might make them feel--for some, the death of a child, even an unknown, is far worse than the death of a warrior; for others, sympathies may lie with the warrior more. One never knows, as a writer, which way a reader will go and that's the fun of hearing from readers. I do know that both the deaths affect Aragorn deeply, however!

And yes, I do tie all my stories together, because I'm trying to build my own little version of Eriador and Aragorn's life as a Ranger and Chieftain. So some things might not hit you as hard, having read hints of them in other stories first. But I hope that doesn't lessen your enjoyment of this story too much--like you say, hard to know if the sensation of dread might have been heightened, but hopefully that's not going to be too much of a detriment as you read this.

Thanks for the review!

EllynnReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/24/2010
Ok, I hate you a little less now. :) You made me laugh with this chapter, really. *lol* I wish I could be there (invisible) and see the scene. :))))
Perfectly written. ;)

P.S. A small lesson in astronomy. When seen in the evening, Venus is ALWAYS in the western horizon, and is slowly setting as the time goes by - because of Earth's rotation. ;)
But if you see Venus above eastern horizon (and it is rising, again because of Earth's rotation), it is dawn. ;) As the sky is apparently moving from east to west, and the Sun, which is at first deep bellow horizon, comes closer to horizon and the eastern sky becomes brighter, Venus apparently disappears, because the sky around it is brighter and brighter. Finally, a little before sunrise, we can't see it any more.
So, in your last sentence, if Aragorn is watching Earendil in the evening - and he is - it should be western horizon. :)

Author Reply: Ah, thank you for the correction.

Glad you laughed at that scene... it was definitely meant to counter the darker parts, and to show the depth of Halbarad's care for Aragorn and the depth of their friendship.

Thanks for the review!

EllynnReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/24/2010
You posted this way before I had come to SOA, so I haven't read it before, I am starting only now. And for this chapter, all that I have to say is: I hate you. How can you do this and make me cry like this? It's not just Aragorn's heart that is broken... I am writing this and still crying, you evil woman.

P.s. I sooooooooooo love your writing. *sniff*

Author Reply: Hee hee... thank you! I *am* evil, what can I say! I'm glad you, er, "enjoyed" this, although that doesn't seem the right word to use so I'll say I'm glad this chapter stirred your emotions, and glad that you're finally getting a chance to read this story. I hope you enjoy the entire thing!

AmrunReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 5/28/2010
This was an intriguing exploration of Aragorn's character. i loved his interaction with the Rangers and Elrond's childhood tales; such touches of reality are what really lent life to this story. Thanks so much for sharing.

Author Reply: Thank you, Amrun! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story and characterizations and took a moment to let me know. :)

LisaGReviewed Chapter: 24 on 2/6/2010
Great sorrow and great joy...all in one chapter!

It was good to finally see Aragorn talking to his father and sharing his fears, guilt (however unearned) and sorrows. He desperately needed that cleansing cry...very cathartic. I'm glad foster father and son are finally not estranged any more, though their relationship is still a bit tenuous due to the Arwen issue. :(

I adored the story of little Estel as the captive Mirkwood Princeling! Forty-eleven peppermint sticks sounds like a fair ransom to me! ;)

Author Reply: Thanks, Lisa... I never really bought into the idea in the movies that Elrond was so cold and unforgiving toward Aragorn. But I could believe, based on the fact that they did have this issue of Arwen between them, that there were times when Aragorn might misread Elrond and come to the erroneous conclusion that Elrond really never wanted to see him. I imagine things grew very awkward between them at times, although I don't think Elrond ever stopped caring deeply for Aragorn. So that's part of the crux of this story, another element of the sort of perfect emotional storm brought on by circumstance of his people, his drive to fulfill his destiny and bear up under all the other burdens laid upon him, and his physical health.

And glad you liked the bit about peppermint. *g* I've always seen little Estel as being a perfectly normal little boy with a very wild imagination!

Thanks for the review!

LisaGReviewed Chapter: 17 on 2/5/2010
That was great! I LOVE Glorfindel's confrontation with the had me chuckling with his cocky attitude after running the wrait off.

But oh! Then you sunk us into heartbreak with Halbarad's fearome injury. I was teary eyes as Aragorn tried to deal with the situation...his hearbreak for his best friend was plapable. *sniff!*

Author Reply: Ooh, it does my sadistic heart good to hear a reader was moved to tears! *g* No, I'm not really sadistic but I am glad you found this chapter both humorous and wrenching enough to bring out chuckles and tissues. The rollercoaster just never ends for Aragorn, does it???

Thanks for the review!

LisaGReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/5/2010
Well, I feel better now that Elladan, Elrohir and Glorfindel are with Aragorn and his rangers...Halbarad now has someone to back him up in his vigil watching over his Chieftain!

But oh, Aragorn is still wallowing in guilt and fear which is probably heightened by his pain and lingering illness. He really needs to somehow snap out of these perpetual feelings of failure and inadequacy.

Oh and neat tie in to future events...Aragorn saying that he'll remember to use fire against the Nazgul...he'll need it at Weathertop! :)

Ok...on to more chapters!

Author Reply: Thanks, Lisa! I have to say I was a little relieved when those three showed up, too! Somehow it always feels better when Glorfindel's around. He was so handy with Frodo, after all. ;)

Enjoy the future chapters! Thanks for the review. :)

LisaGReviewed Chapter: 8 on 2/4/2010
I was so glad that Aragorn's friend from the inn survived, but still, what a horrible loss!

The fight with the Nazgul and then to fend off the Black Breath was chilling. I felt as exhausted as Aragorn must have just reading it as he did in the fight itself.

Oh and I adore your Halbarad! Loved his rant telling Aragorn that he is indeed good enough! I only wish Aragorn would embrace his words of encouragement and wisdom, but I fear he's too beaten down physically, psychologically and spiritually to absorb the message and truly heal. :(

Author Reply: Thanks, Lisa... I often find myself wondering about all the chieftains through the years that had to deal with similar tragedy. Such a hard road they all had to walk, and I hope that each one had a Halbarad by his side to encourage and prop up. Halbarad has his hands full this time, for Aragorn's definitely in a state, and now he has the Black Breath working on him as well.

Rest up, because the story doesn't get much easier for quite some time!

Thanks for the review!

LisaGReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/3/2010
What a heartbreaking story so far...I can't imagine the indescribable pressure Aragorn must be under! Bad enough that he has the hope of his people resting on his shoulders, but also all of Middle Earth! And if he doesn't succeed in vanquishing Sauron and winning the throne of both Gondor and Arnor, he doesn't get to be with the woman he loves. How does a person deal with all that, plus all the heartache he sees as the leader of the Dunedain? You do an excellent job of relaying Aragorn's waning hope and increasing despair at his the feeling of losing control over events and being unable to come out victorious in the end. I would want to run away, too!

I look forward to reading the rest of the chapters, where, I pray Aragorn can reclaim his hope and his spirit.

Author Reply: Thank you, Lisa... this one is definitely a heartbreaker for Aragorn, darker than my other stories but still with moments of light and friendship. Aragorn has such a seemingly insurmountable task in defeating the forces of Mordor, and doing so with a people who, while fierce and brave and noble, are facing near extinction. I can't imagine how he kept his hopes up, other than with a lot of help from those who love him. I hope you enjoy the story as it unfolds... thanks for the review!

CanafinweReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/1/2009
There is something very strange, very unnatural, about Aragorn's urge to run. Not only because he isn't the sort to flee from fear or peril, but your writing imbues this feeling with such eerie urgency... *shudder*

The exchange between Halbarad and Aragorn is so painful. These two, as close as brothers, are not even able to express their grief or to find solace in one another's company. Their attempts at affable banter further underscore their desperate struggle to maintain control in the face of the terrible loss of their youngest compatriot. They need a hug, very, very badly!

"Aragorn winced. He *knows*." These four words speak volumes about Aragorn's state of mind. He is teetering on the edge of despair, afraid to confide in his cousin, unable to trust others to help him shoulder his burdens. How difficult it must be to be "the hope that all look to" when your own hope is flagging! But if he could not even confide in Elrond, Halbarad has little hope of piercing the darkness to reclaim Aragorn from it.

No danger WHILE they were being attacked, but only after? What on earth is going on here? It seems my earlier feeling was right: this fear isn't natural at all.

The scene with Mallor's mount was heartwrenching. Aragorn is even trying to bear the burdens of the horse! It seems impossible that he can keep this up much longer, but there are many, many chapters remaining. I confess I'm not sure how he can bear it! (Though I have no doubt that I shall enjoy it immensely).

The touch of camp humour with the remarks about Ranger cooking and Aragorn's rancid sausage are a welcome respite from the sombre tone of the rest of the chapter, but even here there are sobering notes. The men are afraid for their captain -- and rightly so, but that Aragorn's distress is so visible speaks volumes about his mental state. But of course "aye, every inch a king", he is not to be rebelled against: "The watches stay as they're set."

All in all, a chapter filled with foreshadowing and turmoil (and nasty meat!). I look forward to seeing where you take this.

Author Reply: Thank you most kindly, Canafinwe! I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter, with all its eerie foreboding and hints of darker things to come. You're right when you say that Aragorn is not one to run from battle, but he is also one that can rightly judge a field of battle and wisely retreat to fight again another day, and this is a situation where he feels that is exactly what is called for. Just what they will be fighting remains unknown, though! And even in the midst of turmoil and dangers and inner struggles he dare not speak aloud, there is still room for lighter moments. I've always felt Aragorn likely found refuge at times in lighthearted moments and never did he need it more than this day.

So... many layers to this chapter, and I thank you for touching on them all in your review!

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