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Midsummer in the Year of the Fall of Sauron  by Cairistiona 24 Review(s)
CassoReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 3/19/2009
Do you still have that fan? Wow, That is, IMHO one of the best "Wedding night" stories ever. I'm sure the pain suffered in the getting of each scar would have been somewhat reduced if Aragorn had known what Arwens treatment was to be.

"Then she slowly and gently kissed each of his scars, touching them with featherlight caresses of her soft lips and by the time she reached the last one he was shattered."


Thanks for that one.

Author Reply: No, you kept that one, but here's another! *hands over fan*

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed this... and you make a very good point. I'm sure Aragorn might have gone out and gotten more had he known what awaited. *grin*

Thanks again for the lovely review!

RSReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/17/2009
From a hopeless romantic, I throw my hands down to you and bow! WoW!

I knew he was a man after my own heart---Chocolate!

This made me laugh (Aragorn striking a pose "arse first", trying to look manly with a an uncontrollable "peek-a-boo" silk robe); made me swoon (Aragorn squatting and duckwalking looking for the perfect petals from the white tree, arranging a rose on the pillow); made my heart go pitter patter (no explanation there) and made me cry...the scars!

I've read so many beautiful interpretations of Arwen's and Aragorn's first night but this one has been etched in my mind. Aragorn's insecurity about his scars and his fear of how Arwen might react to them.... and Arwen's answer to him after seeing them. My heart just melted.

This was so beautiful! I have yet to read something that touched me so like this. BEAUTIFUL!

Author Reply: Thank you, RS! I'm so glad you liked this and that it touched you. I always feel I'm taking a chance with my oddball humor, so I'm glad you enjoyed the blend of humor and angst in this. "Uncontrollable peek-a-boo silk robe"--I love that! That's exactly what it was. It seemed to have a life of its own. I'm a bit surprised he didn't hack it to bits with Andúril, actually. ;) Thanks again for the lovely review.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/17/2009
A non-smutty, but nonetheless rated R for eros fic? *face is plastered with silly grin* I love romance writing, but won't read descriptions of sexual activity for moral reasons, so I always appreciate it when authors "fade to black." And you cut away and let Aragorn and Arwen have their privacy at just the right time!

I really enjoyed how human this fic felt. Rather than rarin' to go, Aragorn had to endure nerves, doubts, and even brief bits of humor. So glad he didn't go for the robe and slippers!

Thanks so much; this was a lovely treat for Valentine's Day!

Author Reply: Thank you, Celeritas... I have much the same views as you do about romance vs. erotica. I don't like erotica, and I wanted to be sure that even though this didn't cross that line for me, the rating was there in case it might have for others. I'm glad you felt I didn't cross the line. Fade to black is definitely the only way I can write romance (when I take the rare plunge into that genre). Glad you liked the "humanized" Aragorn... I just can't imagine him not being beset with doubt and jitters. And yes, no slippers for our rugged Ranger! Thanks for the review!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/16/2009
Ah! Fantastic! Yes, she would do this!

As Elrond's daughter and undoubtedly also gifted with the healing afforded by Earendil's bloodline, I suspect scars would not be a new thing to her at all, and at his age Aragorn should perhaps have known this. But this acceptance of the sacrifices made evidenced by these scars is beautiful and oh, so right!

I have Rosie doing much the same with Sam, when Sam is not certain how she will respond to his scars on their wedding night. I am so glad to see the same qualities in both women, wives of true heroes! Thank you for this!

Author Reply: Thank you, Larner, I'm glad you liked this. I haven't read your Sam story, so interesting that we both came up with the same conclusions about how the wives would react. I too think Aragorn probably should have known better, but self doubt has a way of clouding one's judgment, and Aragorn was a bit overwhelmed by jitters that night. Thanks again for the review!

Lady_RoisinReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/15/2009
You already know how much I absolutely love and adore this story. It was one the best wedding gifts we recieved, hands down. I'll take this wonderfully thought out story over 5 of the same toaster anyday! (Ok, that didn't happen to us, thank goodness, but you get the idea.)

oh gosh, I could go on and on about all the parts I loved in this. Aragorn's anxiety, his troubles with the robe, moving the roses, false alarm with the maid. But I was so deeply touched by the emotion in this story. You also handled the intimacy very tastefully, and I love how you did it. It was the perfect blend of humor and heartfelt emotion. Even though it was about Arwen and Aragorn, it really felt like it was written for my new husband and I too. The message this story carried was so very touching to me, truly. I did require tissues when I read this, but trust me, they were tears of joy. :-)

Again, I don't know how I could ever thank you for such a wonderful wedding gift, thank you! "hugs"

Author Reply: Thank you, Roisin... I'm just so glad it all worked out so I could get the story posted for you for your big day. :) And I'm so glad you liked it! It gave me great joy to be able to dedicate it to the both of you. Best wishes! Thanks for the review.

ThorongirlReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/15/2009
*Fans self*. Oh me. Oh my. Oh dear. Hand me that fan again, will you? *Wipes forehead*. Phew. Wow. *Cough* Well, Caristiona, that was simply marvelous. And I agree with Calenlass Greenleaf. Definitely worth more than one reading. Poor Aragorn. I guess even kings get wedding night jitters and honestly, can’t remember if I’ve ever seen that particular aspect of married life so brilliantly written.

“I will need at least an hour.” I can just picture his crestfallen look. Poor guy. But after all the waiting he’s endured, what’s another hour? Apparently a very long time. A nice dose of solemnity there with Aragorn reflecting on how Arwen would react to his scars, but then right after that you had me laughing out loud: “He struck a ridiculous pose, placing an fist on one hip and flexing the other. "Prepare to swoon, fair maiden, for your brave hero has arrived, arse first!"

The bit about the slippers was great. Oh, definitely too “womanish” for our only recently retired ranger. But the best part was about the robe. Oh my heavens. Fantastic. Yes, it’s no doubt difficult to *arrange* the robe just right. But of course I couldn’t help but giggle when the robe kept coming open.

“He crossed his legs at the ankles and tried a smile. He felt utterly ridiculous.”

Glad he changed out of that ridiculous robe, too. Too difficult to think of Aragorn in such a tame garment. The tunic and breeches are definitely a good choice *Swoon*.

And the new king likes chocolate? Hehe. Now unless I miss my guess, that’s definitely a nod in Viggo’s direction since he has quite a reputation for loving chocolate. Either way, it was sweet. *Groan* -- hope you don’t mind my silly jokes.

“And he realized he was weeping, and it made no sense but to feel this perfect joy at last, untainted, unstained by shadow... it was too beautiful and he started to shake and it made no sense... he should be laughing and dancing and loving her but all he could do was cry...”

*Wipes eyes* OMG, that was brilliant. Such a wonderfully emotional night for our king. Here at last, the moment he’s waited for so long. And then, the magnitude of all that’s had to occur for him to be in this spot, this moment, is just so overwhelming. You brought tears to my eye with that scene. So incredibly tender.

"Estel," she whispered, and he felt her in his spirit, closer than she had ever been and it was warm and enveloping and gentle and fierce and protective. But he still could not bring himself to look at her.”

*Melts* That whole last section was amazing. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever read a more touching portrayal of Aragorn’s and Arwen’s wedding night. Simply breathtaking.

All right, I’m going to read it again tonight before I go to bed. But first, just one little favor? Hand me that fan!

Author Reply: *hands over fan*

LOL... thank you SO much, Thorongirl! You do know how to make a writer feel brilliant! I so enjoyed reading your reactions to all these different parts of the story. And yes, that was a nod to Viggo's passion for chocolate. *sheepish grin* I try not to go too overboard with the fan-girly stuff but sometimes I can't resist. "My" Aragorn has quite a sweet tooth, I have to say. Chocolate, peach pie ... who knows what else he might try as I continue to write him.

Regarding the clothing... I think when he's being himself, and not acting as King Elessar, it's simple, comfortable clothing. And yeah, NO slippers! *grin*

Thanks again for such a lovely review... and no, I don't mind your silly jokes at all. :)

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/15/2009
A delightful Valentine's Day gift to us all. I really do enjoy your perfectly balanced mixture of humour and poignancy. To see Aragorn defeated by a robe, and to imagine him consider waiting for Arwen on his wedding night in his boots was delightful. On the other hand, the scene in which Arwen aknowledges his scars was beautifully tender and touching, and a lovely ending to your story.

Author Reply: Thank you, Estelcontar! "Defeated by a robe"... what a good way of putting it! LOL He's been up against nearly every foe imaginable, only to be put in his place by a bit of fabric that *wouldn't* stay in place. I'm glad you liked this, in all its aspects. Thanks for the review!

lotr_loverReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/15/2009
That was truly lovely. Funny and warm and witty and--just lovely.

Author Reply: Thank you, lotr_lover! I'm glad you liked it.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/14/2009
Wow! That was utterly beautiful and rather hot! LOL! Happy Valentines Day to you. Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: Thank you, Elflingimp! I'm glad you liked it. And yeah, it did get a *tad* hot. *grin* But in a tasteful way, I hope. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

utfrogReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/14/2009
A perfect Valentine's Day gift - thank you. Tastefully handled, but if you wrote an X-rated version, I'll send you my email!

I love stories that touch on the earliest days of Elessar's reign. There was so much to do and learn. Imagine how nervous the palace servants must have been before they learned of their king? What about the palace children? There had to have been widowed mothers who suddenly had to bring a baby to work. So very much was going on while the city was rebuilding.

This is a great story and very beautiful.

Author Reply: Thank you, utfrog! No, no x-rated version available, sorry. I tried, and it was excruciatingly awful and quickly deleted. LOL But like you, I'm also fascinated by the first weeks of Elessar's reign for those very reasons you state (and I hadn't thought about the widows needing to report with babies in tow... interesting point). I think Aragorn probably had a lot of grief to deal with and very little time in which to do it, and then just adjusting to peace (or relative peace) after a lifetime living on edge. And the simple things like "Where do I eat breakfast?". There's plenty of fodder for the imagination in just those things. Thanks again for the review!

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